Wait for an HTTP response in Angular


I’m making an Angular application and I want to load the JSON content from an external URL into my program.

from the home.components.ts file I call the service:

ngOnInit() { this.camp = this._homeService.getCamp(); console.log(this.camp); }

And the service executes the code

getCamp() { this.http.get(‘http://url.com/client/json/prov_camp.php’) .subscribe ( campERP => { this.campX = campERP; console.log(this.campX); return this.campX; } ) }

The problem is that the HTTP response can take about 30 seconds to arrive and while the whole page is loading, given that this.camp of home.components.ts is empty, but after a while it shows the result of this .campX of the service (when it has already loaded)

How can I make the program “wait” while it is loading the information from the URL?

Thank you

See also  Sessions in PHP
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