Why Mercadona is succeeding with its enhancer, cream and vitamin C supplements in times of Covid-19

The Mercadona supermarket chain has linked several streaks of success with products related to vitamin C, a substance that helps maintain a strong immune system, which is the barrier against infections such as Covid-19. Thus, during the month of May the company founded by Juan Roig experienced an increase in sales of . Then came the success of a moisturizing cream with, and recently, the new Anti Ox booster.

The full confinement of the supermarket chain tripled sales of vitamin C in effervescent tablets due to changes in consumer habits at the beginning of the pandemic. The company explained that the reason for the increase is because customers “are looking to consume food products intended to strengthen the immune system.”

It is true that one of the main functions of vitamin C is to contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system, the task of fighting infections such as Covid-19 or any other virus. However, the experts consulted explain that with a balanced diet it is not necessary to resort to

How much vitamin C should be taken per day?

Thus, Dr. Jazmín Fragoso from the Beoxy clinic explained to this medium that it is only necessary to consume 90 mg/day of vitamin C and that this amount can be obtained easily through diet. Specifically, a cup of strawberries contains 95mg, a kiwi has 75mg, an orange has 70mg; a cup of grapes reaches 120mg, a cup of broccoli exceeds 158mg, 1/2 cup of peppers presents 50mg.

The ‘boom’ of Mercadona’s ‘low cost’ vitamin C cosmetics

Mercadona’s new Antiox enhancer with vitamin C

This substance has been in the world of cosmetics for more than three decades but is now experiencing its best moment. thanks to , a pandemic that is leading to a greater demand for treatment formulas that provide a good appearance, eliminate traces of stress and fatigue and act as a shield against external aggressors.

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Thus, treatments with this substance are an excellent antioxidant that provides luminosity and vitality to tissues and prevents the signs of aging due to its ‘anti-radical’ and pro-collagen action, among many others. In addition, along with the also famous vegetable retinol or Bakuchiol, vitamin C is one of the most scientifically supported molecules for skin care.

Mercadona has also jumped on this cosmetic trend related to Covid-19, but it also does so with its good economic price policy. Thus, it presented last year the facial cream, which provides an antioxidant capacity thanks to green tea and a concentration of vitamin C of 1%. Its price is 7 euros and it contains 50 ml of product. And more recently, Mercadona has added to its beauty catalog the , a treatment that stimulates skin cell renewal to combat wrinkles, blemishes and loss of radiance on the face.

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