【Telegram Bots API】What is it? + How to Create a Bot▷ 2022

To get the most out of You can create your first bot from the platform itself. For this, you will need to know what it is. Telegram Bot API And what is this tool for?

You will find the answers below. We will explain, in detail, the different tasks that a Bot created with the Telegram API can perform and the benefits of using Botfather.

But this is not all you will read. we will also tell you the steps you must take to create your first bot from Telegram and which are the best external tools to the Bot API. Check out.

What is the Telegram Bot API and what is this tool for on the platform?

The Telegram Bot API is a set of procedures, protocols and definitions that used by third-party developers to integrate them into the main platform. That is, it is possible to carry out the development of a Bot in a safe way without taking into account how Telegram’s MTProto encryption worksthanks to the Telegram Bots API.

Therefore, it is possible to develop custom clients that act as a special account that does not require a phone number to communicate with the Telegram server through a protocol, which has a Interface .

What kind of tasks can a bot built with the Telegram API perform?

The tasks that a custom client can perform within the Telegram environment through a Bot are many.

Therefore, we will show you the most used ones below:

Synchronization with other services

The telegram bot can be included in chats to adapt the information contained in some external platforms and portals. For example, it is possible to include the @youtube bot to watch videos within a community or the bot “WikipediaSearch” to find words from the chat in the wikipedia portal.

incorporate tools

One of the most sought after uses by members of the platform is to include bots to return a certain action that allows the user not to leave Telegram. In this way, it is possible to consult the weather forecast or translate a text within the chat. An example of this is the bot @traduciendobot.

customize functions

With a bot it is also possible adapt chat settings to give a unique style to the conversations. For this you can use, for example, the @stickers bot to create stickers with your own images; or the @vote every time you want to make a survey among the participants of a group or channel.

Receive notifications

It is possible to create a news feed through a bot to collect the latest news today. To do this, you can use @ifttt to obtain the information from different portals or also @TheFeedReaderBot.

Create online games

It is possible to play online from Telegram if the necessary bots are included. In this way it is possible recreate shooting, arcade and even strategy video games in real time. An example of this is the @gamee and @gamebot bots.

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Receive payments online

Within the same messaging it is possible to use the platform Telegram Bot Payments so that Telegram users can make payments to online stores. It is important to clarify that this service is free, since there is no commission to pay for this service. If you want to know more about how an online store works, then you should go to the official Telegram website, https://t.me/TestStore.

What are the benefits of creating a bot with Telegram’s Botfather?

Botfather is a bot generated by the Telegram platform itself to control all programs or robot that are integrated into the platform. But this is not all, too With Botfather it is possible to create a bot using the Telegram API for its development, so all the bots that you will see in the messaging and that were created by this program guarantee the privacy and philosophy of Telegram. On the other hand, when using Botfather it is not necessary to have great knowledge in computer development.

To create a bot it is possible to use the following commands that are freely available:

  • /mybots
  • /mygames
  • /setname
  • /set description
  • /setabouttext
  • /setuserpic
  • /setcommands
  • /deletebot
  • /setinline
  • /setinlinegeo
  • /setjoingroups
  • /setprivacy
  • /newgame
  • /listgames
  • /editgame
  • /deletegame

Thanks to the instructions that were mentioned, you can create any type of bot inside Telegram, so you can do it from Android, iOS, Windows or MacOS. From this it follows that Botfather is a cross-platform program. Secondly, if you decide to delete the bot you created with Botfatheryou can do it through the same tool.

This means that you will not need special authorization from Telegram or any other program to delete your own programming. Finally, to have exclusive domain of the bot, Telegram grants a token of authorization to send the requests to the structure of protocols and procedures of the bot. In this way, anyone who wishes to program through Botfather will be able to do so and rest easy, since its creation will be protected by the Telegram API.

