Web domains: buy and register your domain on the internet

Domains can be categorized into 2 main groups: generic and territorial. A third category of domains called sponsored can also be added. We explain the details:

– Generic or gTLD: They are those that do not belong to a country or territory. As an example we have the extensions .com, .org and .info. Each extension or group of extensions has an entity that markets them, but the regulations and rules of these extensions are established by the world organization responsible for domains called ICANN.

– Territorial or ccTLD: They belong to a country or territory. Examples of territorial domains are those that contain the extension .es, .mx or .eu. Each extension has its corresponding body and is the one who establishes the rules of each extension. For example, for .es domains, the entity that regulates the regulations is Red.es or ESNIC.

– Sponsored or sponsored: They are territorial because they belong to a region or territory, but they respond to the regulations of generic extensions. The .cat , .eus extensions are examples of this type of extensions. For example, the entity or registry of a .cat domain is PuntCat, but the regulations and procedures of this extension are implemented by ICANN.

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