What is a TRADE? This is the difference with a false freelancer

Many people have assumed self-employment as a way to access a job market that is becoming more and more complicated. For this reason, these workers register as self-employed to be able to access a minimum income. However, there is a figure that, despite being self-employed for Social Security, has a series of singularities that differentiate it from a typical self-employed worker: the TRADE.

These professionals largely resemble a salaryman. In fact, many of these people become TRADE to be able to continue working ‘for someone else’ but being their own boss. “But what does this mean? How do I know if I am a TRADE?”

What is a TRADE?

As a starting point, it is necessary to attend to the definition itself of the term TRADE, which means Economically Dependent Self-Employed Worker.

This figure appears after the regulation of July 11, 2007 of the Self-Employment Statute, which included the regulation of the professional regime of the economically dependent worker.

In order to be a TRADE, a series of assumptions must be made:

– At least 75% of the income comes from the same payer.

– Not having employees under their charge, nor subcontracting part or all of the activity to third parties.

– Have own material and infrastructure.

– Be the one who defines how you organize your activity and your working hours.

– Collect remuneration based on results as agreed with the client.

– Not having a local, office or office open to the public, or being a partner of a third party.

What is the difference between a TRADE and a false self-employed person?

Precisely, all these conditions are those that the Labor Inspectorate examines to detect cases of false self-employment. Many of these workers are hidden by the company under the figure of TRADE.

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Any Economically Dependent Self-Employed Worker must meet all the above requirements to be considered as such. In this way, anyone who appears as TRADE, but does not meet these conditions, can be considered a false self-employed person.

In addition, there are two more aspects to take into account, those that the courts examine to issue a sentence:


It must be borne in mind that having your own material, organizing your activity and working hours as you wish, and establishing your own economic remuneration are fundamental aspects of being a TRADE.

When the employer establishes a salary, contributes his own means of production and sets a working day for the self-employed worker, this would be the case of a false self-employed person.

Alienity in risks

When a company hires an employee, it assumes part of the social security contributions, the hiring of the worker or the cost of dismissal, among other things.

On the contrary, when a professional has to assume these payment responsibilities, they would be considered self-employed and, if they do not meet the requirements to be a TRADE, they would be considered false self-employed.

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