【+10 Antivirus to Install on Android】**Updated** List ▷ 2022

Due to the different threats in terms of cybercrime that we face every day, we must be very protected, so that we are not one of the many victims that face this situation. Oddly enough, mobile devices are also affected by this.

Android versions every day come with improvements. These include anti-malware protection. But if you consider that it is still not enough protection, from external developers.

Certainly there are many antiviruses that are offered to us on the Internet, however not all of them are well valued. To help you in your decision to install a good antivirus we leave you a list of 10 of the best that you can find in .

Is it really necessary to have an antivirus on my Android? Advantages and disadvantages of doing so

Is It’s a very common question, because our device seems very secure. In itself, many of the versions of Android and Apple already come with protection in the face of those attacks but still Is it enough, or do we need an add-on antivirus? We answer this below.

First of all, we must understand that this is an opinion that is not the same for all users. However, there is a vast majority that install an antivirus on their Android. For you to make your own decision, We leave you the comparison between advantages and disadvantages:


As always, we will name the advantages first, highlighting all those positive aspects that we get when installing an antivirus:

  • Our device will remain with more space thanks to the cleaning that they do by removing all junk files. Such files are those that we obtain when we install, or uninstall appsknown by their .tmp extension.
  • Connect to open WiFi networks to save data, is very common, and as soon as the device tells us we will connect. Do this, It can bring us many benefits. but the dark part is that in these networks there is a high possibility of hosting viruses, and with an antivirus we will undoubtedly be safe in such a situation.
  • Surfing the Internet, and jumping from web to web, may be our daily routine, but if we see it from a security point of view it is not the most recommended. But with a good antivirus we can browse the Internet with our device without any problem.
  • Most antivirus that can be installed on phones offer us anti-theft protection, and in some cases, even the opportunity to block applications.


all the good brings with it some negative aspects, and it is because nothing is perfect. Antiviruses aren’t either, that’s why we must take into account its disadvantages:

  • Free antiviruses they are limited in their functions and they only offer basic functions.
  • When they are free they offer annoying advertisements.
  • Although this is good it bothers manyand are the constants update notices.
  • Because they run in the background, our phone is in need of to consume more energy (although this is controlled).
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List of the best antivirus to install for free on my Android mobile

We will have better performance, and best resultsas long as we have a good antivirus, but this search can be somewhat tedious.

To alleviate this, we leave you below a list of 10 apps approved by the Play Store for your phone:

Antivirus & Remove Virus, Phone Booster

with this app we will be safe that no threat will enter our device, providing us not only anti-malware protection, but also It gives us a great cleaning so that our Android always be in the best condition.

With the Phone Booster feature, we can clean our phone, and fly with our device. This feature is very important in an antivirus, because those junk files can also hide one another.

AVG Antivirus and Security for Android Free 2020

Probably you’ve heard of AVG, And the truth is that you can’t deny it, because is one of the most famous antivirus today. With AVG we can have maximum protection in every way, allowing us to analyze applications, games, or others in real time, as well as giving us the opportunity to freeze those applications that slow down our phone.

As if that were not enough, browsing the Internet is usually safer after installing this antivirus, because it provides us with VPN protection. On the other hand, our phone will have better performance because it cleans it of all junk files.

Clean Master-Unlock Ram, Clean Space & Antivirus

Clean Master is best known for its efficiency in cleaning devices than for its strong antivirus. In this application we can find functions that allow us to get rid of all those junk files, so that we can free up space on our mobile.

we can not ignore the great thing about your antiviruswhich gives us a constant and complete scan of each of the applications installed on our mobile, removing and eliminating all hidden viruses. It also gives us great security when browsing the Internet protecting us from any threat.

Security Master – Antivirus, AppLock, Booster

With Security Master We will protect our mobile from all viruses and malicious applications, we will also clean our device from all junk files. On the other hand, when installing it we count with a VPN and that shields us against any threat.

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If we connect to a Wi-Fi network, this will perform a scan to remove all viruses content on the net. Thanks to the anti-theft function, a selfie will be taken of anyone who try to unlock our device.

Avast Antivirus 2020

Avast antivirus It’s been on the market for a long time., offering extensive services against malware. Thank you to its constant updates our device will always be alert to any threat.

Another of the functions that it offers us is the app lock, preventing the access of anyone outside our phone. It also gives us the opportunity to activate a VPN to browse through a private network.

Virus Cleaner – Antivirus and Cleaning

Virus Cleaner provides virus protection two-engine, and powerful cleaner. With this application we will never have to worry about the rapid battery drain, because it counts with a cooler which optimizes its performance.

One of its most outstanding functions is the programmed deep analysis, so that our device always be alert for any contaminated files.

android antivirus

With this antivirus we will have a flow of smart scan and plainplus it has consecutive updates, so that it is always up to date with the latest threats and can counteract them.

Super Cleaner – Antivirus, Booster, Phone Cleaner

With Super Cleaner we will have an excellent antivirus. We cannot ignore the “Booster” that allows us optimize memory and fully speed up our phone. A worthy application for game lovers, aligning the compatible graphics so that the game rolls as it should.

Nox Security – Free Antivirus & Booster

With NoxSecurity we will be fully protected from any virus and malware, in addition to having real-time protection for anti-theft. Among its features we can find the App Locker and the RAM amplifier.

ESET Mobile Security & Antivirus

ESET Mobile offers us free features that make us have a optimal phone, free of viruses and clean of all junk files. In addition to providing excellent protection against visiting insecure sites, thanks to its extension to .

10 Tips to maintain the privacy and security of your Android

As long as bad people exist, We must always be aware of all our belongings, and this includes the virtual world, because it can be said that it is the most vulnerable to threats.

For this reason, we will leave you some tips so that you can live a little more free, and with less stress, regarding the privacy of your documents and files:

  • As we are exposed to physical theft, we must also be wary of this. With an anti-theft app, we can quickly find our device, even if it is simply a loss due to forgetfulness of us. One of the most recommended apps for this is Cerberus.
  • We must be very careful with wireless Internet networks, especially if they are public, because it is through these where we access pages and do activities, and the provider can see everything we do, and even steal information, simply by connecting to their network. As advice it is good to use one in these cases.
  • We must make sure that the application that we will download is good and will not contaminate our phone, and for this It’s good to check the comments of other people, since their experiences can tell us how good the application that we will download is.
  • always keep our updated deviceis what we should always do, because through this the operating system is more shielded against any threat.
  • Never give permissions to applications without first consulting the reason for each one, and see if they are suitable.
  • Every time we browse the Internet, our browser keeps a record of all our activities, for this reason the advice we give you is to start . In this way we will protect all our activities, without leaving any trace.
  • It may be fun, but sending chains and risking opening their links is truly dangerous. If we are not careful, anyone can insert a virus into our phone and copy all our information. We must apply this advice even to email messages.
  • Carrying out is good, because with these we safeguard all those files that we have on our device, and if we lose them, we can recover them without much concern.
  • We must block each of our applications and files, so that it is even more difficult for the intruder to access each of them. At present there are different applications that allow to encrypt others, for example, the best known is AppLock for Android.
  • Keeping a phone uncovered in front of anyone is not recommended. But if you think that having a phone without a lock allows you to access your functions faster, let us tell you that it is actually a risk, because for ease we will sacrifice all filesconversations or other secret things, leaving them exposed to any intruder.
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