【 HARD DRIVE 】What is it? + Types and Operation ▷ 2022

A computerjust like any system, including the human body is composed of different elements. The same perform a certain function for the right functioning.

In this sense, there are essential componentswithout which the entire pc could not function properly. One of them is the hard drive. Surely the term is quite familiar to you. This is because we are in constant contact with himat least virtually.

To advance in this computer science course, It is essential that you know what this hardware is about, how it works, how many types there are, how to take care of it among other things. You will find all the answers below.

What is a hard drive and what is this hardware for in computing?

A HDD, hard disk, hard drive, HDD Or simply disk is a device digital file storage. They are saved through an engraving system magnetic and they remain available for the user, even if power is no longer supplied. The latter differs substantially from the RAM memorieswhich delete your information with each PC restart.

Although it is not essential hardware for starting the computer, since you can start without it, is responsible for maintaining the operating system among other things. In this way we could not use our device in the way we are used to. Also, is in charge of preserving all the documents that we create, copy and download. Everything we interact with in the file explorer is stored on the hard drive.

History and Evolution How have hard drives changed over time?

Believe it or not, the first disk was removable, although not portable, since it weighed about a thousand kg. It was the model Ramac II developed for IBM. Its size was enormous and it managed to store 5MB of information. worked with vacuum valves and metallic discs that were charged with magnetism in certain sectors. In this way, any of them could be accessed without having to go through the rest of the material (unlike magnetic tapes).

Thanks to the work of Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg on magnetic storage, figured out how to store binary information in smaller spaces and more compact. In this way the size and sensitivity of the discs were reduced and increased respectively. Over the years, the capacity of these devices was growing and IBM was once again in charge of development. thanks to your model IBM3380 released in the year 1980 capacity has been reached 2.52GB storage.

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However, the size of these was still large (similar to a family refrigerator). Until the arrival of Seagate ST-506 with considerably reduced dimensions. In the year 1988 Toshiba launches the model Tanba-1 2 and a half inches. Characteristic that is preserved even today in laptops. had the ability to 20MB and in 1991 rose to 63MB storage.

More than ten years later, Seagate creates the Barracuda Serial ATA V Does the name sound familiar to you? He was the first to use the SATA system for information transfer. offered 120GB of capacity at a price of less than 200 dollars. 2006 was the year that samsung throw the first modern solid state drive. with capacity of 32GB they offered superior speed to their magnetic competitors. Although inferior in storage, They served perfectly to save system files.

Classification of hard drives What are all the types that exist?

As you know, due to the speed of technological advances and the large number of researchers and manufacturers, there is a wide variety of devices.

For this reason it is necessary that we classify the types of discs that exist:

for its size

We refer to the hardware physical dimensions. Currently they are used 3.5 inches for computers desk and of 2.5 inches for laptops. This does not mean that there are special ones for other functions.

by his ability

Creating a list in this section would be very extensive and would never be updated. But in general and currently the majority surpassed the terabyte of storage, although those of 500GB They continue to be traded.

By the type of connection they use

The disk communicates with the motherboard or motherboard via different types of connectors. This depends on the model and how current it is.

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It is usually one of these:

  • SDI. It is somewhat outdated, but until 2004 it was the main connector model. Very few disks and boards currently support this type of connection.
  • SATA. The most used in computers home. It is more compact and efficient than the previous one and its transfer speed varies depending on whether it is of the type 1 (1510MB/s), two (300MB/s) or 3 (600MB/s).
  • SCSI. It means Small Computer System Interface and are devices large storage capacity. They were the most suitable for servers until the arrival of his successor, which we will describe below.
  • SAS. This type of discsThe speed at which it transfers information increases as the number of devices connected to it increases. They are the latest and fastest drives for servers.

By its location

We can define two classes. The internal and the external. The first are the most accessible and are connected inside the cabinet to the motherboard. Seconds transmit information through usb cables to the external ports of the computer. Although they are more prone to accidents, they have become one of the best ways to move files between devices.

How do hard drives work to store information on a computer?

The operation of the HDD is similar to that of a turntable. If you never saw any, we can say that he uses a head that magnetically charges a constantly rotating high-rev disc. Every time you search for a file, the head reads the platter until it finds it. That is why it takes a few seconds to do so.

as you may have noticed it is a mechanical processsince it takes Mobile parts that interact with each other. This presents the main difference with the ssdWhat do they use logic blocks with your own processor. Locating a document in this type of storage takes considerably less time.

Tips to take care of your hard disk and extend its useful life so that they do not get damaged

Often the information we store on our devices is worth more than the device itself. It is because of that taking care of them is very important. In this sense, there is none more valuable than the storage disk. It is because of that keeping this healthy component is essential.

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To achieve this, follow these tips:

Delete unnecessary files

exist viruses and malware that can impair the performance of a disk. Although many believe that it is a myth, the truth is that Using a good antivirus can protect your hardware and the documents on it.

Defrag them regularly

when you press the key suppress on a file, it is not actually deleted at all. That is to say, that space is not left empty, but rather waiting for new data. This, added to Temporary files they can slow down device performance. That is why operating systems offer the defragmentation tool. Which delete these unnecessary sectors and files.

Make virtual partitions

They create separate blocks within the disk. This prevents, for example, the system “read” the entire device by performing a search. Thus restrict location to an allocated space defined as partition. inside interface is named as a different disk. It is recommended that you have at least two partitions. The first for him operating system plus a dedicated space and another dedicated to the user documents and files.

Avoid shock and magnetic elements

Like the high temperaturesblows can damage the internal drive mechanism. Also, as it is a magnetic device, it is susceptible to breakdown if exposed to high external magnetic forces. Some household appliances such as microwaves contain magnets capable of generating these levels Harmful if nearby.


The best way to be extra careful about our files is also saving them on a second disk. In this way we will avoid any eventual loss with a security backup.

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