【 CREATE GOOGLE ACCOUNT 】▷ Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Talking about the internet is talking about Google. The American company, a subsidiary of the multinational giant Alphabet, has established itself as the great reference of the network of networks. It began as a very practical search engine that is today the favorite of most users; but over time it has covered many facets of the digital environment, allowing us to check email, watch videos, share documents and even do office work, among many other functions.

A compendium of facilities only accessible to those who have a user profile in your system. Google accounts are the only way to get the most out of this platform that has taken over the internet through your computer or any other device, and having one is almost essential, especially if you are a user of an Android terminalwhere it is practically mandatory.

Then, how to create a free google account It is probably something that you have wondered when buying a new mobile phone or if you are taking your first steps in the digital ocean. Fortunately, in this text you have all the answers you need, since we are going to explain everything you have to do both to open your new user and to do it for a minor under your guardianship. two different processesbut quite important with respect to this topic.

Steps to register a new Google account

In this guide we explain everything step by step and with great detail. If you want to register a new account with Google, open one for a minor or solve certain doubts about Gmail, we bring you all the solutions so that you do not have problems when using everything. Having a user on this platform is something simple and full of advantagesThat is why this is a good help to take advantage of the potential that the internet hides.

If you do not know how to open a new google account, then we leave you all the steps that you have to follow from your team to achieve it. It is a registration form without complications, but full of options that should be taken into account so as not to make mistakes during the process.

1 – Open the registration process

For Create a new Google user account, you must start by entering the portal of this giant. Open your regular web browser and enter the following URL in its address bar: www.google.es. (for users in Spain, if you do not reside in this country, enter the Google extension corresponding to your country)

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Immediately afterwards, when facing the seeker, go to the top right corner and click on “Log in”. Google assumes that you already have a profile created, so this is the only way to get started with registration.

Now, when you have in front of you the field to enter an email or telephone, you only have to click on “Create account”which is located at the bottom.

2 – Enter your user data

Google needs to identify you in order to create your new user profile. So, you have to start by entering data like your name, your last name, a username for your Google account (which will map to a Gmail) and a password.

Fill in all these fields, remembering that the password must be personal and non-transferable and, if possible, alphanumeric to reinforce your security with a minimum of 8 characters. When you’re done, click the “Following” to advance.

Then, you will have to enter some optional data, that is, not mandatory but recommended to enter, such as:

  • A phone number (choose your country of residence)
  • A secondary email address for cases where there are problems with access and to recover your account
  • Your date of birth (required)
  • Your gender (male, female, I prefer not to say or personalized)

These data are used to finish setting up your profilein addition to detecting if you are in the appropriate age range to use these services (minimum 13 years and older).

3 – Accept the conditions of use

Finishing with the previous point, the platform will show you the privacy policies and conditions of use. If you don’t accept them, you can’t move on. Therefore, scroll down until you reach the end of the text, check the corresponding boxes, the first one must be checked if you want to have your account, the second box is optional, then click on the “Create Account” to accept.

4 – Confirm your identity

If you entered an optional email or contact number, you’ll need to confirm either. Follow the steps that are indicated on the screen (key to the phone via SMS to enter in the form on PC or email with code to do the same) and you will have your profile verified.

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5 – Google account created!

Your new Google account registration is complete. From now on, you can start using this profile to access all the services that this company provides through the Internet, which are hundreds!

How to open a Google account for my minor child?

To be able to register an account with Google it is necessary to have a minimum age. The company does not allow users under 13 years They can open a profile freely, so it is necessary that they have the permission of a legal guardian, father or mother, to be able to do so.

So, if you have to grant permission to a minor for their account, you are probably wondering how to open a Google account for your minor child. We are going to explain to you what you have to do through Family Linkthe service created by the platform for this:

1 – Download the Family Link app

The only way to open a Google account for minors is by downloading this application. Go to the digital app store of your mobile phone (Play Store if you are Android, App Store if you are iOS) and enter “Google Family Link” in the search bar, or follow the links we provide here:

Choose the first result that appears on the screen and, when you are inside its information sheet, press on “Install” so that your phone downloads everything and installs it on your terminal.

2 – Enter the app and configure it

Once the download and installation is finished, you just have to open the Google Family Link app to start configuring everything in order to open the account for your minor child. Enter and press the button until the option appears “Start”. Press it.

First, you have to make sure that your child’s terminal has Android 7.0 or higher, since it is the only way to control its use through this function. Also, you must have previously created a Family Groupwhere this new user will be entered.

Accept all the steps until the Family Link app invites you to create your child’s account. From this moment, You have to start entering the child’s data to establish their new profile on Google. Start by typing your first and last name in the fields that appear and move on.

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Later, you have to enter your date of birth and your gender. In this way, the company can establish a user with the most accurate data possible.

3 – Account and password

Now is the time to write username that your child will have and the access code to your google log. Remember that the first must be unique and that the second must be secure enough to avoid possible identity theft.

When you do and progress, the conditions and restrictions of this account will be explained to you, in addition to requesting that accept the conditions of use giving your parental consent. Check the relevant boxes and accept to proceed further.

By doing this last step, your child’s account will already be created. The only thing left to do to finish configuring it is connect their device with yours via Family Linka process that is also explained in the app and that implies that both terminals are close to each other.

Gmail email account and Google account. Is it the same?

A Gmail email account and a Google account are not exactly the same, but they are linked, let’s see what are the differences between the two. You can use a Yahoo or to create your user profile in Google, having access to all the functions that this allows its users; but you can also take advantage of .

Most people who open a new user in this system take the opportunity to also open a new e-mail in Gmail, thus being able to have everything centralized on the same platform for a much more comfortable and fast use.

What can be stated emphatically is that any user who has a Gmail email also has a Google account. It is an essential requirement for anyone who uses this company mail service, so they are connected in a more than mandatory way. If you want to use it, you already know that before you are going to have to go through that registration form that we have described in the previous sections.

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