【3D printing】What is it? + Materials and Applications ▷ 2022

Technology advances every day by leaps and bounds, and it is that currently there are things that until 30 years ago were thought to only be seen in science fiction moviesSuch is the case of 3D printers, a tool that many artists, architects, designers and all the curious public can enjoy.

However, they are generally expensive equipment, which must be treated with great careand whose printing processes usually take a moderate period, but at the same time, they print objects that will leave you impressed and at the same time could be very useful in your home or office.

In the following article, you will know what the 3D printer is and its history, how it works and its main methods, in addition, you will see what its uses and applications are, as well as the materials that are needed to printIn the same way, you will know if you can really print vital organs, how you can make money with a 3D printer, the best equipment on the market, and the websites to find printing models.

What is 3D printing?

It is a process by which a physical object is created in three dimensions using previously designed digital models using a 3D printer.which can use a wide variety of materials and technologies in order to superimpose several layers, managing to create a replica of the proposed object.

In this sense, it is necessary to use a printing softwarewhich is the one that is in charge of separating the printing in several layers, since for each one of these, the printer will move on the established plane and in this way release the plastic in each layer, creating the desired figure.

History of 3D printing Who created it and when?

The American Chuk Hull He was the one who invented the 3D printer. He founded the company called 3D-System in 1986, however, the original inventor of this process it was Hideo Kodamawho was unable to patent his creation, causing Chuk Hull to go ahead and register the invention before someone else could.

Subsequently, in 1992, the first 3D printing equipment was created, the company 3D System being in charge of its development, the model was the SLA (stereolithography)and it was an ultraviolet laser that solidified a photopolymer for each of the layers that were used to create all the objects in three dimensions. The first pieces were not exactbut you could think of a margin for improvement.

Years later, specifically in 2011specialists from the University of Shouthampton created an unmanned aircraft through a 3D printer, In the same way, it was also possible to see a car with a bodywork made by 3D printer, as well as jewelry and other pieces of gold and silver.

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How does a 3-dimensional printer work?

Its main function is to create 3D objects by superimposing the respective layers in the bottom-up direction., all this requires specialized software, equipment or printer and the indicated materials to carry out this procedure. As you know, The 3D printer executes the printing of objects in layers, carrying out this task one on top of the other, and as the process develops, the object will gain shape.

Now it is important note that the software should divide the design into layers of thin or thin thickness, as well as the diameter of the materials used for the outputthen the printer moves over the plane and in this way releases material on the corresponding axes, then the 3-dimensional figure must be formed correctly, as indicated by the projected graph.

Therefore, to print any figure on a 3D printer, it is necessary to have the file of the model to be created in specialized software, as well as the respective materials for its creationthese can be thermoplastics, resins, meta or polymers, everything will depend on the type of machine and the model of part that you intend to manufacture.

Technologies used in 3D printing. What are the main methods?

This is an aspect that must be taken into account, and that it is very important to know, since everything will depend on the type of object, and of course the printer which is going to execute the print job. All these methods are widely used, too They have the highest technology with the aim that the creation is exactwith all its original measurements, so you can do a job that meets the demands.

The main methods used in 3D printing are:

  • Inkjet printing: In this process, the printer creates the model of the layer extending it throughout the entire section of the part, this must be repeated until all the layers are printed. This type of printing uses ultraviolet light, where you must inject liquid photopolymer into the printing trays to harden the material and create the figure.
  • Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): It is a system through which an extrusion head is fully controlled by a computer, in addition, it is executed through a temperature chamber with a controlled environment. This type of control should not be carried out in such a rigorous way since it runs the risk of interrupting the process.
  • Stereolithography (SLA): It is a system through which an extrusion head is fully controlled by a computer, in addition, it is executed through a temperature chamber with a controlled environment. This type of control should not be carried out in such a rigorous way since it runs the risk of interrupting the process.
  • Photopolymerization by ultraviolet light: Also known as SGC, it requires a liquid polymer container that must be exposed to the light of a projector, thus, this material hardens little by little, as the assembly moves downwards, causing the polymer layers to solidify until the piece is created.
  • Photon Absorption Light Curing (SLS): This method is used for printing small objects, it works by using a block of gel and a laser, in such a way that the gel hardens in those places where this light is going to focus, this process is also called not optical linearity of photoexcitation.
  • Ice printing: performs this type of impression using ice as the main impression material, this process is still under study, so it is premature to disclose results.
  • PolyJet: produces parts and prototypes with great precision and accuracy, in the same way, this method has a microscopic layer resolution of 0.014mm, capable of printing complex shapes and figures, allowing the use of a wide variety of materials for the execution of the print.
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Uses and applications of 3D printing. What is it for?

3D printing is a very useful tool, and at the same time it is an option that shows great versatility, since it it can be used to create items that are useful for various areas and professions. Its use is very varied and everything will depend on what the person decides to do, and the objects that are intended to be printed through the machine.

The uses and applications of 3D printing are the following:

  • Space Pieces: It is intended to send 3D printers into space, so that astronauts can manufacture and design the parts and objects they need, as well as make gifts and decorations, among other objects.
  • educational models: It allows you to manufacture parts of the human body for medical schools or biology classes, you can also make replicas of historical figures or objects from prehistory.
  • Building: He makes models of houses and buildings, in addition to perfecting details in terms of measurements and dimensions that can be adjusted, allowing real tests to be carried out thanks to 3D printed objects.
  • Prosthesis: You can develop a mandible or a maxillary prosthesis, once printed, these pieces must use titanium and biomechanical material so that they are not rejected by the human organism.
  • Clothes and shoes: Using different types of raw material, different pieces of clothing and footwear can be created, all this with a machine to which a device can be adapted to print elements such as thread and wool.
  • Art: People dedicated to the plastic arts can use the 3D printer and thus create objects such as sculptures, objects, as well as express feelings and emotions using the three-dimensional technique to achieve it.
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What do I need to print in 3D? essential materials

It is important to know what types of materials are suitable for you to make a 3D print, everything will depend on the type of part to be manufactured and the number of elements to print in order to have an exact measure of everything you require. Each material has its well-defined characteristics, which is why you need to know all the available options, and use the one that best suits the object which is required to print.

The essential materials are:

  • PLA.
  • PETG.
  • Plan Wood.
  • Plate Metal.
  • Pla Marble.

Can you really print vital organs with a 3D printer?

Through bioprinting you can create structures using bioinks that are loaded with stem cells, this works for each layer, this bio-ink is placed to print the creation of skin, an organ or tissues. This technique is being used in many laboratories dedicated to the creation of kidneys, human hearts and livers, among others, with the main objective of covering the donor deficit and meeting the needs of patients.

There is a lot of work to be done and further progress on this technique is still expected, thus, two methods have been developed for organ printing, the first one is in charge of manufacturing elements with biocompatible polymers with the human body, and the second, prints the organs in layers, with a containment called biopaper.

At present there are many human organ printing projects, which are the following:

  • 3D bioprinted heart.
  • Bioprinted corneas to prevent blindness.
  • Ovaries to fight against sterility.
  • A small liver 90 days long.
  • Ear to improve hearing.
  • Pancreas to fight diabetes.
  • Bioprinted skin in case of burns and injuries.

How to make money with a 3D printer?

Having a 3D printer, either at home or in the office, can represent an excellent opportunity to generate income, since through it you have the possibility of creating figures, objects, pieces and many more things, which are easily provide the opportunity to place them for sale or make them available to a factory or company.

It is important to consider an appropriate cost structure, since These printers need maintenance, you must also acquire the necessary materials both in quantity and quality to carry out the work.

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