What is a Thank You Page, what is it for and how to create it?

Those who have an online business know that creating a is a successful way to attract leads and sell, however few pay attention to the next page, the Thank You Page.

When a person wants to know more about a product that interests him, he may look for a web page where he can see the information in an organized and dynamic way. Therefore, these pages are essential to increase the of an enterprise.

But what happens once the lead is conquered or the sale is made? Many times, you are redirected back to the home page. However, there is a much better option for your client: the Thank You Page.

Don’t you know what we’re talking about? Don’t worry, we’ll tell you everything in this post!

What is a Thank You Page?

A Thank You Page or in Spanish, Thank You Pageis considered the final part of capturing leads for a landing page.

This page appears when a person leaves their personal information such as name, email, telephone number or any other information that the page requests when downloading a rich material or when subscribing to a newsletter, for example.

That is to say: it is a message of thanks for the action that has been carried out.

Besides of “Thank you” you must have a Thank You Pageit is important to inform the reason for the thank you, describing what the client did to make this page available.

In the example pictured, we see a Thank You Page after a lead signs up for a free class. In addition to thanking you, it explains what the next step is and what you should pay attention to in order to take advantage of the material you have downloaded.

Simple, right? It may seem like a minor detail, but it’s worth gold!

What is a Thank You Page or Thank You Page for?

The Thank You Page It serves, first of all, to confirm to the lead that the action has been successful. If necessary, make it clear to him what steps he needs to take next, as you have seen in the example above.

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For you, it means that you have or that you have finished a conversion process. But wait. This does not mean that your work ends there.

You can use it to prolong the relationship with your customer, build loyalty and further increase your conversion rate. That is, take advantage of the moment to offer more solutions to their pain.

What are the advantages of making a Thank You Page?

As you have seen in the previous topic, there are two advantages: that of confirming to the lead that his action has been carried out successfully and that of continuing to interact with him, being able to convert him into a client.

It is a good opportunity to offer them new content so that they are even more interested in your business.

Finally, with the Thank You Page you also get to make a better .

Now we go to the practical part that you are surely waiting for: how to start creating your own. We see it?

How to make a Thank You Page?

There are several ways to make a Thank You Page that will give your business good results.

Follow these tips below and see how!

1. Place links to other of your channels

One of the advantages that Thank You Page offers you is that it allows the lead to know other communication channels of your company.

Therefore, having a button that takes you to a blog, to social networks, or to your YouTube channel is one of the most used resources by entrepreneurs.

For the best strategies from the top of the this functionality is perfect!

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2. Make a new offer

This is an opportunity to not only expand the experience of your lead, but also to sell more.

You can show an offer of a product that complements the first one that has been bought from you or the material that has already been downloaded.

If the person has registered their personal data, you have the possibility of offering them a more personalized product, based on this information.

3. Give her more than one option

This is a good alternative for those who are also in the top of the funnel strategy and want to get to know their lead better.

They are products related to the first one that the person has downloaded. For example, if you’ve already offered them a guide to making videos, you can leave them a button that takes them to content on this topic on your YouTube channel.

In this way, you can have even more information about the person, know their pain and create your to provide ever better solutions.

4. Test, test, test!

Everything in digital marketing must start with tests. And it would be no different for a Thank You Page.

Do A/B testing to find out what works best for your Thank You Page and what are the best offers to give the user.

This will always be the best way to understand the discover how to captivate a person on your page and find the fastest way to conversion!

5. Create a clear and objective CTA

The It is a fundamental element for all and lead capture.

And that extends to Thank You Page.

Your CTA should be easy to understand, simple and direct. It is best to keep your speech objective and impactful.

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This applies, not only to the text, but also to all the visual elements of the button where it is inserted: attractive colors and good contrast between the background of the page and the text inside it.

6. Use trackable links

This is one way to know if your Thank You Page is working as a strategy.

Trackable links allow your marketing team to track your performance. Thus, you will have a better vision of the strategy and you will be able to reshape it if necessary.

To do this, use tags in the URL of the page, always check these results and see which offers work best on the page.

There are tools that allow you to tag your URLs and track conversions with Google Analytics or other services, such as .

Landing and Thank You Page: the perfect conversion formula?

After everything you have read, you will have already understood that the Thank You Page is an excellent way to win over your audience more and more and increase your conversions, as well as get closer to the lead and extend their experience on your page.

Together with a good landing page, your chances of success only increase, as long as there is good planning behind it.

It’s time to take that step: get to work and create your Thank You Page right now!

And if you liked the content of this post, surely you will not want to miss the guide that we prepared to tell you .

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