【Create Buttons in Telegram】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

it is one of the most important instant messaging applications nowadays. Well, it presents optimal security, allows you to manage secret chats, does not depend on a telephone number and it is versatile.

One of the most attractive points for users, is its ability to customize. Thus, it is flexible to carry out different actions that contribute greater richness to the experience of each person.

Therefore, it allows create buttons easily in order to add actions so that your users can optimize their posts. Here, you will meet what these buttons are about, what types exist and how they can be created.

What are the buttons on Telegram and what are they for?

In Telegram, a button is a unique graphic element of the instant messaging app that is intended to capture events or actions performed by a certain user to establish certain relevant response operations. A) Yes, facilitate interaction between all the people who communicate via Telegram.

The buttons of this platform They are used to add all kinds of reactions to a certain publication, mainly (as, for example, I like). They also allow you to format text and set anchor links, work with pending records (edit and schedule them), place active keys, and study statistics about the number of visits or readers.

Types of buttons in Telegram chats What are all the ones you can create in your account?

In general terms, there are three types of buttons that can be created in any Telegram account and they are the following:

  • url buttons: Are those that are used to redirect users or readers to a direct link or site. They are characterized by containing a label located in the right corner of the screen and from there, they take care of warning the user about this information.
  • Callback buttons: These are Telegram buttons that display comments and are used to update a post dynamically, without the need to clog the ribbon. Like, to display extremely long posts and make a calendar capable of adding notifications on a specific date. They are interesting to other users and are located at the top of the panel.
  • reaction buttons: These appear in the form of smileys and are used for users to select a certain reaction when receiving a message. They are considered quite useful on Telegram.
  • voting buttons: They are elements that allow throwing away before a survey or poll, from “finger up” either “finger down” What do they mean “I like it” either “Dislike”respectively.
  • share button: Generally, they are located at the very bottom and are buttons created so that users can can you share a message. Either to send it to a group or to another private user.
  • change buttons: As the name indicates, they are buttons used to switch to another chat with direct activation of communication with the application. Must be create with the help of “@bot name” manually, even if the use is in automatic mode to save more time. That is, they are used in the.
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Learn step by step how to use ControllerBot and BotFather to create buttons of all kinds and make interactive conversations on Telegram

So much ControllerBot What BotFather are bots that allow users of Telegram add buttons to your posts to be able to collect member reactions on their channels. In addition to formatting text, defining anchor links, setting active keys on click, placing an offer to share information, display a subscription or open third-party resources.

To use them to create custom buttons and increase interactivity in the application, the following steps must be followed:

Make connection and configuration of channels

To start, you have to address @BotFather via Telegram, from the search section. Once you access it, look for the button “Start” and click on it. Then, proceed to write the command “/newbot” (without quotation marks) and send it.

Next, follow the algorithm proposed by the bot to start the process of creating your custom button on the platform:

  • specify a name and enter it.
  • Copy the boteither to add to or to connect.
  • next, proceeds to search for “ControllerBot” Using the search bar, register or add the channel and copy the token to be able to send it to the bot. In this case, it is essential detail the @username and the city of the channel.

add reactions

For example, add a button of type “I like it” As in most social networks, it is very simple with these tools to detect reader reaction to published content quickly.

At the moment of doing it, the step by step to follow corresponds to:

  • Open the item “Add reactions” and attach different emoticons in the post. You can include up to 6 smileys.
  • Use the “Default Reactions” to attach these reactions to each entry automatically and with it, the list of emotions will be sent to the bot.
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Add a URL button

To redirect to towards another telegram channel or a specific site, it is pertinent include a button that hides a link within itself. After entering the message, to place it, it is necessary to choose the element that indicates “Add URL” and put there a name in the format of “link-name”.

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