This is the 35,000-euro bed in which soccer player Marcos Llorente sleeps

Without a doubt, one of the players who has finished the atypical League final this 2020 season (the Covid League) in the best shape has been Marcos Llorente, a midfielder (although converted into a midfielder by Cholo Simeone, in these last moments of the season ) of the Atlético de Madrid club.

Marcos Llorente, who comes from one of the most glorious lineages of Madrid sport (son of Paco Llorente, grandson of Ramón Grosso, nephew of Julio Llorente and great-nephew of the legendary Paco Gento, six-time European champion), has always stood out for his powerful and inexhaustible physical capacity, a real wonder when it comes to running and wasting energy on the pitch.

Marcos Llorente, soccer player for Atlético de Madrid.

Although the genetic heritage of such an award-winning saga will have something to do with it, a large part of his physical power is determined by an obsessive care of his body, based on three fundamental pillars:

On the one hand, there is food. The mattress player is a faithful practitioner of the Paleolithic diet (also known as the Caveman Diet), based on a high intake of protein, just as it happened in Prehistory, through meat, fish, shellfish, chicken, and nuts.

Secondly, he is a cross-fit addict, submitting his muscles to a demanding and rigorous training every day, more typical of a true SEAL than an athlete.

And so we come to the third leg of its preparation, perhaps the least known of them all: rest. Or what is the same: his bed.

Marcos Llorente uses a HOGO rest system (patented in Spain), valued at 35,000 euros, a method that he says ensures “the perfect rest”.

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According to various investigations, the materials of which your bed is made (one hundred percent natural, without chemical compounds or petroleum derivatives) manage to protect those who use it from electromagnetic pollution, thus recovering the body’s geo-electric field .

The pillow, the mattress topper and the blanket that it incorporates are thermoregulators, avoiding any process of sweating or cold that causes rest to be interrupted. The mattress is made of coconut fiber, a component that absorbs humidity from the environment and from the mattress itself, in addition to the production of negative ionization.

Before acquiring the system, HOGO specialists carry out a personalized study of the individual, adapting the rest system to the height, weight and ergonomics of the client. In this way it is possible to improve and perfect the postural control of the body during sleep.

The direct consequences of this rest system are especially recommended for elite athletes, as is the case with Marcos Llorente, since they shorten recovery times between one sports session and the next.

They can even increase both the speed and quality of connective tissue recovery, allowing for shorter recovery times between injuries.

In a way, this bed (valued at 35,000 euros) manages to naturally reduce the biological age of those who use it, slowing down the inevitable process of oxidation and inflammation in the body.

The only thing that the red-and-white footballer finally needs to enjoy the sweetest of dreams is that the summer heat and mosquitoes let him sleep in peace.

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