【 Google Authenticator 】What is it? + How to configure? ▷ 2022

If you want to start improving the security of each of your Internet accounts, as well as those of your social networksthen very surely you have already heard about what it is the , what has become one of the most reliable and secure methods when adding additional protection to each of the accounts on the Internet.

It must be borne in mind that when speaking of two-step identification automatically appears the name of Google Authenticator, and it is that all that has gone I become one of the safest methods at the moment of having to verify your identitywhich has led many applications to decide to activate this system on their platforms, just as it has been done WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, among many others.

In this way, it can be said that this tool’s main objective is to create a layer of security in access to your social networks or digital accounts, so it will prevent them from being easily violated. Keeping in mind the importance of all this, here we are going to teach you a little more about what Google Authenticator is, what it is for and how this tool works, for this, follow everything that we will teach you next in the post.

What is Google Authenticator and what is this Google tool for?

It is a mobile app whose main objective is to offer access codes that will allow you to verify and authenticate your identity in order to access different types of services, either those of the Google company or third-party applications such as social networks or digital wallets.

In this way two step authentication It is currently considered one of the best tools when it comes to protecting any service, application or social network you use, so its main function is to create a security layer that is very difficult to break. In order to guarantee this, it will necessarily require a code that is usually sent by text message to your mobile device.

This will prevent another person from accessing only with your password to your services, since we also need your mobile device for the code. But this is not all, since this mobile application available both for Android and iOS mobile devices, also provides you temporary security codes that will allow you to protect all your data quickly. All this allows the person to need both their access password and their code to access their different services.

As for its very basic operation, you simply have to download it for free either from or the App Store and perform the configuration of the same in the compatible application or website. There he will show you a six digit code with which you are going to prove your identity, keep in mind that this temporary code usually changes every 20 or 30 seconds. In this way you can access your different applications and social networks in a much more secure way.

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Google Authenticator Features and Functions What can I do with this Google Authenticator?

As has been mentioned throughout the post, Google Authenticator It is characterized by being an application whose main function is protect users’ access to supported services and applicationswith which two-step verification can be used, so it is responsible for generating codes so that you can enter in a much more secure way.

It should be mentioned that it is a fairly simple app to use and that it has been very useful for users, and which does not have many features beyond providing a protection of access to app, social networks and other compatible Internet services. However, it should be mentioned that Google has recently launched a upgrade to Google Authenticator, which has come to version 5.10 and where it offers a new function for its users, as well as a new interface design.

As for the new function added now users are going to have the opportunity to import or export accounts directly from the app. This new function will allow users to choose which account to export and thus generate a QR code. Although it must be taken into account that this code is not saved, but the objective is to use another device with the app to be able to scan it and import said accounts.

In this way, this function has become a very easy option to be able to pass Google Authenticator from one smartphone to another. It is important that you bear in mind that in order to enjoy this new function of exporting or importing accounts, you must have installed version 5.1 on both devices, since this will be the only way you can carry out said procedure successfully.

And finally, we must mention its new features in terms of interface design, which has not been a radical change, but which allows us to see the application in a much more modern way. In the case of the upper bar no longer has another color, the list of accounts lights differently, the Google logo has the colors of the brand, allows you to see more accounts on the same screen and the best thing is that this design applies both dark mode and light mode.

Learn step by step how to configure Google Authenticator with your accounts on social networks and other platforms

As already mentioned in the post, Google Authenticator is an application that is currently compatible with many web services such as social networks, payment servers, web pagesamong others.

All this will provide you with greater security when accessing your profiles, since you must necessarily verify your identity through a access code sent to your mobile. In accordance with this and keeping in mind the importance of having this service activated for each of your accounts, here we are going to teach you How to configure this Google service with your accounts on social networks and other platforms.

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To do this, follow each of the methods that we will teach you below:

With Facebook

In order to activate this service in your facebook account The first thing you need is to activate two-step verification on your social network.

To do this you must follow each of the steps that we are going to teach you below:

  • The first thing you should do is go to Security and loginat the end of everything will be the two-step authentication settingsonce you are there click on “Start”.
  • The next thing will be to choose the security methodeither use a mobile application such as Google Authenticator or Duo Mobile or in such a case select the text messages for verification. If what you want is to use the google toolthen you must select the first option and then click on “Following”.
  • In the next window that appears on the screen you will be shown a QR code on screen, as well as a letter code. In the case of Google Authenticator allows you to scan the QR code to set up the account automatically.
  • After this point you must return to the mobile device and there open the application of Google Authenticator. After starting the app and going through the welcome screen, if it is the first time you are using it, two options will appear on the screen, one of them is to scan a barcode or enter a password provided, in this case choose “Scan barcode”.
  • Here it will be opened to you mobile camerain this case you must focus on the barcode that is shown in your account. Luckily this scanner works very well so barcode recognition is quite fast.
  • Once all this is done, the Facebook account it will be added to the identifier in two steps, so you can start generating codes automatically. Despite this, the configuration has not finished, since again in the Facebook websiteyou must enter the code that the application generates to confirm that everything is correct.
  • Here you only have to enter the numbers that appear in the app Google, keep in mind that these numbers change every 20 or 30 seconds so you must enter it quickly.

Once all this is done, the next thing will be to log in to Facebookbut this time using Google Authenticatorin this way you can check if the security configuration has been done correctly.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • The first thing to do is enter the Username and password as usual to login.
  • When accessing your account, a new window will open where you need to enter an additional numerical code, these are the six digits that appear to you in Google Authenticator, These must be entered in a mandatory way to access your profile.
  • Once entered correctly you must click on “Continue” and later you will be charged facebook home page, so you can start browsing the social network.
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with instagram

If you have an account at instagram and you want to start protecting your profile with two-step authentication, then it is important that you download the application with which you want to perform the protection, in this case it will be used Google Authenticator, but you should keep in mind that Instagram is also compatible with other applications of this type.

After you have installed the Google protection tool, you must return to the Instagram app on your mobile and follow each of the steps that we are going to indicate below:

  • Enter the Instagram social network and go to the “Settings”.
  • Now you must navigate the settings menu until you get the section “Two Step Authentication” and click on it.
  • In the next window we must click on the option “authentication application”
  • Now you must click on the button “Following” for Instagram to proceed to open Google Authenticator and accept the token that appears on the screen.
  • Here the Google tool will give you a six digit code that you must copy with the help of the same program.
  • Go back to the Instagram app and click on “Next” and there enter the code that you have previously copied in the corresponding field of the app.

After you have completed all these steps two-step identification will have been activated. In this way, every time you go to log in to Instagram, you will be will send a code to the authentication app which you should copy and paste in the social network. This will allow you to guarantee completely secure access, since any other person who knows your password will not be able to access if they do not have said code sent to your smartphone.

with Twitter

If you want to start improving protecting your Twitter account with Google Authenticator, then it will be necessary that you have said application installed on your smartphone, since from it you will be able to carry out said protection. Keep in mind that this process can be done both in one Android mobile device as iOS. Therefore, once you have the Google app installed on…

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