【 Share Folders with Password in Drive 】 Step by Step Guide 2022

One of the most used services , it is . By default, this is the platform used by most Internet users to store all your files in the cloud and access them.

In view of that One of the most useful features of Google Drive is sharing files and folders.the doubt of many users lies in the possibility of protect these documents. Luckily, there is a way to do it with a password.

Though Drive does not have this native option to protect items with a key, the truth is that it does not require third-party apps. The trick is create a link and protect it with a certain password. Below are more details about it.

Benefits of putting a password on your Google Drive files

Google Drive, the file hosting service of the technology giant, is a platform that offers the possibility of store all kinds of items (photos, videos, music, documents, etc.) with ease. In terms of security, it is identified as an excellent service, since the files uploaded are stored in secure data centers and the company takes care of keeping them private at all times, unless you share them with other users.

However, the fact protect the files in your Drive by means of a password, is advantageous. Since, It consists of a method that helps you increase security and privacy as a user on this platform.. With this, there is less chance that the stored data will fall into the hands of malicious third parties, since it works as an extra security layer.

Now, specifically, we let you know the main pros of using a password in your Google Drive files:

  • Raise confidentiality: The fact of protecting the files with a password is ideal to prevent them from being read or modified by anyone. As your confidentiality increases, it also prevents third parties from accessing the information contained in Drive.
  • Minimizes the risks of losing information: Another highly relevant benefit is that it is ideal for reducing the danger of information leakage or loss of your own data, which can be seen or used against you, without any prior authorization.
  • Prevent files from being copied or duplicated: With this additional security layer, it is almost impossible for your documents or files to be duplicated or copied. Therefore, there is no danger of your most sensitive information being usurped by a person for malicious purposes, against your identity.
  • Ideal for choosing who can see the hosted content: It is also an advantageous method to choose who can see, or not, the information stored in your Google Drive account. So, with your permission, another Internet user has the possibility of viewing what he needs within the platform, only at the time that you determine.
  • It is a free hack and easy to implement: Because the option is contained within the Google service, there is no need to install third-party applications or pay to share folders and files with a password. In addition, it does not present any difficulty, even for less experienced users.
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Learn how to share files with a password on Google Drive

Do not look any further! The procedure that we explain below is the most effective solution to safeguard your information stored in Drive and share previously password protected files to other users.

Here, all the steps to complete:

Create link to share

Although, at the beginning of the post, we indicated that This method is based on using a Google Drive link to later protect it with a specific key. So the first thing to do, is to create said link that you will share with all the people you select.

Here is the procedure to follow for this:

  • Go into your Drive and search for the file or folder What do you want to share?
  • After locating the element in question, right click on it and in the list of options that appear, Click on “Get Link”.
  • Once the popup window that says “Send the link of X”go to the bottom and select the option “Copy link”. Automatically, the message will appear “Link copied”.

Put password to file or folder

The next step is to raise the security level of the link you have saved. This trick has more ingenuity than it seems, since it is a tactic to share the first link through a different link.

Without further ado, here’s what to do:

  • Done the above, proceed to create a new Google Form in Drive. To do this, right click and choose the option “Google Forms”.
  • On the new tab, specify a title and description for the form. Also, by the first question, indicates that you need to find out a password. In Answer mode, click on “Short answer” and at the bottom, mark the question as required, activating the “Required” tab. Apart, click on the three vertical points and select “Validation of answers”.
  • Now, new options will be enabled under the first question, that is, the one you have added. In the first menu, click on “Text” (so the answer to guess will be a specific text). Next, enter the password to access the linkin the field that says “Text” from the side. Optionally, in the field “Custom error text”you can write a message that you want to appear when the person fails.
  • In the section of Setting, you can adjust various aspects. In this step, the most important thing is click on the “Presentation” optionclick on “Edit” in the Confirmation Message field and enter the link of the document or folder to protect. After doing so, click on “Save”.
  • Next, go to the Right upper corner Y click on the three vertical dotsto click on “Get pre-populated link”. This will allow you to create another link to share the form and thus provide the first link confidentially.
  • Finally, you will be redirected to a new tab and in it, you have to Click on the “Get Link” button to proceed to share it with whoever you want, through a safer method than usual.
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From this method, if the other users type the password correctly, will receive the link to the folder or document automatically. This is a similar mechanic to password protecting the folder itself. However, it is not completely foolproof, so do not rely entirely on it and continue to implement your own security measures.

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