Learn step by step how to create a bot with Telegram’s Botfather from scratch on any device

To create a bot with Telegram’s Botfather you will have to do this step by step:

Access Telegram

The first thing you should do is enter the platform and go to the left column of the screen. Then, you will have to write the name of the programming tool in the upper bar. That is, @BotFather.

Enter Botfather

The previous step will allow you to see a list with the available alternatives, you will have to choose the first option to enter the programming tool. To do this, you will have to click on the bot icon to access all the software commands.

Press “/newbot” and choose the name of your first bot

Once you are inside Botfather a box will appear, so you will have to click on /newbot, or write this command and click on Send. This will cause a message to appear asking you for the name of your new bot.

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Choose the username

Once the app has approved your bot’s name, what you’ll need to do now is choose a username. Remember that this denomination must end with the word “bot”. For example, ipap_bot. When you have this requirement ready you will have to send it to the Botfather.

Copy the token

In this step you must copy the token that will appear on the screen and keep it safe, since with this information you will be able to enter the Telegram API to configure different alternatives.

Configure general options

don’t forget about choose a description and profile picture for the bot. To do this, you’ll need to choose the /setdescription command and then start typing what the bot can do. This information will be seen by other users. When you’re done, you’re going to have to press Send. If you want to add an image, you will have to use /setuserpic. When a box is displayed at the bottom of the screen, click on the clip icon. This will open the photo library, so you will have to choose the one you like best.

Create your bot commands

Once you have edited all the profile of your bot, you will be able to enter the functions that your first Telegram software will perform. This step will depend on what you want your bot to do, but what you do have to do is write /setcommands to add your robot’s instructions one by one.

What What you are going to have to do now is write the name that your command will have, then you’ll need to enter a hyphen, and finally the description of the command’s task. When you’re done, press /empty to add that function to your list.

Verify the operation of the bot

To check that you have done all the steps correctly, enter the chat window and search for the name of your bot. Then, click on the Start button and verify that all the commands you created work correctly.

List of the best external tools to the Telegram Bot API to create a Bot on the platform

If you wish create your own bot with tools outside the Telegram Bot APIthen you will be able to use any of these programs.

Watch below:


You will be able to create your own structure to handle the language (Java, Groovy or Kotlin), add functions and control the necessary framework. To use this tool, you will need to log in to Botfather, create the new bot, and get the token to work with the Telegram Bots API.

You must configure the webservice through Webhooks. After this you will have to get the URL and port, so it is recommended to select 433, 80, 83 or 8443 to keep the bot safe from attacks. Finally, you’ll need to create a controller that runs the prompts or requests with the framework. For this, you are going to have to set the route, the timeout and the logic of the bot.

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The tool that we showed you before is ideal for advanced users, since it requires the management of programming and development codes. But this is not the only way you can choose if you don’t want to use Botfather, there are also others like Manybot, which It is a tool with which you can work from Telegram in a similar way to the official bot of the platform. This makes it one of the alternatives most chosen by users who want to program their first bot.

To use Manybot, you will have to look up its name in the bar located at the top of the left column. Then you must click on the first option that appears so that you can access all the available commands. To start, you must type /addbot and then continue with the instructions that the bot will show you.


You want to do everything from your mobile you can use this application that is available for android. To install this tool you must enter the Google Play Store. Once you open the app you can choose if you want a paid version or a free one, with this last option you will have slightly more limited toolsbut that will also help you create your own bot for Telegram.

It’s easy to use, you will have to choose the name and description of the bot. Then you will have to incorporate the commands to start working with the Telegram API. Do not forget that you must get token via Botfather.


You will have to choose if you want to hire a paid version or use the free subscription. The latter will have a little less tools, but it does not mean that it is not a complete platform. to create your own Telegram bot.

Once choose what kind of subscription you want to haveyou will be able to incorporate extensive functions that will help you launch your own Bot in Telegram in a simpler way. Secondly, you will have a support team to solve your doubts when you want to incorporate the bot commands or other tools.

chat fuel

To use this bot, you will have to search for it with its username, @chatfuelbot, in the search bar located in the left column….

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