Names for YouTube: Tips to know how to create the name of your channel

Being a youtuber is one of those desired by many people, however, not many people pay attention to the details to be one, for example choosing among the numerous names for YouTube that can be given to a channel.

It is important that you know that, in addition to creating incredible videos, with well-crafted and interesting content for your audience, it is essential that you know how to choose a name.

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By doing so, you can draw the attention of users who are not yet aware of your content, as well as create an identity for your channel.

As we know that this task is not always easy, we offer you here 8 tips to inspire you when choosing names for YouTube.

1. Define your niche

It is the first step you have to do, even before creating the channel on YouTube and giving it a name.

If you intend to make recipe videos, it seems obvious that your niche will focus on cooking, right? But have you already thought about how many branches each area has?

You can even opt for a broader one, to address all kinds of food-related issues. But by doing so, your competition will be much greater.

However, when you choose a micro niche within your area, it is easier to direct your language and stand out in that medium.

In that case, your audience may even be smaller, but you have a better chance that they will genuinely care about what you share.

If you create really relevant and attractive content, you will show that you are an authority on the subject and also that you are capable of offering the solutions that people in that niche need.

In the case of the recipe channel, some examples of micro niches are:

  • Vegan and vegetarian food;
  • Food for people with food restrictions, such as intolerance to gluten and lactose;
  • Specific diets for pregnant women;
  • Infant feeding.

2. Know your audience

Now that you know what niche you are going to act in, it is time to know everything about your audience.

This is the time to do a lot of research so you find out who your target audience is, what they want to know, what their pains and objections are.

By discovering what your audience is looking for, you can understand what kind of demand is still underserved and what you can address.

Try to collect as much information about the people you want to reach as it will be easier when choosing catchy YouTube names.

3. Use your brand

Those who have their own business can bet on videos as a marketing strategy, since the format enables excellent interaction with the public through differentiated and interesting content.

If that is your case, the best option when choosing names for YouTube is to use your brand name, especially if it is already known in the market. In this way you use the authority you have in your niche to attract people and increase the number of followers of your channel.

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Also use the visual identity of your brand to personalize the channel with the same colors, symbols or any other element that represents your business.

The idea is that the channel is a bridge between your customers and your business. That is why it is so important that they know, at the beginning, who is behind all that content.

This strategy is a great way for you to generate traffic to your site, increase your sales and gain or strengthen your credibility in the market.

By delivering value to users with your , you show that you are prepared to solve their problems, which can generate public interest in your products or services.

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4. Make a big impact

One of the most important things you have to look for when creating or choosing the name of your channel for YouTube is that it be really impressive.

But what does it mean for a name to be shocking? Basically, a name gains impact when it is able to differentiate itself from the others and manage to identify itself as unique, for this the name you choose must have something in particular, a unique touch that in turn remains in the mind of those who discover it.

Choosing a name that is out of the ordinary, that has particular characteristics and that breaks schemes, prevents your name from being confused or related to another business.

In addition, it is essential that the name you choose has cohesion with your brand. It is very easy to find controversial names that can cause a high impact, however, is this what you really want for your brand?

5. Make a list with its characteristics

If you don’t have a brand, you’ll need to create a YouTube channel name from scratch.

To do so, we suggest that you make a list with all the characteristics of the channel you want to create.

Think about everything that is related to the topic you are going to address and what you would like to be associated with your channel.

Focus on what sets you apart from other YouTubers.

At first don’t worry about writing name suggestions that make sense or are ready to use.

Write down all the ideas that come into your head, as everything can serve as inspiration when the time comes to make the decision.

Then carefully examine how each word or expression sounds and choose the one that, in addition to representing who you are, clearly expresses the idea you want to convey.

You know that old saying that “first impressions count”?

Remember this when choosing names for YouTube, as this may be the users’ first contact with your content.

6. Give preference to easy words

If you want people to identify with your channel, avoid complicated or little-known words.

Playing tricks and using a sense of humor can be great strategies, but the most important thing is to create a name that is memorable and makes people quickly understand your proposal.

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On the Internet, everything happens very fast. That’s why most people don’t spend time with content that they don’t know if it’s really going to offer an advantage.

Therefore, from the first contact that people have with you, which will be through your name, you already need to show users what they will find when they access your videos.

Thus, the chances of attracting those who are really interested in what you have to offer increase. And that increases the chances that people will like, engage and share what you produce.

Therefore, be objective in the name of your channel, trying to keep only one word or phrases very short.

Be careful with foreign language words and use them only if your audience has knowledge of the language and can easily understand and pronounce the channel name.

Therefore, we do not doubt that you want users to talk about you to other people and spread your channel. But of course, this is going to be a lot more complicated if they can’t even remember your name, isn’t it?

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7. Make it adaptable and enduring

The name of your YouTube channel must have two basic characteristics that are extremely important for long-term success.

This must be adaptable and durable over time, since it is very possible that over the years the content that you are going to publish on your channel will be different.

Adaptability has to do with placing a name that leaves open the possibility that your channel can take a different path than the one for which it was created, of course, the approach should not vary much, but it is possible that there are differences in relation to as it was originally intended.

Meanwhile, durability refers to the fact that this name must be recognized over time, because even though users may have a different profile over time and change their preferences in relation to your content, they must continue to recognize your name.

8. Make it easy to remember

In the previous points we already made reference to the recall of the name and brand; however, we believe it is important to leave it as a separate recommendation, given the importance of this feature in the process of creating a name.

The names for YouTube need to be installed in the memory of the consumers who will follow the channel and must be easily remembered by them. However, this should not be the only goal, but should also cause a positive feeling by being remembered.

People who remember the name of the channel should associate it with the main positive attributes of the content that is produced, thus remembering in a few seconds the value and relevance that you offer.

9. Search for the name of other channels

Whenever someone is going to start a new business, regardless of the area, it is essential to know the competitors and other professionals who work in the same branch.

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When it comes to choosing names for YouTube, this can not be different.

You need to make sure that you are not repeating a name that already exists or using very similar names, as these can be confused or lead people to think that you have copied another professional.

We know it’s frustrating to think of an awesome name and find out it’s already being used by another channel. But it is better to change at the beginning than to be accused of plagiarism and lose users for that reason.

Also, this moment of research serves to get inspired, to have ideas and to know what works well with the users you want to reach.

Here you do not need to get stuck in the channels of your home country, especially if you know other languages.

Look for as many references as possible so that you can create an attractive name that can convey the image you want.

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10. Ask for opinions

So far we have shown you how important it is to think of names for YouTube that are original, easy to understand and that represent well what you are going to share in your videos.

Now, after going through the whole creation process, you may find a preferred name or still have a few options left.

At this stage, talking to other people is essential so that you can make an assertive decision.

Show them what you have thought and pay attention to their opinions, what are their first impressions, suggestions and advice.

We often believe that something is good, because we are thinking about what we like and understand.

However, your channel needs to get other people’s attention. That is why it is important to know what the impact of the chosen name is on your audience.

An important suggestion is to choose few people and only those who can give really valuable opinions. Otherwise, you’ll end up having a harder time deciding.

You can ask your friends, family or people who work in the area and whom you trust for help.

Talk to those who have the profile of your audience and are interested in the topic of your channel, because those are the people who will have enough knowledge to answer if the name you have chosen is going to stand out from the rest and attract the attention of others. the users.

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