⚡My phone does not charge: discover common causes and solutions |

If you have found yourself in the annoying situation that you have plugged your mobile into the mains and it does not seem to work, don’t worry, because We explain what to do if your mobile does not charge.

The problem can be rooted in different things. Many times it is the charger, for which the solution can be very simple: change it. If it is an internal or software problem on your smartphone, it may be more serious but all is not lost.

We will tell you the causes and solutions to your mobile charging problems below!

Why my mobile phone does not charge: causes

If your phone does not charge when you plug it in, it could be for several reasons, so let’s look at them one by one.

These may be the main causes of your mobile not charging correctly:

  • Damaged or broken charging cable
  • Broken or damaged charger
  • Deteriorated mobile battery
  • Clogged, dirty or damaged charging port
  • Hardware problems
  • Software failures

My phone does not charge, steps to follow to solve it

  1. Check the condition of the cable and charger
  2. Check the charging port of your mobile
  3. Check the status of your mobile battery
  4. Check if the problem is in the software
  5. If everything fails, change the mobile battery

1. Check the condition of the cable and charger

It may seem silly, but it is not. If your mobile does not charge There may be something wrong with the plug or USB port you connected it to. (like that of a computer, for example). Therefore, try another socket to see if the same thing happens. This is especially common if it happened overnight, and you haven’t noticed any previous problems with your smartphone’s charging or battery life.

Try another adapter you have on hand. If you don’t have one, but you do have a computer, try plugging the phone with the cable into a USB port and see if power passes through.

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If you see the charger port very dirty, you can try cleaning it, but it rarely works.

Therefore, if it turns out that it is a problem with the mobile charger, simply you will have to change it. Try to buy one from the same brand as your smartphone, if it is for that specific model the better and one that adapts to the charging capacity of the device.

The charging cable It is the most sensitive element of all. Keep in mind that we are constantly bending, twisting, and pulling on cables, so it’s easy to have a problem with it.

Look carefully if it has degradedIt has been bare the plastic cover or does not make good contact. You can also look at the USB port at the end of the cable, which may be dirty or in poor condition.

The most practical thing is to do the same as with the plug. If you have another cable of the same type, try carrying that one and see what your phone does in that case.

Also check if the cable works correctly with other devices.

If the cable doesn’t seem to be the problem either, we move on to the next thing.

2. Check the charging port of your mobile

Sometimes, the part where the charger is connected (if you have already ruled out that it is a problem with this) can be damaged or make poor contactand that will cause your mobile to charge slowly or not charge at all.

  1. Turn off the phone and remove the battery if it is removable
  2. Check if the part is bent or moved. If so, grab something thin and sharp to try to straighten it.
  3. When you think it is in the correct position, plug in the charger and check if it charges well
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The ideal, however, is to take it to a professional to solve this problem if the charging port has been damaged, as sometimes it is necessary to change this part.

3. Check the status of your mobile battery

Monitor battery status of your smartphone is something we can do from time to time to check that everything is fine, especially if it is lasting less than before and we observe strange things with it.

It is normal for your mobile phone’s battery to deteriorate over time and charge and discharge with use.

You can check the battery status on iPhone and Android as we show you below.

Check battery health in iOS

You can check the battery status of your iPhone natively from the settings section. Simply go to:

Settings > Battery > Battery health

In the “Maximum capacity” section, a percentage will be shown that relates the current capacity to the capacity when the mobile was new.

The lower the percentage, the lower the battery capacity, and if you notice that it lasts too little, it may be time to replace it. . It is recommended that when it drops below 80% you change the device’s battery.

Check battery status on Android

On Android, things change a little depending on the version and manufacturer of your device.

In the battery section within the settings, you can see the battery status of your Android. Although it does not give a percentage like the iPhone does, the models usually give a status warning: if it is OK or if there is a fault, such as an app that is consuming more.

Within that same section, you can see the broken down consumption for what is spending the most: per app, screen time… If you see something unusual, you can try uninstalling that specific application to see if it improves.

4. Check if the problem is in the software

Sometimes the cause of your phone not charging correctly may be due to software problems.

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Sometimes it may be due to a recent update poorly optimized. In this case, you can check if there are other updates available that fix this problem or restore the latest version.

It is best not to update your devices as soon as a software update or beta is released, since sometimes they do not come out well polished and it is better to wait for a stable and definitive one.

If you experience these problems you can too and return it to the factory state to leave it like new.

Change your mobile battery

If after checking all of the above you still experience charging problems on your mobile, but everything else works correctly and it is not a software problem, the problem probably lies in the fact that the battery has deteriorated.

In older models we could remove the battery from the mobile phone, buy it and change it for another one, but modern mobile phones are made so that only someone with the right knowledge and tools can access the battery.

If your phone is old and has a removable battery, you can try changing it. If not, we are very afraid that in all these cases it will be necessary for you to contact the technical service and repair the mobile.

As you can see, your phone not charging can be for many reasons, but if you follow these easy steps, you will surely be able to locate the problem more quickly.

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