Themes in WordPress, how to download a copy of the theme?

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Surely it is not the first time that you find yourself in a scenario where after buying a WordPress theme, it includes pre-installed and configured plugins that you cannot later have available separately for other installations, right?

I’ll tell you to download a backup of your It’s simpler than you imagine and it will help you, for example, to install them on other websites where you may need them or simply as an individual copy of those you want to keep, just in case…

Of course, this gives me the opportunity to remind you how important it is to have a backup policy in your WordPress to guarantee yourself having restore points to which you can return if necessary, especially when the mess turns brown…hehe

Of course there are already known plugins, and the ones I’ve talked about in this blog, like they let you separate the plugins and themes, but believe me, in some cases it’s like putting a 492-horsepower engine on a 600 do you understand me? …it has a lot to do with exaggerating the use of some tools, of which you are going to use only one functionality but load the code equivalent to performing 10 tasks nothing is cool!

..I compare it to using JetPack to activate the social network bar in the post or entries, why do you want all the background of this plugin drag if you are only going to use a certain functionality?

How to make a backup of your theme?

First things first, learn about the traditional method of backing up your “live” installed theme and downloading it to your computer.

From FTP (Filezilla):

  1. Open your FTP program (for example).
  2. Go to the WordPress dashboard and then click Appearance.
  3. In the Themes section, verify the name of your active theme.
  4. Connect to your FTP with your hostname, username and password.
  5. Go to the folder that contains the WordPress installation and inside this to /wp-content/themes/your-active-theme.
  6. From your FTP program download the entire theme folder to a provided folder on your computer.
  7. If there are no errors in your FTP file transfer, check that the theme and its component folders are already on your computer.
  8. This process is more manual, it generates dependency on an FTP program and being clear about which folder to download.

    Download theme from the Hosting Panel (WePanel):

    For my taste, this method is the safest and most recommended, since you have a visual control of the processes that you carry out and see how they are produced since you have dialogs on the screen depending on the part of the process.

    I am not going to tell you at this point what the WePanel File Manager does, because I have already commented on it in other articles of this Blog.

    But in its favor I will tell you that this tool allows you to compress files and folders from the server and download a single .zip file of your theme instead of having to download files linearly (one by one) which is what would happen if you do it from FTP.

    1. Access your Hosting Panel (WePanel).
    2. Open the File Manager.
    3. Navigate to your WordPress installation folder (usually /public_html).
    4. Go to the folder /wp-content/themes/
    5. Inside, in addition to other theme folders, will be the one for your theme in use.
    6. Click on the topic name and then click on the button Compress in the navigation bar.
    7. Once the folder is compressed in .zip format, download the file to your computer by clicking on the button Discharge.

    One method is more visual and faster that allows you to download all the files and folders that make up your theme in a single .zip file.

    You can see it in the following video…

    Download WordPress theme using a specific plugin:

    It is a very viable third option, which allows you from the WordPress dashboard to compress and download the theme in use in a few clicks and with the guarantee that you will download the theme installed with all the files that make it work.

    We use for this case the plugin Download Plugins and Themes from Dashboardwhich will help us individually download in .zip format the theme that we have installed and active, as well as other themes that are installed in the WordPress dashboard.

    There is not a lot of science infused in this plugin, you install, activate and use it, since it does not require any type of configuration.

    Do you want to download your installed active theme in a .zip file? go to Appearance, Themes, and in the bottom bar of the theme preview you will see the button Download ZIP.

    You click on that button and you download the file to your computer in no time.

    It is so simple that explaining it to you in this video is unnecessary for me, but if it is still not clear to you, then you better see it and convince yourself of its simplicity of use.

    If you are a purist, who also does not like the installation of WordPress plugins, then surely your usual methods to download installed WordPress themes, in zip format, will be the usual and classic one by FTP or from the filemanager of your Hosting Panel.

    If, on the other hand, you prefer not to deal with these FTP or file manager things, having to compress files and folders to download later, then the plugin Download Plugins and Themes from Dashboard It fits like a glove, simple, fast and on demand.

    By the way, speaking of on demand This is one of those plugins that I usually recommend that you use only when you need it, and the rest of the time you let it sleep peacefully, how? Well, as I explained to you some time ago in the article:

    In this way, once you install the plugin, you can use it when you need it, simply activating it and then deactivating it to relax the possible load that it may exert on your installation (which doesn’t overload either, but hey, in case you like it that way).

    I almost forgot, this plugin allows you too download a copy of your installed plugins …but I better tell you about that in detail in another article 😉

    From now on when you have to download a copy of your theme, be it the active one or other installed ones, so as not to lose them or use them on other WordPress websites you have, you will remember this article and how easy it is to do it.

    And you, how do you download a copy of your themes to your computer?

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