What is the WordPress sidebar or sidebar?

If you are creating a website, you may be wondering what the WordPress sidebar is. The good thing is that we are here to explain it to you. In general, it is an area where you can place . That is why it is also known as a widget area.

The WordPress sidebar complements the main content displayed on your blog. That said, customizing the sidebar isn’t strictly necessary. However, it is useful if you want to display additional information on the page.

Also note that this definition applies to any website platform, including WordPress. Take a look at the red plaid shown in the following images:

There you have it! You can put anything on your site, as long as you have the specific widgets for it. Keep in mind that a sidebar does not necessarily have to be “sidebar”. It can also be located near the footer or in any widget area of ​​the page.

And we recommend that you do not include random content in the sidebar just for the sake of it. Instead, include content that adds value to your website, otherwise the user experience could be compromised.

5 practical uses of the WordPress sidebar

To customize the sidebar area, go to Appearance -> widgets and drag and drop your favorite widgets.

If you want to create more areas, we recommend using the plugin. This plugin eliminates the need for programming, but the result is just as powerful.

And now that you have enough space, what should you put there? Ads aside, here are our suggestions:

  1. reading recommendations
    Don’t let your visitors leave after reading just one post. Instead, guide them to other popular and related posts. That will not only generate more traffic, but also increase the . The longer they stay, the higher your search engine rankings will be.
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  1. Subscription to the mailing list
    If your visitors like your content, they probably want to hear more from you. Try to place a form in the sidebar. So they can subscribe to receive updates more easily, right in their .
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  1. Social networks
    Good posts are made to be shared. Place buttons to share on social networks in your sidebar and allow your visitors to spread your content. If you have channels, you can add additional widgets that drive your visitors to your accounts.
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  1. social proof
    Don’t be shy about showing off your reputation. Whether it’s subscription stats or testimonials, make them visible. Social proof helps you gain the trust of your visitors, especially if they are new to your site.
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  1. sticky side bar
    Think about your longest articles. As your visitors scroll down to read it, your sidebar has stuck to the front. The function of sticky sidebar it allows you to “stick” it to the page, so that visitors always see its content.
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See also  Terms of Service


The WordPress sidebar is often taken for granted. However, if you can take advantage of it properly, it can help you grow your website.

Gustavo is passionate about creating websites. He focuses on the application of SEO strategies at for Spain and Latin America, as well as the creation of high-level content. When he is not applying new WordPress tricks you can find him playing the guitar, traveling or taking an online course.

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