The Divi dashboard does not appear to edit design


Indeed, the problem persists, I have already made the changes that they recommended and it still does not allow me to build a new page from scratch, or edit when choosing a design for, because in both cases the Divi editing box does not appear.

I had to remove the home page and others, because they were designed with Elementor, I thought there was a conflict with that, also I removed all the plugins I had, including Elementor and the problem persists.

The pages designed with Divi, on the previous server, have no problem, they can even be edited correctly.

Verifying the Cpanel, I don’t know if this configuration of WordPress+Divi (service that I acquired) has to do with it, I have tried to configure it but it does not allow me, I get the ERROR message.

Best regards


Magaly Aldana


Answered: 08/25/2021 1:41 am

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