What is Instagram Reels? 5 reasons to start knowing him

At the time of publication of this article (August 2020) Instagram Reels has just been launched in several Spanish-speaking countries, such as Mexico, Spain and Argentina.

Learn here everything you need to know about this new Instagram tool and discover with us 5 reasons to take advantage of it as a sales strategy!

What is Reel?

Reels is Instagram’s answer to the social media phenomenon known as TikTok.

In the same way that Instagram launched Stories to enter the world of Snapchat video sharing, the initial version of Reels is intended to be identical to the Chinese app.

Videos are 15 seconds long, usually include music, and viewers just swipe to move on to the next video.

As you can see in the images, the capture modes of Reels and TikTok are very similar. Both offer options to change the speed of the video, add audio and sound effects, and the option to upload ready-made videos from your library.

The main differences would be the current lack of Reels effect options compared to TikTok and the lack of easy to use video formats.

Instagram offers different layouts and options for Stories, but for now Reels users will have to use workarounds for video editing, like , for example, to get video templates that fit your format and are as good as those on TikTok.

Reels is NOT TikTok

Before you jump to the conclusion that Reels is a mere imitation of TikTok, made just for kids, please read this post to the end.

Instagram Stories have practically become their trademark and we can well expect the same from Reels.

Although the user interface seems identical and the public expects content similar to that of TikTok, the similarities do not go beyond this.

The potential of Reels goes far beyond what may seem at first glance.

Reels is part of the Instagram family, along with , and Stories. Only time will tell what role it will play among the app’s other features, but in this post we’re going to show you 5 ways you, Instagram itself, and your audience can benefit from it. So, read on!

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1. Fit perfectly

Social media applications have been oriented to certain communication lines over the years. Twitter is better suited for political debate and gossip, LinkedIn more for work, Pinterest more for DIY inspiration.

Already Instagram is the most cheerful and visual application (as is also the case with Facebook), perfect for smartphones. So, when TikTok came up with videos under 15 seconds, Instagram was the most impacted.

Instagram users generally like to have fun making videos and sharing them anywhere. For content creators using Instagram, Reels is a perfect fit for their strategy as a new way to express themselves and engage with audiences.

Your followers can see the Reels directly in your Feed (if you decide to upload them in both spaces of the platform) and will have the opportunity to see your brand in a new way, but integrated with the visual content of your photos or your videos more lengths of IGTV.

Some users who don’t use TikTok may not understand the difference between those 15-second videos and Stories, but this lack of understanding may also represent a certain advantage for Instagram for now.

Since Reels is so connected to the other Instagram tools, it might evolve into something very different. Which brings us to our next point…

2. Get creative! This is your opportunity to shape Reels

Now, at its inception, the expectation for the public and for content creators will be that of a TikTok-type material. In fact, most of the videos made to be posted on these apps today are made to play directly on TikTok, then republished on Reels. Only, little by little, we are already seeing content creators starting to create more with the Instagram app.

Reels can also be used to create small videos between episodes of IGTV content, another way to show a different side of your brand or to display more creativity with more sophisticated videos than Stories but only 15 seconds long, being a way fantastic way to enrich the brand image you project on Instagram.

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The important thing here is that you be creative from now on. There is a whole audience of loyal Instagram followers who will use Reels and who have never entered TikTok. If you offer a novelty like Reels to these people, the sky is the limit. Although a sky of 15 seconds, of course…

3. Instagram Ads + Reels = Incredible Reach

It doesn’t take much imagination to see the great advertising potential that these 15 seconds of visual stimuli and music from Reels can have.

Many feel that Stories ads are a little out of context by interrupting their flow of faces, voices, and homemade content. But Reels has the ability to quickly reach out and grab the attention of many people he doesn’t know himself or has never even reached.

Well-made ads that fit the format and flow of entertainment are sure to be very welcome.

Instagram ads are constantly evolving to identify the right audience for each product, and unlike how Facebook was done in the early days, in relation to your paid traffic. So by being creative when it comes to creating them, they can be a great way to reach a significantly larger audience.

4. #opportunity

Since Reels is new to the market, there are many Instagram hashtags and followers that you are not associated with. Check out these three hashtags with over a million posts each. None have Reels!

This is your chance to finally get to Reels before the mass of content producers and receive a high volume of attention. Create content from the beginning that fits in all the hashtags that accompany your image or brand.

5. Make the Instagram algorithm happy

At the moment, the Instagram algorithm is being very generous with those who publish Reels, especially when it is done in the Feed.

If you know a little bit about algorithms, you will know that not everyone who follows you gets your content.

If you post a photo to your Feed now, it will only be seen by a certain percentage of your followers. If you post a Reels only in the Reels section, can they find you? Yes, of course, although if you publish a Reels in your Feed, the Instagram algorithm will make it have many likes and will even recommend that content to potential followers.

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Does anything catch your attention in this photo?

When a hashtag poll on Instagram has a Reel, it appears at the top of the screen. Instagram is going to great lengths to promote its new tool, ensuring your Reels post gets more attention, ranking you first in search.

Bonus: your preparation checklist for Reels

With these 5 reasons to include Reels in your marketing strategy in mind, I hope you are beginning to realize the opportunity it can offer you to grow your audience. So, if you want to get down to work with it, here is a checklist to help you execute specific actions.

  1. Start creating videos in Reels format: vertical videos of 15 seconds.
  2. Analyze if this content integrates well with your current feed content.
  3. Plan your top hashtags to be able to post on Reels with hashtags that currently do not yet offer content in this format.
  4. Make announcements in the style of Reels if paid traffic is part of your strategy.
  5. BE CREATIVE! Reels don’t have to be TikTok videos. Take this opportunity to create your own style when producing them.

If you follow these steps, you will be more than ready to increase your audience when you start your activity in Reels. Please feel free to share any questions or comments about Reels in the comments below.

By the way, if Instagram is your favorite social media and you want to know more ways to promote your products on it, here is another post: .

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