【 Types of Social Network Users 】 What are they? + List ▷ 2022

Companies make use of social networks (RRSS) to publicize their brand, products and content. The receptivity usually varies according to the types of social media users. If you want to know What are they and why should you know them?continue reading.

The social networks (RRSS) They are digital platforms that promote interaction between people from all over the world. Frequently, managing a social network account is not an easy job.

The interpretation and tastes of the users are totally different, and this can be both negative and positive. What Community Manager you have the mission of encouraging dynamic participation.

Why is it important for you to know the different types of users on social networks?

The social media account management seeks to share relevant strategies, activities or data about the brand in question. Here, users exercise a very strong active participation, since they are the ones in charge of positioning the content of an account. For this reason, It is important that you know the different types of users on social networks.

Feedback is one of the most important aspects during the growth of a brand. Users become ambassadors of the account, and begin to make their content go viral. Nevertheless, not all users respond in the same way.

It is essential that the Community Manager knows his audience. Even more important is knowing the types of users that make up the public. A bad publication can compromise the interest of certain people. It can also be the case of an excellent post with few interactions.

On some occasions, users often argue with each other. At such times, the account administrator must learn to know which are the problematic users, and how to avoid publication problems. Knowing the different types of users in social networks allows the community manager put together publications that are striking for each sector. In addition, healthy and respectful interactions are promoted.

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List of the main types of users that we can find on social platforms

Millions of users live actively on social networks. Creating eye-catching and interesting content for everyone is an arduous task. For this reason, we provide you with a list of the main types of users that we can find on social platforms. This way you will be able to recognize who constantly participates in your accounts.

Let’s see next:

new or novice

They are the users who just arrived at the account. It is likely that the content of the brand appeared in its beginning of Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. They also usually arrive under the recommendation of some other follower. From this user, derive the vast majority of other users. At the beginning they are not so participative. Normally, their most frequent interaction is the likes. Occasionally they usually share or comment. They don’t know what the matter is about, but they get along with the passing of time.

Hooligan or fanatic

They are the users who adore, with great emphasis, the products and content of the brand.a. They are quite effusive people, and they do not usually receive criticism of the account with great pleasure. The term hooligan refers to fans starting disputes in sports arenas against fans of the opposing team. On social media, hooligan users may just be content worshipers. However, a portion of them may take any negative comments personally.


They are users who do not comment or participate actively. On certain occasions, they may communicate by private message. Do not do comments, much less is part of the dynamics. They view the vast majority of photos, videos and publications, but do not issue an opinion about it.

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Trolls are users who only dedicate themselves to annoying other users.. They do not add anything positive to the account. In fact, it is convenient to block them when you have identified them, because they only generate problems in the comments section. In addition, trolls tend to harm the community manager in the same way, through obscene and rude messages.


The term “Hoygan” refers to Internet users who do not meet the basic rules of good spelling.. The denomination is a substitute for the word “hear”. Such errors are often caused by carelessness with the keyboard. However, others are due to the low cultural level of certain users. They are regular characters on social media.

fake profiles

They are users who impersonate the identity of others. The practice is common with celebrity accounts. However, it can also happen with regular users. Fake accounts (False) benefit from using other people’s profiles. They are potentially risky people, and should be reported to the social network.


They are the best kind of user you can find on the Internet. They contribute knowledge, constantly participate and generate peaceful discussions with the rest of the community. They are in charge of sharing the content of the account, and also provide their comments. Through proactive users, more novice users reach the profile in question.

critical or selfish

They are users who frequently they consider to know more than the brand. They take other people’s resources to assert their points, but they do not contribute anything in the debate. The same way, they criticize each publication. They are toxic characters, and can cause conflict with proactive users. Although it is not necessary to block or report them, it is important to have them under surveillance, because after a heated discussion, they can become problematic.

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Spammers are users who are dedicated to spreading advertising messages in as many accounts as possible. Spam is a method of getting attention on the Internet. They are considered “junk comments” or “junk mail” because they do not add anything to the normal flow of user interactions.

Spam accounts fill the comment section with unsolicited advertising, which can be annoying for the rest of the community members. it suits report spam accounts or simply block them indefinitely from the profile to keep post comments clean.

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