【+20 Software to Program Webs and Apps from 0】List ▷ 2022

Program It is one of the most common activities nowadays, since this is what has allowed us to have great technological advances. but schedule It is not something very easy to say, because we need to know many things.

One of the things we should know the type of language we want to use, Because currently some tools allow us to program without having to know much about this subject, but this essentially depends on the language.

Today we are going to explain some basic concepts about programming and their languages. In addition, we also leave you in the last section a list of programs and tools that will make our lives easier as a new programmer.

What is programming software and what can be done with it?

When we talk about programming software, we are referring to a set of tools that allow the development of applications or software. It is used mostly by programmers and developers for the creation of new programs.

This is located in a subcategory of what would be the computer system, and in itself we can identify another classification. programming software They are divided into different types, and the most important are the following:

  • compilers: They are those who translate the source codes into a machine language so that the team can interpret it. In addition, they generate objects that combine and convert programs into executables.
  • Scrubbers: They are used to monitor the command lines for the execution of a program. The code is compiled and executedwhich allows us as programmers to keep track of the instructions that are executed at a given moment, being also useful to control, change or assign the values ​​of program variables.
  • Performers: Translate source codes into precompiled code known as intermediate language before execution.

What is a programming language?

A is a type of formal language that allows us as programmers to write commands with orders and algorithms. Thanks to them we will be able to control the behavior of the computer both logically and physically.

The purpose of using a programming language is to produce various commands so that they are automated in a program, and must be governed by a specific language (although different languages ​​can also be used), complying with grammatical (lexical/morphological and syntactic) and semantic rules.

Most programming languages carry codes and commands in English, so the programmer must know this language. On the other hand, the most common language to do programming is the HyperText Markup Language (), which can be mixed with other languages ​​for web development.

Types of programs and programming languages. How are they classified?

Programming languages ​​are quite a complex world and currently new technologies are used and developed every year, so at any time a different classification could be born.

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Nevertheless, Today we can identify the following types:

Machine Language

machine language is the one used by the code system, this being the translation of a previous language, with the purpose of being interpreted by a programmable micro circuit. being composed of a list of commands for the machine to follow a set of instructions.

A software or program consists of following a chain of instructions that allows us to define a set of data to work with. Instructions are normally executed following a sequence, sharing a flow caused by the program and the external events.

The machines need a translator to be able to transform the source code in an interpretable language, and the structure of algorithms can form structures similar to other types of languages.

High level

high level languages are characterized by allow algorithms to be expressed in a way that can be played by anyonebeing totally different from machine language.

Normally it can be object, event or function oriented, being useful when combined. In the same way can be compiled or translated by programs like , , pythonetc.

this language has some limitations. One of them is that only Focuses on a specific area and its instructions are only of a predefined syntax. In addition, the person needs to have some programming knowledge to be able to use it.

low level

programming language Low-level language is very similar to high-level language. is known for being first generation, and shows instructions that act directly on some hardware connected to the computer. When we say it’s low levelwe do not want to say that it is a type of language with little power or little use, we simply mean that it reduces the abstraction between the language and the hardware.

List of the best programming software to create websites, tools and applications

Now that you know the different types of programming languages, it is time for you to know which are the most used programs for programming.

If you want to enter this complex and fascinating world, you will need to know:

Basic 4 Android

It is a platform that allows us to create great applications, is considered an excellent competitor to Android Studio, where it uses the Visual BASIC language. It is especially dedicated to new Android developers, plus it It is extremely useful because it offers a fairly graphical environment and less abstract.

Thanks to its tools and functions we will be able to see how our application is turning out after completing each phase.

Monkey for Android

We know that android has used as native language Java, but despite this, this fabulous tool has arrived that allows us to program, with different app programming languages. To use this application we only need to download it to our computer, although unfortunately it is only available for Windows.

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App Inventor

It is an excellent program that allows us to create software and applications, although we do not have much programming knowledge. App Inventor it’s a fabulous tooldeveloped by Google Labs, with a project initiative to get more people to join in programming.

offers us a fully visual environment so that we can write lines of code to create app in android. Though has some drawbacksOne of them is its simplicity and the lack of speed in responding when creating applications.


Is It is a platform on which we can develop new applications for Android, iOS, Linux, and Windows in the cloud, plus we can also program webs and servers. LiveCode is the best tool that we can find whenever we need to program for different systems with the same tool.

InDesign CS6

When we want to convert publications into downloadable applications, this is the perfect program, because we can create books, magazines, comics, newspapers and catalogs. It mainly specializes in making simple but quite useful apps; It also allows what many are looking for, which is to program without knowing how to program.


HTML5 It is an online program that allows us to program web pagesalthough this is mostly used for creating Android apps.

With HTML5 we can create a whole line of code to program. Another of the great functions of this fabulous tool is that allows us to develop multiplatform applications, which is really useful for an expert programmer.


This is a platform that allows us to develop an Android application, and there are already 20,000 applications developed through it. Furthermore, it is quite simple software, ideal for developing any type of mobile app.

This is the main platform used by PayPal and eBay to develop their mobile applications, which tells us that it is a platform that keeps what it promises.


Many times it has happened to us that we are on a website and we do not like its design and typography, and we do not know what software to use to be able to design one without having so much programming knowledge.. But with WhatFont we won’t need to look any further.because this is ideal for us.

Although, more than software, it is a Google Chrome extension that allows us to select the texts and to obtain the type of programming used.

adobe dreamweaver

We well know that Dreamweaver is not one of the best applications to create web pages, but even so, it is still a good alternative. many of his users classify it as their favoritebecause it is compatible with Windows and Mac. The big drawback is that you need to pay to use it.

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Although it offers us two versions, one cheaper and the other more expensive, we can also include among its features that it has a responsive design, and we can also make use of the templates that are included in the package.

Avanquest WebEasy Professional

It is quite advanced software that provides us with tools to create professional websites. Your users stand out the great variety of templates that it includes, including more than 600 that can be customizable.

If we seek to design in the most graphic and visual way possible, this is the fabulous tool that we can use. Thanks to its functions and characteristics we will not have to know much about programming or programming languages. The same software teaches us.


Very useful if we want to make an online store. Like the one mentioned above, it has an excellent editor that allows us to program without We know a lot about programming.

It is a very easy to use tool. It has many features, such as web optimization for SEO, and others… although the one that stands out the most is that we can use its free version. It also offers a paid version to enjoy all its features.


It is undoubtedly one of the best known tools, because we well know that it is the one that has received the most publicity. It is very useful if we want to create a website without having programming knowledge and without paying anything.

Another of the most important features is that it allows us to purchase applications from the app market, being something that differentiates it from the other tools that we have mentioned.

It offers a free hosting and domain service in its demo version; and even using it in a complete version its cost is not very high.


It is one of the programs create more famous programs and toolsbecause it offers us an integrated environment to develop compatible applications for any operating system.

It offers us support for multiple programming languages ​​such as Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual J#, and Visual Basic.Net, in addition to giving us the opportunity to graphically see the development of the web.

Java SDK

It is a programming language, which allows us to develop products, such as programs, tools and applications.Even though this…

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