The Verkami crowdfunding platform already exceeds 3,400 projects – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

He is fashionable because it works. And if a few days ago we told you about the good results achieved by the company with its crowdfunding to manage the jackpot of a lifetime but through the Internet, today we want to talk to you about another very interesting project: the Verkami cowdfunding platform, a crowdfunding proposal whose general objective is “to promote all creative action, wherever it comes from, without distinction”, as indicated on its website.

Crowdfunding Verkami: a commitment to culture

The Verkami crowdfunding platform understands the crowdfunding as a way of financing projects through contributions from many people who, in return, receive compensation or rewards exclusive in the form of products, services or experiences. Contributions are usually around €15-20, although the margin can be very wide. There are projects that offer the possibility of collaborating from five euros to 1,000.

Keep in mind that the patrons are not making an investment to obtain economic benefits. Creators retain 100% of all rights and benefits to their works. And the collaborators obtain tangible “rewards” for their contributions such as tickets for the event, dedicated books, or some exclusive experience related to the specific project. Creators and entrepreneurs from the world of art, culture and civil society, people from the cinema, music, theater, comics, community projects, design, software, photography, technology, social works, inventions, journalism, video, literature, among others, has a place in Verkami.

How the Verkami crowdfunding platform works

provides a space on its website for each project, with a maximum term of 40 days. That is the time available to the promoter of the initiative to reach its financing objective, which is established by the creator himself based on his needs and forecasts. It is very important that these objectives are realistic since at the end of the term there are two scenarios:

  1. That 100% of the funding goal has not been raised. In this case there is no type of monetary transaction and the contribution commitments of the patrons are cancelled.
  2. That 100% of the financing objective has been reached or exceeded. In this case, the contribution commitments are charged to the cards or PayPal accounts of the patrons and the creator receives the money collected.
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As you can see, Verkami crowdfunding works with the all or nothing approach. If a creator states that he needs 3,000 euros to make his project a reality, he will not be able to achieve it or meet the expectations of his patron if he has only obtained 2,000.

Among the more than 3,400 projects that have become a reality since 2010, when the Verkami crowdfunding started, there are modest initiatives, with a financing objective that does not exceed 500 euros – such as a culture and gastronomy festival in Badajoz, » – or the short film “” , which exceeded the 4,000 euros that marked its financing objective and reached 4,800 to be able to shoot this same month in the Rías Baixas.

Verkami is also a good tool to measure the chances of success of an idea, since the patrons are an indicator of how many people are willing to support the project to make it a reality. If you get the necessary support, you can carry out your project with guarantees. If you don’t get it, you haven’t made any commitment and you can rethink the way you approach it.

The Verkami crowdfunding platform can be used in addition to Spanish, English, Catalan, Basque, Galician and Italian. During the 40 days of seeking contributions for the project, creators will also have a blog where they can update their content and encourage feedback with their patrons or potential collaborators.

If the project does not get funding, Verkami does not charge

With its crowdfunding, Verkami offers creators the platform to carry out their campaign and advice to plan and carry it out with the maximum guarantee of success. for these services the platform will charge 5% + VAT of what the project collects.

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It will only be charged for the service in the case of achieving the raised collection objective. If it is not achieved, the financing is not received and no type of charge is made, neither to the author nor to the patrons who have made contributions. Verkami crowdfunding works through , which manages all the income generated by the project, but also offers the possibility of enabling the option to contribute through Paypal.

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