The super guide to make a successful Facebook Live – Tiendanube

A Facebook Live is a streaming tool designed by Facebook that allows you to broadcast live videos, interacting with followers and a captive audience in real time through this same social network.

have you done any Facebook Live or have you participated in any? This powerful tool, implemented in 2016, came out as an alternative to the late Periscope and gained relevance on Facebook, becoming a great option for brands and content creators.

In this super guide we will talk about what is a facebook live, the advantages of doing it and how to do it like a professional. At the end of this content you will find super valuable tips that will not only help you improve your process, but will also drive you to obtain better results. Don’t miss them! 😉

What is a Facebook Live?

A Facebook Live is a tool designed by Facebook to be used within its platform, which allows you to broadcast live videos, as well as interact with followers and a captive audience on this social network.

The Facebook Live They are a reflection of how Facebook, now Meta, has managed to capitalize on trends and audience needs, since it adapted the innovation that Periscope had known how to position at the time and included it among the content creation alternatives available to its millions of users. The sample? Periscope saw its last days as a Twitter property, while Facebook continues to offer this alternative, spreading to other properties like Instagram.

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Why do a Facebook Live?

The reasons to do a Facebook Live there are several and depending on your brand and the objectives you have in mind will be their importance. Here we show you some of the most attractive:

  • Because it helps you connect with your audience.
  • Increase the engagement and other metrics.
  • It is useful to give identity to your brand.
  • Help differentiate yourself from the competition.

I explain each of them in a few words to encourage you to include them in your strategy.

Because it helps you connect with your audience

Being able to answer questions and answers from your followers is a great way to connect with your audience, listen to their concerns and find out what they like.

Increase the engagement and other metrics

The immediacy and the format encourage sharing and participation in this content, which is why they tend to increase the likes of your page, the reactions (I like and I love it) and the followers of your Fan Page.

It is useful to give identity to your brand

Whether you use a spokesperson or you decide to star in the broadcast, it is a perfect channel to talk about your brand, its values ​​and what it projects.

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Help you stand out from the competition

No brand is the same as another and even if they sell the same thing, it is likely that both have a different vision of their products, this being an ideal forum to show it to the audience.

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How to activate Facebook Live on your cell phone?

Facebook has simplified the way to access the tool Facebook Live, heor all you need to do to activate Facebook Live on your cell phone are these two steps:

  1. Access your personal Facebook account or your brand page.
  2. Authorize Facebook to have access to the camera and microphone of the device you want to stream from.

Clever! You will already have activated the function of Facebook Live and you can start broadcasting live.

How to enter a Facebook Live?

To enter a Facebook Livedepending on its configuration, the steps to access one of these transmissions are:

  1. Click on the area of ​​the live broadcast.
  2. When the video is enlarged to full screen, give a second click to view the comments.

At the bottom you will see all the active functionalities, allowing you to Like, Love, Comment, Share and Request to join, a tool that allows you to activate your camera and microphone to join the broadcast as a guest of who is starring in the Facebook Live.

How to broadcast live on Facebook?

Let’s get into action! Next I will explain how to broadcast live on Facebook ochow to make a live. Take note!

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Select the “Live” option from Facebook.
  3. Write the description of the event.
  4. Add the details: filters, logos, and more.
  5. Click the “Start Live Video” button.
  6. Greet and interact with your viewers.
  7. Click “Finish” to end the broadcast.
  8. See the post again on your timeline or page.

Let me explain a little more about how to do a live on facebook to answer all your questions.

1. Go to your profile page

Log in to Facebook and go to your brand page. Whether you use the Facebook app or the Meta Business Suite app on mobile devices or want to stream from your computer, make sure you’re on the account you want to stream from.

2. Select the “Live” option on Facebook

Similar to how you publish content, click the “Create Post” button or if you are in the Business Suite app, click the button with a “+” in the bottom center of the screen . Select the “Live Video” option and wait for your device’s camera and microphone to activate.

