What diet to follow to increase your muscle mass?

To increase your muscle mass it is important to combine effective training with a good diet focused on your goals. Obviously, it is not convenient for your diet to lack essential nutrients, but some food groups can become great allies during the hypertrophy process.

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Five nutritional groups to gain muscle

1. Whole grains

Pasta, rice, cereals and legumes are essential to have an essential energy supply, which will help you improve your training. However, we must always look for the best option of carbohydrates, reducing the contribution of sugars from them. For this, whole grains are a great bet.

These nutrients offer energy to the body, which is also of great quality and is involved in the hypertrophy process. Combining these nutrients with protein is a perfect solution to increase muscle mass safely.

2. Fruits and vegetables

As in the previous case, fruits and vegetables should always be present in the daily diet. They contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which work great to help the body during muscle building.

3. milk

It is true that dairy products, especially those present in hard cheeses, contain 40% fat, which is not essential in the daily diet. But, whey protein, present in most of the protein shakes used for training, is an undeniable source of quality protein that is easily assimilated.

Combining the consumption of shakes such as Whey Protein or milk with a good workout in the gym can achieve a greater contribution of muscle.

4. Nuts

Nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.) are sources of monounsaturated fatty acids. In addition, they contain omega 3 and numerous minerals and vitamins, which offer a great antioxidant function in the body. They also stimulate the production of testosterone, which is directly related to muscle hypertrophy.

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5. Blue fish

Experts say that oily fish provides higher quality protein than other types of fish. They are also sources of omega 3 fatty acids, which promote the health of the body. Omega 3 is essential to increase muscle mass and foods such as salmon, tuna, trout or emperor, among others, provide us with great sources of this type of fat.

6. The meat

One of the essential allies for increasing muscle mass is meat. Basic supply of proteins, it is always appropriate to go to meats with a lower fat index. Thus, in addition to chicken breast, it is interesting to turn to other varieties such as turkey, rabbit or the less fatty parts of veal or pork such as loin.

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What are protein shakes and what are they for?

Protein shakes are nutritional supplements that provide a high percentage of protein and a low caloric level. It is the favorite option for athletes who want to build muscle and lose fat.

People who do not do any type of sport should eat about 0.8 grains of protein for every kilo of body mass. However, in the case of athletes, this rule falls somewhat short, having the need to increase this protein intake to approximately 1.6 grams per kilo of mass. Click here to know more

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