【 Earn Money in Plant vs Undead 】 Step by Step Guide 2022

One of the currently is , which could be defined as games that generate digital assets through which you can sell for real money.

Among the most popular games of this type, you can find a well known tower defense known as Plant vs. Undeadan extremely game similar to the well-known Plants vs. Zombieswith the difference that characters and items can be traded between playersin addition to having its own cryptocurrency.

Next, you will learn everything you need to know about this gamefrom the operation of your cryptocurrency to the method to install it and start playing so that you can take advantage of it to generate profits in an entertaining way.

What is Plant vs. Undead?

Plant vs Undead is a genre NFT game tower defense which has many similarities with the popular game Plants vs Zombieswith the difference that it generates Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)which become digital assets within the game.

The player’s objective in Plant vs Undead is to protect the mother tree through the use of plants. These plants are the NFTs of the game, which can be purchased on the marketplace. The purpose of the game is to build a garden of plants that can resist the attack of the “living dead”.

It also has the mode “farming”, where you can position the plants to defend the tree, each successful round is rewarded with energy points, called LEwhich allow players to position and improve their plants, as well as exchange them for PVU tokenswhich can be exchanged on various exchange platforms in exchange for cryptocurrencies.

How does PVU Play to Earn work?

It is a decentralized application that just use a few PVU Tokens to start playing. In order to access the marketplace, You will need to connect to a virtual wallet through which you can start buying the plants necessary to play.

This game is based on the Binance blockchaincalled BSC, so it is necessary for the wallet to be compatible with this blockchain, in addition to certain amount of BNB to cover transaction fees. Currently, the game is focused on two modalities: retail, which uses the token FPVU, based on Factory Chain; and the way PVEwhich works with the blockchain BSC through the token USP.

How profitable is PVU?

You may earn USP in various ways within the game, although it is necessary to highlight the fact that the profitability of the token depends to a large extent on the investment made. Currently the token has a market value of €0.139.

For example, if you buy a certain plant from the marketplace, which costs 102 USPyou can generate 1306 LE tokens every 168 hours. This translates into LE 5602.74 per month, which can be changed to 56.02 USP. This amount of tokens can be exchanged in turn for €616.30 per month. It should be noted that, although one of the most common practices in this game is to make an initial investment of 5 PVU, gather the necessary amount to buy the required plants or any NFT plant It will take two to three months.

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Is the economy of Plant vs Undead sustainable?

As with many NFT games, Its profitability depends to a large extent on the initial investment made. The minimum amount needed to start playing is 5 PVUs, which cost around €13.

In its beginnings, Plant vs Undead had the function of obtaining seeds that were obtained for free to obtain the plants in the mode of farming. Nevertheless, this feature was removed in November 2021because players found ways to cheat with this feature.

This caused an increase in the activity of its Marketplace, which became the only way in which players can acquire the NFT plants necessary to play, through the payment of PVU tokens.

Learn how to get started in Plant vs Undead step by step

Start your activities on the Plant vs Undead platform it’s not much different than registering your data for any type of game. The only difference in this case, is the need to access an electronic wallet dedicated to trading with in-game currency.

In order to start generating profits in Plant vs Undead, follow the steps below:

Download MetaMask

MetaMask is a virtual wallet for cryptocurrencies which is available both as a browser extension and as a mobile app, and is the wallet required to be able to trade with the PVU tokenonce connected to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network.

You can get the MetaMask wallet, follow the steps below:

  • Access the wallet through this link: https://metamasak.io/download/.
  • Select the platform for which you want to download the wallet. you can choose between Chrome, iOS and Android.

Once you retain in the wallet, you need to have some BNB in ​​the backgroundwhich will be used to buy your first USP, and the payment of network fees that are generated during the purchase of game assets.

To connect your MetaMask wallet to the Binance network, you just have to enter the following data in the corresponding fields:

  • Network name: Smart Chain.
  • New RPC url: https://bsc.dataseed.binance.org
  • ChainID: 56.
  • symbols: BNB.
  • Block Explorer: https://bscscan.com

You may also use a platform like PancakeSwap https://pancakeswap.finance to transfer BNB from your BSC network to your MetaMask accountfor which you only have to fill in the fields of the network BSC to unlock your wallet PancakeSwap, and then connect your MetaMask wallet.

