【 Earn Money Selling E-books 】 Step by Step Guide 2022

The digital age has reached virtually all methods of information dissemination. We can find almost anything on the internet as a source and One of the big changes is the digitization of books.

These files are known as e-books. and they are, as their name suggests, electronic books that are written in the same way as a physical book and can be sold on websites much more easily and .

In the next few paragraphs, we will teach you everything you need to know about generating income through the sale of e-books and the steps you must follow to.

What is an E-book?

An e-book is a digital format file written in a format called “epub”which is scheduled to be read through a touch screen device known as e-reader. Although they are designed for certain specific terminals, the reality is that the “epub” format can be read on almost any devicefrom computers to mobile phones, so the process only consists of buying them online, downloading them and reading them at any time.

How much money can be made selling ebooks?

The earnings that can be generated by selling e-books vary greatly depending on many factors, among which are the theme of the book, its price and the platform on which it is distributed. An ebook, depending on demand, can be sold for approximately €4 in so the main factor is the diffusion and the number of people who buy it.

Learn how to make money with an ebook

The person who writes an ebook can be considered a writer In all rules. The hard part, however, is make your books have the diffusionthe scope and quality necessary for them to generate income for you.

With this objective, we present below a general procedure that you can follow to optimize the process of writing a book, adapting it to your circumstances and the theme that it will develop:

Find a niche

The first step for any type of newsroom is to decide the theme and objective of your book. Because the only thing that changes is the presentation format, the number of goals your e-book can pursue is as varied as it is for any physical book. The first thing you need to decide is what your e-book will focus on. For this point, you can choose create a book dedicated to learning a skill either a novel dedicated to telling a storyadapting to the genre of your preference.

idea your book

We agree that The creation of a book is not a process that occurs easily. There is a lot of work to be done to kick-start the creative process that is required to develop a quality e-book. Once you have decided the central theme of your book and its objective, it is necessary to delve into in the creative process that will allow you to organize the ideas to create the content.

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Each one carries out their creative process in a different way, but in general, the steps of this can be summarized as those described below:

  • Preparation: This phase varies depending on how clear you are about the theme and goal of the book, but regardless of the case, during this phase you should soak up as much knowledge and references as possible so that you can form a primitive idea of ​​the content of the e-book. .
  • Developing: Contrary to what its name may imply, this phase is mostly about letting all the knowledge gained during the preparation phase sink in. It’s usually a good idea to relax while this happens, keeping on target and making sure you take notes of any ideas that occur to you to begin to outline the final idea.
  • Finding: this phase can be described as the point of inspiration. That moment in which while you are doing something else, the central idea appears in your mind in a clear and defined way. At this point you need to make sure you have where to score, you may need it at any time.
  • Putting into action: Once you have discovered the central idea of ​​the book, what remains to be done is a second phase of more exhaustive documentation, focused on the subject of the e-book and a profiling process to define the direction of the process.

Write the e-book

By having a clear direction for your book, it’s time to get to the interesting part. The next step is to start writing the book following a scheme that allows you to capture the ideas in an orderly and understandable way. You can use a wide variety of writing software for your computer, as well as online text editors. Either of these options will give you the tools you need to put together the body of the book.

In general, regardless of the theme of the book, the main outline can be defined as follows:

  • Introduction: It is the initial section that works as a presentation method that the author provides to contextualize what you will see in the content of the ebook. Depending on the writing style, they can be very formal, sticking to the point, or quite informal, interacting with the author.
  • Contents: is the central point of the book. Throughout the pages, the knowledge or story that the author wishes to share is captured in an orderly and understandable manner. Depending on the length of the book, the content is usually divided into sections or chapters.
  • Conclusion: It works as a kind of summary of what has been seen throughout the book, and it is a section that the author can use to increase interactions with the reader, taking up points started during the introduction, or asking questions that you can only answer once you have read. the book.
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Lay it out

The process of layout a e-book varies slightly from one text editor to another. However, the main essence remains, and the goal of the process is to add formatting to the text to give it an order within the file.

Regardless of the editing tool you use, the main guidelines for e-book layout are as follows:

  • Paragraph and text justification: It consists of selecting the entire text and justifying it, to later treat the sections that need it, such as spacing, indentation and line spacing, in order to give the file fattening and structure.
  • Titles and subtitles: a very important step when making an index. It is about formatting the headings and subheadings using the tools provided by your text editor. It is usually found in the formats of “Title 1”, “Title 2”, etc.
  • Page breaks: using the page break tool is a great way to avoid dragging unnecessary code from the text editor. For aesthetic reasons, it is best to adjust the editor page before passing that text to the illustrator.
  • Blank pages: This point is very important for the presentation of the e-book. It is about adding three blank pages at the beginning of the work, which will be assigned to the book cover, copyright and index, in that order.
  • Marker: This step is added so that the device you read on can have the index of your work. In general, regardless of the text editor, this process is done through the “Insert” section and selecting the “Bookmark” option, where you will enter the word “Index” written exactly as it is in said section of the book.

Create a landing page

As soon as your book is ready, The next step is to create a landing page that includes the title, description, and details of the work.and to which customers can access to purchase the ebook. The most recommended platform for this type of work is WordPress, since it offers a large number of specialized templates for e-book sales, which have features such as e-book preview, author information and responsive design.

The procedure to create a landing page in WordPress is as follows:

  • using your user credentials.
  • click about section “Pages” and select the option “Add new”.
  • change the url from the page to one of your preference.
  • Open the section “Page Attributes” and change the selection to Landing page.
  • From here, you click “Preview” to check the status of the blank landing page.
  • start building the page according to your requirements.

promote your book

There are thousands of techniques that you can apply to make your book as well known as possible and they from self-promotion through social networks to using and, for example.

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Some additional tactics you can apply are creating pre-launch offers e-book, where you can offer great discounts for a limited time to those who purchase the book or even involve your followers during the creation process. As a general rule, be sure to hire a professional editor and designer for the book cover. The cover is the first impression that your e-book will give, so it is essential that it be well done.

Book it on Amazon Kindle

For this process, it will be necessary to create an account in the Amazon KDP section (Kindle Direct Publishing), to be able to quickly and directly.

To do this, follow the steps described below:

  • Enter the official site of Amazon KDP and log in with your user credentials Amazon.
  • Access the section “Setting” in your account Kindle.
  • Enter your residence information to determine the ways of collection and tax charges.
  • enter your information as author.
  • Enter your bank details for receiving payments.
  • Enter the Tributary information.

One time account configuredreturn to the main page of KDP.

At this point, you will have access to begin the file upload process. Upload your ebooks to Kindle using the following procedure:

  • In section “Create a new title” select the option “Kindle ebooks”.
  • Complete the form with the data and specifications of the book. You will be asked for information such as title, language, author, description, etc.
  • In the section “Kindle ebook content”, You must upload the file with the ebook manuscript, indicate if you have rights management (DRM), upload the book cover and other information that will be requested.
  • define the price of the ebook, royalties, and whether you want the ebook to be a Kindle exclusive.

Once the requirements are met, all you have to do is wait a maximum of 72 hourss, after which the book will be on the platform of kindle ready for your purchase. You will receive confirmation of this in your email associated with your account Amazon.

Best tools to write an ebook

One of the best features of ebooks is that writing can be done by almost any text editor with some tools that, honestly, are not that advanced and so you can start with your ebook at any time. There are some more specialized text editors, which have features ranging from from better spell checking, to fully dedicated ebook writing toolsdelivering a…

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