【Share your Steam Account】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

gives its users the ability to access the titles their friends own in their digital library. If you are interested in knowing how to share steam accounts with your friends to give you access to your favorite games, then keep reading this step by step guide.

The process is extremely simple. As owner, You only need to be logged in and have the active protection of.

With this method, your friends will have full access to everything in your library. All thanks to Family Loan System offered by the platform Steam.

You can now share games from your Steam library with friends and family

As we have mentioned, now you can share games from your steam library with friends and family. The feature that makes this possible is called Steam Family Share, or Steam Family Loan. The loan allows guests being able to play video games from your library, or vice versa, through the devices authorized by the main account. The guest has the ability to earn their own achievements in matches, as well as save their progress to the Steam cloud.

Notably there are certain limits. For example, the main account can only authorize ten devices at the same time. Likewise, only five accounts will be able to use said equipment to play the titles of the digital library. On the other hand, due to certain technical limitations, some games may not be compatible for borrowing.

This is caused by third-party keys or subscriptions that do not allow sharing the game between multiple accounts. Notably one user can access the library at a time. For this reason, if you want to play while one of your friends is using the Family Loan Systemhe will have only a few minutes to acquire the game and continue playing, or finish the game.

The digital library will be available only for the account and device that is using it at the moment. No other account and team, authorized or not, will have access to the game library until its use ends. Finally, there is a risk of losing your Steam account privileges if any of the users use the Family Loan System to commit fraud. For this reason, we recommend lend your games only to people you trust and who are responsible.

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Learn how to share your Steam account so friends and family can access your games

The Family Loan System offers multiple benefits to the community.

Here’s how to share your Steam account so friends and family can access your games:

Make sure to activate Steam Guard

Steam Guard is a double authentication system to provide greater protection. This step is critical if you want to share your digital library with someone else. What you should do is access the section “Parameters” on the platform of Steam. Then, go to the section of “Account Options” and activate the function steamguard. Then you must follow the instructions of Steam that appear on the screen to complete the process.

Sign in to the team

after activating steamguardyou should authorize the computers from which the library can be accessed. To do this, you must log in to the device. Enter your Steam account with your data. Subsequently, enter once again to the section of “Parameters”. Then go to the section “Family”.

Authorize the team to share

active the box “Authorize the family loan on this computer” to be able to access the library from that device. Then, take care of authorizing the five accounts that will have access to the digital library. Remember, they must be users you trust. So, finally, you can share your games with other people on Steam.

The best Steam tricks to get the most out of this platform for Gamers

Steam is much more than just a portal to download games. The web hides an endless number of functionalities that allow the user to enjoy numerous advantages.

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Next, we show you the best Steam tricks to get the most out of this platform for gamers:

Install multiple games at the same time

The vast majority of platforms allow the user install one app at a time. With Steam This is not the case. The Web has provided an easy method to install various games simultaneously.

You just have to follow these steps:

  • Enter the application of Steam. next, go to the digital library.
  • Select all the games you want to download and install. To do this, hold down the key Ctrl and left click on each title.
  • When you have selected all the games you are interested in, right click on the selection and press “Install” on the menu.
  • If you want to deselect any gamesimply left click on the title in question, without releasing the key Ctrl.

Create backups

Steam allows you create a local backup of installed games on your computer. In case of losing or deleting them voluntarily, you can recover them quickly by restoring the backup. So you save having to download the title again.

All you have to do is:

  • Log in to the Steam app and go to the upper left corner. Then press the button “Steam”.
  • In the drop-down menu, click the button “Back up and restore program”.
  • A pop-up window appears on the screen giving you two options. Then press check the box corresponding to “Make backup of installed programs”. Then click on “Following”.
  • Select the games you want to back up. Then click “Following”.
  • Choose a destination folder to store the backup.
  • Determine a size and a name for each of the files. When you have it ready, it will start making the copy.

Install games on other computers without downloading anything

Secondly, thanks to the backups that Steam allows you to perform, you can install your games on another computer. To do this you only need a USB drive and restore the copy on the device of your choice.

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It should be noted that the restoration must be carried out from your Steam account:

  • At the top of the application Steam, click the button “Steam”.
  • In the displayed menu, press the button Backup and restore program.
  • Locate the location of your backup on your computer. Then, you must carry out the steps indicated by the platform.

Enable Big Picture mode

Big Picture mode is a feature that allows you to set up a full screen interface for Steam to interact like a console. When you run the app, it opens automatically in the big picture mode. The activation process is extremely simple.

You just have to follow these steps:

  • Enter the application Steam and click the button “Steam”, located in the upper left.
  • In the dropdown menu, click on the section “Parameters”.
  • The setup menu appears on the screen. Next, go to the left sidebar and click on “Interface”.
  • Activate the modality BigPicture clicking on “Start Steam in Big Picture mode.”

Run third-party apps on Steam

The steam client allows users integrate third-party applications to your digital library. When you open the application, it analyzes all the programs installed on the computer. After completing the analysis, it gives you the possibility to add games and Apps quickly.

Just follow these steps:

  • Go to the tab Options and click Products.
  • In the dropdown menu, click the button Add a non-Steam product to my library.
  • Next, a new popup window opens. This section loads all your installed applications.
  • Select the apps Y games of your choice and then click on “Add selected”.
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