Alaska has starred in a very special nude, she has 18 months left to turn 50, but she has had no problem posing emulating the most famous covers in the history of Inverviú magazine.
She has not left anyone indifferent, with this super pose recalling the most emblematic nudes, with a bata de cola like Isabel Pantoja, in the American Beauty style like Ana Obregón, imitating Belén Esteban of whom she is a declared fan, emulating Marta Sánchez, showing butt just like Inma did from Big Brother 7 or with futuristic plastic like Rocío Jurado. She did not want to pose as Marisol because “she was not comfortable with such a natural posture”. She regrets that she couldn’t fake Terelu, but the Alaskan photos were taken first. She affirms: “Not to be a skinny and perfect male magazine cover girl, but in Interviú there is room for a famous person to do an unusual photo session.”
On the cover she appears characterized as Sara Montiel, one of her idols. Without a doubt, this is a great journey through the 35 years that Interviú magazine has to its credit.