【Save PowerPoint Unchangeable】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

When working with any type of document, be it a document of , calculation or a , forever you run the risk that said file can reach be modified by a third partyespecially if it should be shared by email or uploaded to a cloud platform where other people can have access to it.

And it is that not only You run the risk that other people may modify the content of the file, but you can also get to be a victim of plagiarismso it is very convenient to be able to secure the content that has been created there and prevent it from being accessible to unauthorized persons.

luckily this program of allows its users to be able protect each of your presentations so that other people cannot modify itthis will allow them to block all the content that is stored there as a security measures. That is why here we are going to teach you how you can save each of your presentations so that they cannot be modified, To do this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you below.

Why should you protect your PowerPoint presentations?

There are many reasons why heUsers must protect each of their presentations so that other people cannot edit them. And it is that power creating a presentation to be shared with other people is not an easy task, especially since in it must be add a lot of important information in order to teach some kind of content to your readersso it is essential to be able to take care of everything that is there embodied.

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When you share a document by emailfor cloud server or by any other web platformthe user runs the risk that his file may be modified and edited by third parties without his authorization, therefore all the information that he has added there may be in danger, as well such as your reputation if it is an important delivery Either for work or for an educational institution.

Y not protecting this type of file not only means that it can be edited by third parties without your authorizationbut you can also become plagiarism victimso that your presentation can become an exact copy of many other presentations. Therefore, the best way to be able avoid this and ensure your safetyit is protecting each of your PowerPoint presentations when saving them.

This will guarantee that all users who access it when sharing it on the web they can only see how reading mode, that is, they cannot edit or modify it, since this will not be allowed. This allows the creators of all these files to have a backup and greater security when sharing content on the Internet.

Learn step by step how to save a presentation in PowerPoint that is not editable

There are different ways of be able to save a presentation in PowerPoint by what is cannot be modifiablethis in case you want prevent third parties from accessing it. This method is recommended to be applied every time it is needed. share said file onlinewhere many other users may have access to it.

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That is why here we explain how to perform this procedure in an easy and fast way:

  • Once you have your finished presentation and be sure you don’t need modify anything else in itthen the following will be keep it protected to ensure no other person can reach edit it without your permission.
  • To do this you must click on the tab “File, Archive”.
  • There you will see a new window with a menu on the left side of your screen, in it you must select the item “Information”.
  • Now a new page will appear with four different options, the first of which is about “Protect Presentation” and it is with which one is going to work. When you click on it, you will see a new dropdown menu
  • As you can see here you will find different options to block access to your content, the first of which is “Always open as read-only”, this will prevent readers can make any kind of change to the document, so all the information contained therein will be completely safe.
  • You can also make use of the last option “Mark as final” this will allow you indicate to readers that the presentation is already finalso it will be impossible to perform any kind of modification or change in the data stored there.
  • You can too “Add a digital signature” this signature is invisible but the same will guarantee that the content stored there cannot be modified or copied, so it will prevent said file from being copied by third parties.
  • As you can see you can also make use of the option “encrypt with password” If you make use of this option then it is necessary that you create a password to access your presentation so only those people who know it will be able to access it. This method is recommended to be used when you have to share the file on a public site but it is only for a few usersso it is convenient lock it with password and that only those who are interested have it.
  • And finally you can “Restrict access” In this case, you will be the one who decides what person accesses the presentation or notalso if the user has permission to access it, this You may not edit, copy, or print the same, so you can only see it in reading mode.
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Taking into account each of these protection options offered by PowerPoint, The user has the possibility to choose the one that that best suits your needs, so you can guarantee the integrity of all content stored there at the moment of having to share it in some web platform or via email.

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