3. Write the description of the event

On the screen you will see the legend that says “Tap to add a description…”. By doing so, you will enable a text box where you can include a description according to the event you are about to broadcast. Some of the recommendations for writing this text are:

  1. Be brief. The recommended length is one short paragraph.
  2. Include keywords related to the topic you will develop.
  3. Be persuasive. Generating curiosity in your audience can help you gain views.
  4. Be friendly. Invite the audience to have a good time.
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4. Add the details: filters, logos, and more

Once you have the description ready, you can add other details, such as filters, related links, a button for viewers to message you via Facebook Messenger, add your location or hashtags in the description box to make your content visible to viewers. look for the hashtags you included.

💡 Tip: if you find yourself doing Facebook Live for a special event or date, you can include hashtags related to the season, such as #SanValentin or #DiaDeLaMujer just to give an example.

How to configure the privacy of a Facebook Live?

At the top of the screen, next to the name of the account in which the live will be broadcast, you will find who will be broadcasting, if it is for everyone, for only those who follow you and you can even limit the scope by doing so private.

How to make a private live on Facebook?

Click at the top of the screen, where it says which audience the item will be available for. Facebook Live and change the configuration by selecting the “Only me” option among the recipients.

👀 Eye! This option will not be available if the account you want to stream from is a Brand Page or public profile.

5. Click the “Start Live Video” button

Now that you’ve included all the details of your event, it’s time to click the blue button at the bottom of the screen that says “Broadcast”. Make sure the screen and orientation from the device you are streaming from is correct and maintain it while streaming.

💡 Tip: support yourself with a tripod or a video stabilizer to avoid unnecessary movements and that the transmission looks improvised or with little planning.

How long can a live broadcast on Facebook last?

In 2022, a Facebook Live can last up to 12 hours, according to the . Previously, a Facebook Live it could last up to eight hours, however today you can stream for up to 12 consecutive hours before the stream automatically ends.

How long can a Facebook Live last?

The recommended time for a Facebook Live is at least three minutes according to . Facebook prioritizes longer transmissions, so if you can spend more than three minutes in front of the camera, the platform will reward you.

6. Greet and interact with your viewers

Take advantage of the immediacy of this format to answer, ask and interact with your viewers. Talk to them by responding to their video comments or by supporting someone to answer their questions through the text box at the bottom of the screen.

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How to block a user on a Facebook Live?

If a user is making inappropriate or inappropriate comments during the broadcast and you want to block them, you must follow these steps:

  1. Click the three dots next to the user comment you want to block.
  2. Select the “Hide comment” option.
  3. Once you have blocked it, click again so that the one you are looking for “Block to…” appears within the options.
  4. Select the “Block to…” option

👀 eye! By doing this, the blocked user will no longer be able to comment on your live broadcast nor on your page, although they will be able to see your Facebook Live.

7. Click “Finish” to end the broadcast

When you want to end your live broadcast on Facebook, click “End” and wait for it to go off the air. You will know when this has happened, when the message “Your live video has ended” appears. You will now have the opportunity to download the broadcast to your device, post it to your fan page or hide the post.

💡 Tip: avoid ending the transmission suddenly. Before clicking “Finish” thank the audience for their time and invite them to follow you on your Facebook page, other social networks or visit your website.

8. See the post again on your timeline or page

If you decided to leave the post on your page, I recommend that you view it again and make sure that any other user can access it later.

What to talk about on a Facebook Live?

Oh many things! If you still do not see how to include this tool in your content strategy, here are some ideas of what to talk about in a Facebook Live.

  • tutorials
  • How to use your product?
  • New releases
  • an exclusive interview
  • take a live tour
  • streaming of gaming or podcast

I briefly explain each of the content alternatives that we mention.


If you sell beauty products, you can do a tutorial on cleaning brushes or how to do perfect eyeliner.

How to use your product?

Product demos are super effective at driving sales, especially if you’re selling online. Think of them as a persuasive element within your sales pitch.

New releases

Are you about to launch a new line or new designs? A Facebook Live It can help you grab the attention of potential buyers.

💡 Tip: I recommend you…

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