The SEPE notice to people who have contributed less than 12 months: this is the benefit they can collect

All contributory benefits oblige the citizen to contribute a certain amount of time to be eligible for their collection. It happens with pensions and also in unemployment protection, specifically in the contributory benefit for unemployment, unemployment.

Unemployment is the most paid unemployment benefit of all those paid by the Public State Employment Service (SEPE), with almost 703,000 beneficiaries. But, in the case of not reaching the necessary contribution, it will be impossible to collect the benefit. The requirement to meet is to have contributed for unemployment for at least 360 days within the six years prior to the legal situation of unemployment.

That is why the SEPE has warned that, if the contribution that requires unemployment is not reached, a person who is left without a job has the option of receiving the subsidy for insufficient contributions.

This subsidy, as its name indicates, is the one that is intended for people who have not reached those 12 months of contributions that unemployment establishes as a collection requirement. In this way, the assistance system guarantees a minimum protection to the worker as compensation for a contribution that, although it was insufficient to receive unemployment, occurred and therefore gives him the right to receive benefits.

Requirements to collect the subsidy for insufficient contributions

However, there are several mandatory requirements for the collection of a subsidy for insufficient contributions. They appear collected and are the following:

-A contribution for unemployment of at least three months if you have family responsibilities and at least six months otherwise.

-Being in a legal situation of unemployment. The SEPE of a list of all the situations that suppose a legal situation of unemployment.

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-Sign the activity commitment with the SEPE.

-Be registered as a job seeker ().

-Not have income higher than 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary in global calculation. In the case of being integrated into a family unit, all the income of the same is taken into account and will be divided among the number of members.

How long does the subsidy for insufficient contributions last?

There is no set duration. The SEPE explains that “it must be taken into account that the duration depends on the number of months contributed and whether or not you have family responsibilities.” Therefore, the durations can be the following:

-In the case of not having family responsibilities, the subsidy will last six months.

-In the case of having family responsibilities, it will depend on the contribution: it will be 3, 4 or 5 months for people with 3, 4 or 5 months of contributions and 21 months for people with at least 6 months of contributions, renewable for periods of 6 months each.

How much is charged with the subsidy for insufficient contributions

The subsidy does not differ from the rest of the subsidies and its amount will be 80% of the Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income (IPREM), which experienced at the beginning of 2022 left this figure at 463.21 euros per month.

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