The images of the credit cards that stripe exhibits in…

Hello jhon,

I do not have any registered user and I only work with hypothetical data, except for the credit card data that I take from exclusive Stripe examples for testing. You can try with the following information:

Name: John
Surname: Cardona
Country: Denmark
Address Camp 1: Rådhuspladsen 1, 1599 København
Address Field 2: Copenhagen City Hall, Address
Postal Code: 1599 Kobenhavn
Credit Card Number: 4242424242424242
Expiration: 02/19
CVV (Security code): 456

When you put the purchase in the cart and click on “finish purchase”, it takes you to the “Finish Purchase” page, where the customer is given the option to register or not, but in this case, all the data is filled in possible; then the payment method is selected, that is, Stripe, the “Go to Payment” button is clicked, and that is when a box appears asking to enter the card number and other data.

Logically, when the payment is confirmed, the payment receipt is shown to the customer and therefore, not the fee that Stripe charges the seller, this information automatically reaches the orders section of the Woocommerce module, for this, I have attached a screenshot of an example where you can see the fee.

I hope I was clear, but if you still have questions, please let me know, no problem. Thanks.



Answered: 03/15/2017 10:32 pm

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