【Physical Security of the Operating System】What is it? + Target ▷ 2022

Basically, an operating system is defined as the most important program or software that runs on a computer, since it has the ability to control the basic processes of the computer and with it, allow the operation of other programs. so that, is the set of commands that provides the ability to carry out any task on the computer.

For its part, each operating system is responsible for managing all the resources of the computer, both software and hardware. Therefore, there is an associated concept known as the “physical security of the operating system” that has all the prevention and detection mechanisms designed to physically protect any resource.

However, it is a terminology that few people know what it is about and what it is for. Reason why, through this post, we will explain What is the security of the operating system, what are the main risks for it and how does it differ from the logical security of an OS.

What is the physical security of an operating system and what is it for?

As we mentioned before, the physical security of an operating system refers to all those prevention, detection and protection mechanisms intended to safeguard any system resource, at a physical level.

Therefore, it can be defined as each of the security controls that are carried out in and around the Computer Center and in the means of remote access. As a consequence, it is a parameter that has the ability to protect hardware and data storage media. Therefore, the physical security of an OS is concerned with defending the optimal functioning from a simple keyboard to a backup tape with all the existing information in the system, including the computer’s own CPU.

A) Yes, This type of security serves to cover those threats caused by both man and nature itself. of the physical environment in which the system is located. Added to that, it is focused on study and manage the physical security of the system permanently stop with it, control the environment and mechanical access in order to reduce possible accidents.

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What are the main threats to the physical security of a computer system?

Now you wonder What are the possible threats that generally threaten physical security? of a computer system.

Therefore, below, we mention the main ones:

Natural disasters

It is no secret to anyone that accidents or natural disasters can have seriously serious consequences on the physical part of an OS and among them, we mention the following: earthquakes and vibrations, fires and smoke, floods and humidity, as well as electrical storms.

Thus, although earthquakes are considered the least probable natural disaster in Spanish territory, it is certainly important that users take certain forecasts to avoid damage if there are small vibrations. These preventions are: Do not locate the equipment in high places, separate it from the windows and place the machines on rubber platforms.

On the other hand, in case of fire or smoke, It is best to use the extinguishing system and, of course, keep equipment as far away from it as possible, since it attacks all components as it is an abrasive. In that way, may cause electrical overload in the same. But, if any means of the computer system comes into contact with water due to flooding or any incident of this type, it will most likely automatically become unusabledue to short circuits.

However, it is possible install detection systems that shut down the systems when detecting water and, failing that, cut the current. For its part, with respect to electrical storms, we delimit that They can produce really sudden voltage surges and with this, they generate a major breakdown in the electrical network. Therefore, it is advised use lightning rod to unplug equipment before a storm; this being the only effective solution.

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Man-made threats

It is also possible that some malicious person want to cause physical damage to the operating system. So, if you have full access to it, you can hinder, deactivate or intervene negatively in access to information. It will even focus on directly stealing system files to copy existing data on them.

Added to that, it is possible that many computer criminals manage to take control of the system just reboot it with a recovery disc in order to change the passwords of the users and influence all the information in their accounts. This, depending on the degree of vulnerability of the environment.

internal sabotage

Unfortunately, Protection against saboteur is one of the toughest challenges out there.. Consequently, another of the most powerful risks with respect to the physical security of the computer system, lies in sabotage. Which are also classified as man-made threats.

At the business level, it is pointed out that this type of sabotage They are carried out by employees or even by a subject outside the same company. Therefore, it is the most feared danger in data processing centers and even, due to its great power, truly optimal high-level security programs have not yet been able to be designed to eradicate that.

electrical noise

An external threat of great relevance consists of electrical noise that usually produced by heavy machinery or engines They are very close to the computer. This risk can even be caused by a multitude of devices or other computers.

It should be noted that the noise is transmitted through space or through nearby power lines. To avoid the problems it causes, it is best to place the hardware away from the elements that are producing this noise. In addition, you can also shield the equipment boxes or install filters.

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How is physical security different from logical security?

On the other hand, in addition to physical security, the logical security of a computer system is also distinguished and this is defined as the application of procedures and/or barriers that safeguard access to data and information contained in the medium.

As a consequence, you will surely wonder how one security differs from the other, since they are terminologies that can be associated for their fundamentals. Well, as long as physical security is responsible for protecting systems against purely physical threatslogical security what it does is safeguard the information within your own environment through security tools.

In such a way, physical security applies control procedures to prevent natural disasters, internal or external sabotage and logical security it simply uses techniques aimed at protecting data against its destruction, modification, delay or improper disclosure. Additionally, here we let you know some of the systems that belong to each of these, that is, physical and logical.

In order to further distinguish both terms:



Protection against theft Use of the correct procedure Fire protection system Verification of the veracity of transmitted information Control of access to the premises where the computers are located Creation of restricted users

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