These are the days you have to contribute to collect unemployment (and for longer)

Unemployment is the contributory unemployment benefit, the one that most people receive within the aid managed by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). Currently, more than 770,000 people receive unemployment by complying with a series of requirements, among which is accrediting a previous minimum contribution period.

In its , the SEPE has explained that the key to knowing if the worker has the right to collect unemployment (or, failing that, to know the duration of the aid) is the contribution made for unemployment. The agency ensures that unemployment “is calculated taking into account the time of employment quoted for unemployment during the six years prior to the legal situation of unemployment.”

, the SEPE devotes a section to two specific groups that meet certain particularities: that of people released from prison or emigrants who have returned to Spain. In the first case, the six years prior to entering prison are counted and in the second, the six years prior to leaving Spain. In addition, if both of them have contributed to prison or abroad, the countdown starts from the end of the employment relationship.

This unemployment contribution constitutes 7.05% of the unemployment contribution base. Of this percentage, 1.55% falls on the worker and 5.5% corresponds to the company, which has to make the contribution on its part.

It regulates in its article 269 the duration of the contributory unemployment benefit. Depending on the time quoted, you are entitled to a specific benefit period. The minimum that must be contributed to be able to collect unemployment is 360 days: this will give the right to 120 days of benefit. On the other side of the scale, people who have contributed 2,160 days, who will have the maximum duration of unemployment: two years.

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According to the contribution scale of the General Social Security Law, these are the periods of unemployment to which you are entitled depending on the previous unemployment contribution:

-From 360 days quoted and up to 539 days, the worker may collect the benefit for 120 days.

-If the worker has contributed between 540 to 719 days, he may collect the benefit for 180 days.

-If the worker has contributed between 720 and 899 days, he may collect the benefit for 240 days.

-If the worker has contributed between 900 and 1,079 days, he may collect the benefit for 300 days.

-If the worker has contributed between 1,080 and 1,259 days, he may collect the benefit for 360 days.

-If the worker has contributed between 1,260 to 1,439 days, he may collect the benefit for 420 days.

-If the worker has contributed between 1,440 to 1,619 days, he may collect the benefit for 480 days.

-If the worker has contributed from 1,620 to 1,799 days, he may collect the benefit for 540 days.

-If the worker has contributed between 1,800 and 1,979 days, he may collect the benefit for 600 days.

-If the worker has contributed from 1,980 to 2,159 days, he may collect benefits for 660 days.

-If the worker has contributed 2,160 days or more, he may collect the benefit for 720 days.

However, if the worker has doubts about the unemployment he has left after remaining in a legal unemployment situation, the SEPE makes available to citizens a program for self-calculation of the benefit without the need for methods such as the electronic certificate () or .

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Entering the personal information and referring to the previous employment relationship that the system requires, the contributory benefit to which you would be entitled (if you can collect it) and its duration will be calculated, although this projection is not binding and only has an approximate value. .

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