【Artificial Intelligence】Uses, Applications and Dangers ▷ 2022

With the great rise of computers, manual labor processes have been significantly reduced. Therefore, these teams have been adopted in practically all sectors and thus, humans depend on its use to a large extent.

In this sense, many people wonder “Can a machine think and act like human beings do?”, since now we are all completely surrounded by computer systems and machines. Which, although previously only a subject of science fiction, over the years the possibility of create artificial systems capable of reasoning and acting like human beings.

This was possible thanks to the development of attractive Artificial Intelligence (AI)which has established itself in our lives and despite the fact that it is still in its initial phase, it is estimated that it will be the protagonist of a revolution similar to that generated by the Internet. In this way, we want to introduce you to all aspects of interest around AI.

What is artificial intelligence and what are its principles?

To begin with, let’s see what Artificial Intelligence consists of. Which, basically, is the simulation of human intelligence by machines and can be defined as a combination of algorithms raised with the objective of create teams that show the same capabilities of the human being. This combination of algorithms usually includes learning, reasoning and self-correction.

Expressed in another way, AI stands out for being the discipline in charge of establish systems with the virtue of learning and reasoning as people do. So, learn from experience, find out ways to solve problems in certain given conditions, compare information and execute logical tasks.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to know what are the origins of the famous AI in the worldlike its history and evolution and even what this simulation is expected to be in the future. So that, Next, we detail everything about it:


In 1956, the expression was coined “Artificial intelligence” by the renowned American computer scientist, John McCarthy. This, while the development dartmouth conferencebeing an extremely important event because this discipline that promises so much for the future was officially born there.

Nevertheless, the most basic ideas of AI date back to the Greeks, before Christ. In view of that, Aristotle (384-322 BC) was the first character to describe a set of rules that specify a part of the functioning of the mind in order to draw rational conclusions. Added to it, Ctesibius of Alexandria (250 BC) was the one who built the first self-controlled machine through a water flow regulator.

For its part, the Artificial Intelligence manifesto it also dates back to the year 1936. Since, during said year, alan turing began to theorize about “machines that could function by themselves”.

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This, thanks to the article called “Calculable Numbers”, which served as a great help to establish the theoretical bases and thus, was considered the official origin of theoretical computing. From there, the concept of the “Turing machine” who formalized the concept of algorithm and pioneered digital computers.

History and evolution

For his part, in the 1960sthe Department of Defense of the United States showed great interest in the whole concept of Artificial Intelligence and thanks to this, began to train equipment that could mimic basic human reasoning. Thus, a work that paved the way for automation and formal reasoning that is seen in computers today.

Added to this, in the decade of the 90’s and at the beginning of the 21st century, there was the expansion of AI by two transcendental motives. The first of them has to do with the increased computing power of computers on the market and the other reason is based on digitization that produced monumental amounts of data that could be processed to gain utility from it.

In this sense, it was carried out an unprecedented investment by famous technology companies, at the time, who saw great potential in it. Since, they specified that by applying analytics and algorithms on data, it was possible to obtain incredible services, products and insights that will add value to society and, of course, to companies.

With that investment, the great evolution of Artificial Intelligence began which, at the time, was nothing more than a term coined many years ago. So, new technologies for the progress of AI were developed.

Said evolution was especially visualized, due to the great event of the year 1997, when a computer called Deep Blue of IBM, had the ability to win a game of chess at Gary Kasparov, the world champion at such a time. With which, it was ensured that the machine had surpassed human capabilities and through it, Artificial Intelligence was consecrated definitively.


Despite the fact that, in its beginnings, there were two obstacles; these have already been surpassed to this day. which were based on computing power and data. With regard to data, digitization has allowed more uses for them to be established and thanks to this progress, they are no longer a problem for the progress of AI.

On the other hand, regarding computing capacityit was also a breakdown overcome. Which was achieved thanks to:

  • vertical scalability: It made it possible to make computers more powerful and following Moore’s Law, it is certain that, approximately every two years, the number of transistors in a microprocessor doubles.
  • horizontal scalability: By making several computers compute on one, through powerful technologies such as Big Data.
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Thanks to this, it has been possible to create a large number of devices with Artificial Intelligence around the world and it is expected to build a sustainable future from this technology. Taking into account that, the development of it will continue to be polarized and it is also considered as a great promise that can help people, companies and communities to unite.

Additionally, the experts have ensured that a great acceleration in technological advances of all kinds, due to the AI. In view of the fact that, although computers with large layouts and robots capable of seeing, listening, answering questions, learning and solving problems have already been created; in a few years these last will be able to design faster equipment and robots than those created by humans themselves today.

How does “Artificial Intelligence” work to try to think and act like a person?

Basically, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developed through algorithms consisting of mathematical learning abilities; so they can try to think and act like a human being. Added to this, this technology is also based on the data that is needed to train said algorithms.

Typically, that data is observable, publicly available, or generated at certain companies. In such a way that, the operation of Artificial Intelligence is bounded by the algorithms that iterate on said data in order to learn through them.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to know the basic principles on which AI is basedin order to understand a little more how it works.

Here are four of the main bases of this technological concept:

  • “Fair” Artificial Intelligence: It is estimated that the applications of this technology should provide truly fair results. That is to say, they cannot have discriminatory impacts in terms of ethnic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, ability or any condition on a personal level.
  • “Centered on people”: It must be at the service of society and with it, generate tangible advantages for human beings, taking into account that their rights cannot be violated by AI.
  • “Transparent and explainable”: Another of the important objects around the operation of this intelligence is that users know that they are interacting with an AI system, as well as what their data is going to be used and for what purpose.
  • “Privacy and security by design”: It is significant that you can preserve the security of both personal and anonymous and aggregate data.
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Based on all this, Artificial Intelligence systems try to think and act as people do. However, many wonder if such technology can have consciousness like humans. and before this there is a great confusion.

Therefore, it is worth clarifying that, up to now, the AI ​​cannot count on such awareness, since it is not possible to include psychological aspects to an “Artificial Intelligence”, although it is expected that they can simulate them. So even though the machine doesn’t have consciousness, it can fool people into appearing to have it.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence for humans?

With all of the above, you may be wondering what are the pros and cons that Artificial Intelligence reveals for human beings today. So, in order to know more about this concept, we want to introduce you the main advantages and disadvantages that AI has exhibited with its development:

Advantages and benefits

To start, we detail the most interesting advantages or benefits that “Artificial Intelligence” shows in order to support the advancement of society:

  • Minimize the chances of error: Almost completely, AI makes it possible to eliminate the possibilities of error, since it allows greater precision to be obtained, when computing and comparing large amounts of variables and data.
  • Simplify people’s day-to-day: By knowing and predicting their needs, interests or tastes. We can see this with the forecasts of the smartphones we currently use, as well as with the applications of digital assistants.
  • The ability to perform repetitive tasks that require a large amount of resources and time: Thanks to this, it manages to increase the efficiency in many processes. In addition, being emotionless, processing and decision-making in a completely rational manner is possible.
  • AI-enabled machines will be able to replace humans in labor-intensive and painstaking work areas: From this aptitude, human beings will be able to focus on tasks that require greater responsibility.
  • Provides advances in medicine: Through its development of intelligent algorithms, this technology offers the possibility of evaluating and diagnosing patients, simulating surgeries and brain functions, as well as applying radiosurgery in risky cases, in which precision is essential.
  • Can assign complex and dangerous tasks for humans: Machines with “Artificial Intelligence” can be very useful to overcome…
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