【+10 Apps to Watch the NBA Live】List ▷ 2022

we all know that The NBA is the most competitive basketball league in the world.. Although only teams from the United States and Canada participate. But its fame spans the entire planet due to its stars making more and more amazing plays.

If you are a fan of this sport and do not want to miss a single game, you will need to have a computer tool that makes you feel like you are in the front row of that majestic show.

This is why we have prepared the following post. We will teach you how to enjoy all the matchesboth the regular season and the definition matches from the community room, you just have to choose the app that you like the most.

The best applications to watch the NBA for free on Android and iOS for free

So that you can enjoy the NBA to the fullest, Below we will present the best applications so that you do not spend a penny and can turn your mobile screen into the best resource for you to see your idols in action.

Go for it:

nba app

This application will give you access to all NBA games live. You will also be able to record and watch them in case you miss a game. In general, the matches are covered by specialized journalists, before, during and after the end of the event.

You will have the option to choose between several options to see, since you can create a user. In this way, you will have the option of following your favorite team and up to any instance that arrives. But if you prefer you can choose to watch the regular season or choose the PlayOffs, Semi-Finals or Finals.

You TV Player

It is a player with which you can watch NBA streaming for free. In addition, you will have at your disposal a large number of channels to watch free DTT, as well as movies, series and documentaries. You can download You Tv Player from its official page, since it is currently not available in the Play Store, or from the link that we leave you.

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Watch NBA Basketball

Although it doesn’t have a flashy graphic interface, you’ll be able to access all the NBA games without any problem, since it has all the channels that broadcast the two Conferences, regardless of the instance of the competition. You will have the possibility to access live scores and follow the development of other meetings simultaneously. On the main screen, you will be able to see a list of matches that will take place afterwards, as well as all the details about them.

NBA Basketball Live

Follow all the live games of the NBA with this application. You can download it for Apple mobiles for free. In addition to live games, You will be able to see all the statistics in real time of matches that are played at the same time. You will have the possibility of accessing exclusive interviews with the most important players, as well as getting to know the best coaches more closely. Sports commentators provide details that make this app one of the best.


With this video player, that is compatible with a large number of formats, you will be able to easily incorporate the channels that broadcast NBA games. You just have to choose the link that you like the most and execute it in this tool.


This Internet TV service It will allow you to watch a large number of TV channels for free. Within that grid, you can find those dedicated to broadcasting live basketball league games. Although it is true that for some channels you must have a paid license, there are others where you can find the NBA matches that interest you the most.

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Splive Player

This application will show you a list with all the links that broadcast live NBA games. You should keep in mind that not all channels are in our language. In addition, you will have advertisements at the beginning of the transmission and in some cases during the game. You can download it for free for all mobile phones with the Android operating system.

List of the most powerful official payment applications to legally watch the NBA in high definition

Yes you do not want to have cuts, advertisements on broadcasts and have languages that you do not understand, you can access official paid applications that will allow you to have control over the streaming content. In this way you will be able to modify different functions that will make you enjoy the NBA to the fullest.

We will show you below the best apps that you can download from the Google and Apple stores so that you can fully enjoy the best basketball in the world:

NBA League Pass

It is the official platform of the NBA league. With League Pass you will be able to watch the matches live with high quality images and sound. It has several plans based on the needs and fanaticism you have. In other words, you can choose to watch games on demand or hire a plan that broadcasts your favorite team on the regular season and also in the PlayOffs.

O well you can choose a plan to watch the games of all the teams in certain series. Of course you can also opt for the plan that includes more than 1000 meetings. Prices will range from €10/month to €130 per year. You will have a free 30-day period when you sign up.

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sky sports

Available for Android and iOS. This streaming platform will allow you to enjoy all the NBA games live. You will have exclusive statistics in each match of all the starting and substitute players. You will be able to access on-demand channels through a monthly subscription with which you can also you can watch NFL football games and automotive related sporting events.


ESPN is one of the most prominent basketball apps in the world. In addition to the matches, you will be able to see the most outstanding news, the scores of the matches in real time and the statistics of each player. It has a great group of sports journalists who report what happens on the field of play in a way that makes you feel like you are in the Arena. You will also be able to see university basketball and the women’s league, the WNBA. You can download the app for iOS and Android for free.

EuroSport Player

The Eurosport chain specializing in sporting events, It has launched its official application for some time in which you can see different types of sports on demand. It is characterized by offering the user the possibility of viewing on multiple devices with the same account. In addition, you can include live statistics, times and any other detail related to field goals, triples, etc. during the transmission. It is available for you to download from the Google and Apple store.

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