What the NUSS and the NAF say about you to Social Security and how you can access them

In the age of networks and information, any act we perform is automatically recorded. This also affects our relationship with Social Security from the moment we start a job or receive a pension or social benefit.

This premise is essential to understand what the NUSS and the NAF are, and why they are so important. Security explains that the NUSS (Social Security Number) is the one that the system assigns to us when we are registered with Security, which for practical purposes usually happens at the time of having a health card. This NUSS is essential to be able to access benefits, pensions or subsidies.

This NUSS becomes a NAF (Affiliation Number) when the person starts an employment relationship for which they are registered in the Social Security system. This NAF is a prerequisite for signing an employment contract and is often assumed by the employer or businesswoman who hires the worker.

Even if you go from NUSS to NAF, this does not mean that they are the same. They can coincide, but it is not frequent. That is why doubts may arise about which is our NUSS and which is our NAF, so it is best to go to the Social Security website and trust the advice of its technicians.

How can I find out what my NUSS and NAF are?

The organization’s NUSS and NAF Consultation Service allows, as it says, to check what our NUSS and NAF numbers are and receive alerts in the event that we do not have any recognized by the system.

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In addition, a CEA (Electronic Code of Authenticity) report can be obtained with it to verify its authenticity in the Social Security Document Integrity Verification Service and thus be able to print and save it.

Both this NUSS and the NAF can be consulted with an electronic certificate, username + password and Cl@ve, as well as via SMS.

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