One time the MetaMask is connected with PancakeSwap, you can do the change from BNB to PVU. You can use any cryptocurrency, but the main point is to acquire the 5 USP necessary to obtain the initial package.

creat your account

The creating a Plant vs Undead account can only be done from the project website. From here, it is a process similar to many NFT games, which log in using the ID of the e-wallet they are affiliated with.

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With this in mind, you can create your Plant vs Undead account by following these steps:

  • Enter the URL from the video game https://plantvsundead.com
  • click on the button Registration.
  • Log in with the data of your MetaMask wallet.

PVP or Farm?

As a first time player, you will be at a great disadvantage when using the PVP mode, so it is best to start your work in farming mode, since it will be easier to generate profits. When starting out, the profitability will be somewhat low and it will take some time to gather the necessary LE to exchange for PVUwhich are necessary to acquire the NFT plants in the Marketplace.

As you progress and acquire better plants, the profitability of the farming mode will increase and there will be passive profits in LE, to which you will have to dedicate very little time a day. Nevertheless, PVP mode is not something to be neglected once you have the right plants and the appropriate category. And it is that when you reach a certain point in the game, it is not necessary to choose between farming or PVP.

Buy your NFTs

If you have registered with your electronic walletall you have to do is access the marketplace from the game website link,

The minimum necessary to be able to buy in the marketplace is 5 PVU, and you can purchase them by following these steps:

  • Access to the page of play.
  • click in the notice “Here”, at the top to access PancakeSwap and login.
  • Change your BNB from your wallet metamask by USP.
  • on the page of Plant vs. Undeadyou must click on “Marketplace” and login to your wallet MetaMask, making sure it’s the same one you log into the game with.
  • Select the tab labeled as “Plants”.
  • Select the plant you want to buy and click on Buy Plant.
  • Accept the requested permissions by the wallet in the pop-up tab of the browser.

One time finished the processyou will have your first NFT plantwhich you can plant and you must take care of so that it begins to generate LE tokens, with which you can acquire gardening tools to improve your plants, as well as PVU tokens, to acquire new plants or exchange for real money.

Starts the game

When purchasing your plants, you will have everything you need to start playing. You will be able to enter the game’s farming mode from the main page, by clicking on the button labeled Farm. Once there, you’ll be able to plant your NFT and start watering and caring for it, making sure it’s in good shape so you can start generating tokens.

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Learn all the ways to earn money in PVU

This game offers its players two ways to generate profits in a relatively simple way and with little effort.

Although it requires an initial investment by the user, after recovering it, everything collected represents a profit:

farming tokens

The farming is one of the most common shapes used by Plant vs Undead players to generate money. This is largely due to its low initial investment and the little time it requires. These are known as gardener quests. These missions consist of water and care for transient plants to get their rewards. These plants are obtained by purchasing them with LE tokens, which you can obtain by exchanging your USP.

The types of transitional plants you can purchase are as follows:

  • Sunflower mother: It has a cost of 200 LE and a cycle of 144 hours.
  • Sunflower shoot: it costs 100 LE and its cycle is 72 hours.

As usual, the initial investment is for the mother sunflower is 320 LE and after completion of its cycle it offers a reward of 850 LE, which translates to a net profit of 530 LE. This game mode also has farmer missions, which are more complex and use NFT plants, which are different from temporary ones. It requires a much larger initial investment, which varies depending on the number of plants you want to start with.

A common seedwhich you can buy at the marketplace, has this of 100 USP and the most expensive seeds can go as far as 500 USP. However, the rewards are also much greater. Another difference between the gardener missions and the farmer missions is that during the latter, the plants are affected by weather events and seasons, which affects their growth and the amount of lke they can produce, so they require much more care than transient plants.

NFT buy/sell

Another very popular method to generate profit in this game, is trading NFT plants on the Marketplace. This is done both to make a real profit from the sale, and to invest in better plants.

It is necessary to highlight the fact that, in order to sell an NFT plant, it cannot be planted or generated LE tokens, that is, it must be in your inventory, so if you want to sell a plant that is farming, you must remove it by selecting it and clicking on “Remove”.

In order to sell plants in Plant vs Undead, the procedure is as follows:

  • Choose the option “My Account” on the…
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