【 Apply Slide Design in PowerPoint 】 Guide ▷ 2022

When you want to make a in and give a unique style to your You will be able to personalize it by choosing one of the design tools that the program offers you.

For this, you will need to know the step by step that you must do to establish a format on the slide that you are creating.. This information can be found in the following paragraphs of this post.

We will also explain how you can customize and give your personal touch to any type of slide, using methods and tools that are quick and easy to apply. Take a look and become an expert.

Learn step by step how to set a slide layout in PowerPoint

To set a layout for a slide you will have to go to the Home tab and then continue with these steps:

  • Choose, in the function group Slideshowthe tool Design and click on it.
  • A window will open in which you can choose different models clip art You will be able to establish a title slide, section header, 2 objects or comparison, among other themes.
  • once you’ve chosen one the one that suits you best will appear in the Right part design ideas so that you can improve different aspects.
  • When you finish you can save it by going to the option File, Archive and then selecting the option Save as.

You can also choose a premade slide theme. To do this, you will have to go to the tab Design and choose the theme that you like the most.

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Learn how to customize a slide layout to give it your personal touch

As we showed you in previous paragraphs, you can customize a slide layout once you choose which one you want to work with.

We will show you below how you can customize different aspects quickly and easily:

change colors

If you want to change the colors enter the tab Start and select in the group He drewthe tool shape fill. This will allow you to paint the entire area a solid color or you can also include a textured or gradient image. Another way you have to modify the color is to go to quick styles and look for a look that is pleasing with the design you are going for.

This will allow you to find a different type of font and add a custom background to it. Finally, you can also change the border design by clicking on the option shape contours.

modify fonts

To change the font style you will have to select the area where you want to write so that the tab is enabled Format. Next, you will have to go to the group Font and select the font and size you want to use in your work. If you prefer, you can choose the function Font Color to change the color of the text. You will also have the option to select text shadow to add a three-dimensional effect.

customize effects

In case you need to customize effects on your slide, you will have to select the area you want to modify and then go to the group He drewlocated in the tab Start. Next, you will have to click on shape effects and then choose the option you want.

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