Virtual assistance: how to reinvent yourself professionally?

If you are reading an article with this title, you are probably actively looking for a reinvention. And the sooner the better, right?

Well, don’t worry, because there is a solution for you. Until now it is possible that you have not found the key, but it only happens to you because you are trying the door that does not knock.

Believe me: there is a much wider world out there, where you can think, create, collaborate and grow taking advantage of your full potential.

And Virtual Assistance is the key to entry. We are going to talk about this in this post, keep reading!

Is it possible to create your ‘custom job’ being a Multi Passionate person?

Perhaps you did not know this term at all, but it has become very fashionable, to refer to all those people with more than one passion, who, given their restless nature, find it very difficult long time doing the same thing.

When I discovered the term myself, I was amazed! That was the answer, ‘it was Multi Passionate’.

But in reality, recognizing you solves you rather little. Or rather, only a part, because then what will you do from now on?

My case, or surely yours, are not unique. Over time, you get to relate to people like you and much more interesting stories.

But, most of them go through the same thing: hundreds of relatively prominent positions that end up suffocating you, the desire to continue learning about anything, courses and more courses…

If you think about it, it may be that socially, as we have been educated, right now you think: ‘yeah, how much wasted time! What use is all this to me? I should focus now.

Well, I tell you: don’t even think about doing it.

Because all the experience that you have been acquiring over time are treasures that you already keep and that, with the correct approach, will boost you in your .

In fact, there’s a great TED talk by Emilie Wapnick entitled ‘Why some of us don’t have one true calling’ that you can watch to better understand why not having a clear calling is okay and how it can help you in your next career move.

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But, what does Virtual Assistance have to do with all this?

Virtual Assistance to unleash your potential

Let me tell you a little story…

Back in 1992, Anastacia Brise began to shape the foundations of Virtual Assistance, as we know it.

What she did was create a business model, based on the (or telecommuting), starting from tasks purely related to the administrative area of ​​management and logistics of a business.

She really was a visionary, since she quickly understood the potential of a profile like that of the Virtual Assistant within a new labor paradigm.

And, I’m going to let the numbers speak for themselves!

In Spain alone, the number of businesses amounts to 4 million, of which 16-18% are purely digital.

In fact, Tim Ferris, whom you will surely know as the author of The 4-Hour Workweek, names the profession as essential for a businesswoman to free herself from work and reduce her workday.

But, Virtual Assistance has no limits!

As a Virtual Assistant, you can offer your services to all types of businesses, so there is an increasing need for the number of professionals in this sector to increase.

In addition, since the profession was born, it has been evolving as the first digital businesses did and emerged.

At the beginning, most businesses were run by women or band men who managed practically 100% of their business.

But, as they plan to grow, they begin to delegate and the idea that without creating a team it is impossible to grow becomes more evident.

In this sense, the profile of the Virtual Assistant has been gaining breadth and currently supports the rest of the professionals in the online environment and collaborates with them, due to what she knows about digital marketing, design, social networks, launches, including advertising.

Do you still think that with Virtual Assistance you cannot take advantage of all your potential and knowledge?

The challenges of Virtual Assistance

However, I have to admit something: not everything is rosy in the world of Virtual Assistance.

Like everywhere… they cook broad beans!

Until very recently, one of the biggest challenges of the profession has been the ‘professionalization’ of the sector.

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Whoever wanted to dedicate himself to being a Virtual Assistant, could be trained, but ended up looking for a life, when adapting the training curriculum, to the labor market.

In other words, one was being taught … no future!

However, there are already signs that this is finally changing and more and more, the training options and alternatives are evolving to respond to the real needs of the environment of the students. .

This is allowing entrepreneurs to trust and value a profile like that of Virtual Assistants much more, since they come to teams to provide organizational and operational solutions that allow businesses to move forward much faster and consistently.

And so that you have more clues about where the sector is evolving, I invite you to listen to the podcast where every week you will find content that will help you in your professional development.

How to become a Virtual Assistant

And now that you have a little more idea of ​​the possibilities that Virtual Assistance offers you to reinvent yourself professionally, we are going to get to know what it takes to be a good Virtual Assistant and you can decide if this path is for you.

We are therefore going to delve into the skills that you must develop as an AV, in order to carry out your work successfully and make your business prosper.

We would say that, taking into account the context in which a Virtual Assistant performs her work, there are 3 groups of skills.

  1. The digital skills that have to do with the management of information and communication technologies.

For example, the use of electronic devices, or certain computer programs.

Well, you have to like technology, although it is not that you need to be an expert, far from it.

  1. Hard or technical skills, referring to technical and academic knowledge.

For example, within a web page, knowing how to layout a or an item.

Or within the topic of email marketing: the funnels, or sending campaigns, etc.

Although this will depend a lot on the type of services you want to offer, depending on which areas of the business.

Here we would be talking about your specialization as a Virtual Assistant.

  1. Soft skills or soft skills, which are related to behaviors, attitudes, intrinsic values ​​of the person, which also influence our professional attitudes.
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It ranges from creativity and even collaborative work and the predisposition to continue learning.

But, an important note in all this: you are not born with skills, NO!

It is something that we can acquire over the years and that, depending on our current interests, we can expand on.

The roadmap to create your own Virtual Assistance business

And now let’s get to the big question: if this is for you, where can you start?

You see, you are very lucky (just like the rest of the mortals) to live in the 21st century, the information age.

You have anything you need to learn at the click of a button: How are you going to take advantage of this situation?

Information, content and the ability to continue learning constantly are your infallible weapon.

But this must be understood well, or it can get out of hand!

With so much noise out there, consuming content haphazardly doesn’t help you move forward as you’d like, but instead keeps your attention scattered.

Over time, you keep learning about the same thing over and over again, but you don’t quite start with anything, because you’re always at the beginning.

So how about having a roadmap?

If you are willing to continue researching Virtual Assistance and want to know what steps are necessary to become a Virtual Assistant right now, I have your map!

One that will guide you so that you know the profession ‘inside’, in record time. You can download it .

I hope that this tour of Virtual Assistance, together with the map, will help you enjoy your Robinson Crusoe-like adventure, without any surprises.

It’s up to you. It’s time to put aside the excuses and take charge of your professional future.

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