【 BLOATWARE 】What is it and what is it for? + Examples ▷ 2022

With the extensive development of computing, there are numerous terminologies that exist today and that many users are unaware of; this being the case of the term “bloatware”. Which, they usually associate with something negative, because it contains the word ware, such as malware, adware, ransomware, etc. However, bloatware is not associated with any of this.

In this sense, it is necessary to know what is it about and what is bloatware forsince it is a topic of interest to the vast majority of users, given that all devices suffer from it, although it is not something harmful. However, it is convenient to control it and even eliminate it, because it can influence the performance of computers and mobile devices.

Thus, in view of the importance that this term has taken on and due to the significance it reveals for teams, it is necessary to detail what it is for, its pros and cons, as well as the procedures to carry out to be able to eliminate this type of programs and applications easily. We will even mention some examples to better understand what bloatware is.

What is a bloatware or filler program and what is it for?

Currently, bloatware refers to all software or applications that are included or pre-installed on a certain device. In other words, they are programs that come from the factory and are present both on desktop machines and on mobile devices (especially Android).

Usually, a bloatware or bloatware program is completely harmless and usually does not interest users. But, usually, it is considered that all software or apps of this type, they take up a lot of space and consume more resources than expected, so they significantly influence the hard drive of a computer or a terminal. Even, in certain cases, violate the privacy of users.

In this sense, bloatware can be those applications as essential as the camera, image gallery or contacts, for example. But, they also go beyond that and, therefore, these are some additional applications that belong to the manufacturer or a third-party company and are pre-installed by default.

Thus, bloatware-type programs or apps serve so that their developers can monetize devices beyond the final purchase price, so they pay the manufacturers to add them pre-installed on the equipment. That way, they hope to encourage each of the users to use them, given that they remain hosted on the mobile or computer. Which, usually outrages users and, above all, when they are equipment that already has a high cost. Also, while they try to make sure that the Bloatware on their computers is safe, can also reveal the presence of in certain circumstances.

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On the other hand, it is necessary to distinguish that this term has been extended over time. Since, at first, bloatware was used to refer to all the programs that were really unnecessary on a computer due to their very basic functions and that, even if, they took up a disproportionate amount of space and decreased device memory. Which means that it was simply software that offered minimal functionality to the user while it required an inordinate amount of space.

Why are these apps installed on my devices?

As we mentioned above, bloatware is pre-installed on devices. in order to be able to monetize them beyond their final purchase price. Assessing that, the creators of said applications or programs pay the manufacturers of the computers or mobiles in order to include them from the factory.

Consequently, the number of applications of that class that are installed on your computers, It will simply depend on how many collaborators are behind it. So if, for example, it is a mobile phone offered by a telephone operator, it will surely have other applications installed by said company. In addition, all those manufacturers such as samsungThey also take it upon themselves to add their own bloatware to the devices they sell.

Thus, the main objective of all this, is to motivate the users of these computers or smartphones, to use the software or applications that are installed from the factory and thus, earn more money. Bearing in mind that, generally, people choose to use an app that is already installed instead of downloading another that has the same function.

Advantages and Disadvantages of bloatware Is it really necessary to have them?

Now, since there is a possibility to remove bloatware, users often wonder if it is really necessary to leave the bloatware installed or if it is better to delete it from the computer. So, in order to determine this, it is worth distinguishing what are the main advantages and disadvantages of having this type of apps or software on a computer.

So then we point out those of greatest interest:


In the case of the best benefits that bloatware relieves, also known as “crapware”we point out that they are very few and, at this point, We narrow down what it is:

  • Comfort when carrying out a certain task: Several of the programs or applications that are installed at the factory are of great help to perform certain tasks easily. As, avoid downloading a new tool that contains the same functions.
  • They are usually harmless programs and apps: Thanks to the fact that its developers focus on providing a solution with total security, most of the bloatware they are harmless and do not negatively influence the privacy of their users. But, this does not always happen.
  • They allow you to test the services of a final version: In some circumstances, they are simply trial programs that expire after a short time. In this way, they are ideal for testing their final version and with it, the user can decide or not, if he wishes to acquire it and/or pay for it.
  • They can be very useful: Basically, they are applications suitable for reading QR code, tape recorders, calculators or a calendar. This is useful for any common user.
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However, beyond the advantages they provide to their users, the truth is that bloatware is best known for its cons and, Precisely for this reason, it is also known by the derogatory name “crapware”..

Here are the main disadvantages:

  • Tend to slow down computers: If a computer or smartphone has many bloatware, will show much slower performance than usual. Therefore, the processing speed will be affected and its users will not be able to take full advantage of it, since each action executed from the computer will become cumbersome.
  • They consume a lot of RAM or hard drive: Because they are usually programs and applications that they have a remarkable weighthave a negative influence on the device because they reveal a higher use of the hard disk or consumption of RAM memory.
  • They can be unsafe: Despite the fact that many developers focus on providing solutions with complete security, the truth is that many bloatware reveal significant privacy problems for users. In such a way, the risks of contracting any type of malware in the operating system, increase in their entirety.
  • They’re some kind of hoax: Being a form of monetization by the manufacturers themselves, they are considered a deception for buyers. As, in a way, they end up paying more than expected due to the presence of so many filler programs and applications that may even have a monthly cost after a free trial period.
  • May be useless for many users: Although some bloatware is very helpful in completing certain tasks without the need to download a new tool, the truth is that most bloatware they are useless and even ignored by users. Thus, they only occupy a space that could be used in a better way.

Steps to remove pre-installed bloatware from my computer to free up space

In view of the risks and disadvantages that bloatware exhibits by its very nature, there is the possibility of eliminating said programs or applications pre-installed on your computers, in order to have a better performance of them and prevent the hard disk or RAM from becoming be affected.

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We detail below the steps to follow to delete a pre-installed program in the different operating systems:

In Windows 10

In the case of Windows 10, it is known that it is an operating system that is already installed and configured on many computers. Therefore, users simply have to create an account, establish an Internet connection and install the software you want.

However, it also stands out for being an OS that usually has several applications pre-installed, apart from . In most cases, these bloatware are test versions that only do is to fill disk space and consume system resourcesso it is more opportune to eliminate them.

Here, the official procedure to carry out in W10 for that:

  • Go to the Start menu and Go to the Settings option.
  • Now, Go to “Applications” then click on “Apps and Features”.
  • Once the above is done, you will find the list of installed applications. From there, you have to choose each one to then press the “Uninstall” button.

You can also proceed as follows:

  • The first thing you have to do is search Control Panel directly from Start (in the search bar).
  • After that, you have to click on “Uninstall program”.
  • Finally, you will see the list of installed applications and just select the bloatware you want to remove it.

Additionally, there is another easier way that just consists of looking for the application icon from the Start menu, select it and click on the “Uninstall” option.

on macOS

On the other hand, around Mac computers, there is also the possibility to delete bloatware easily. That is, its users can delete language files, browser extensions and useless apps that are pre-installed on the machine without any hassle.

Here, we detail each step by step to execute:

  • Mainly, open the “Applications” folderfind and select the program or application that you want to delete from your computer.
  • Now, right-click on that application and choose the option “Get information”.
  • After that, scroll to the bottom of the window and click on the lock iconto enter the indicated password there.
  • Subsequently, in “Sharing and permissions”, you will need to specify that all users have read and write permissions. So that, if you have administrator permissions on the Macyou can delete the app in question.

On the other hand, if…

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