10 plugins to link LinkedIn and WordPress –

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It’s from all social networks the most professional there is and perhaps in which the possibility of promoting your services or products is least taken advantage of.

LinkedIn has the possibility to publish and highlight your best work, experiences and it is a place where you can find many professionals who have never come into contact with you, but also companies can promote their products and/or services within this network. So whether you have a personal site and you are a professional or a small business I am going to introduce you to different WordPress plugins for LinkedIn and that you can integrate them with your site.

1. WP LinkedIn

This is a plugin is free and allows you to insert the LinkedIn profile in different parts of your site, you can configure it so that it appears at the end as if it were an author box.

It also allows you to embed recommendation buttons, cards, and some of the latest updates within your site.

Each of these functions can be used in posts or pages, using different ones that can also be used in widgets.

2. FP LinkedIn Profile

If you want to find a more original way that is easy to customize, you can review this plugin

With this plugin you can insert a summary of your profile in a post or page. This plugin is very basic and allows you to do only 5 customizations like title, profile name and profile link, you can also enable or disable to show to your contacts.

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The last thing you can do with this plugin is customize the format of the business card and choose whether or not you want to use icons on it.

3. LinkedIn Profile Badge

With this plugin you will be able to insert your LinkedIn profile in different parts of your site, but as if it were a signature where your photo, name, title, company and location will appear.

There is also the possibility of placing a button that redirects you directly to your LinkedIn profile that you can insert anywhere on your site.

4. LinkedIn Auto Publish

If you don’t have much time to publish on social networks and especially on LinkedIn where it is a bit more complex than others, this plugin will be very helpful, because it will save you all that process and you will be able to publish directly from your WordPress on LinkedIn .

It also allows you to publish directly on LinkedIn from any WordPress site and gives you the ability to add and filter the posts you have already published and/or choose which ones you want to share depending on the categories.

5. LinkedIn Master

This plugin has a free version and a paid premium version. It allows you to post both from your personal profile and from your company’s LinkedIn page, now if it is not a personal profile you have to use the paid version.

You can insert different thumbnails of your profile on your site and accommodate it according to the visual configuration you have, either horizontally or vertically.

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As for the paid version, it starts from $25 for a single site and $69 for unlimited sites.

6. WP LinkedIn for Companies

With this plugin you can insert a company’s LinkedIn profile into your WordPress site. This plugin is paid and costs $40 per site.

This will allow you to display your company profile, show different events, products and/or services that your business offers on any WordPress site you have. These you can easily display with a shortcode. You can also use some widgets that come as an extra with the plugin.

Currently disabled.

7. WP LinkedIn Multi-user

This is an extension of the WP LinkedIn plugin, the first one that I have mentioned to you. With this plugin it is possible to publish content from multiple authors on your site.

The plugin recognizes the authors and publishes the profile and information on the post or page they wrote.

This plugin is also paid and is part of an extension of the WP LinkedIn plugin.

Currently disabled.

8. Atom LinkedIn (Unpublished in 2016 from the wordpress.org repository)

This simple plugin provides a widget and shortcodes to add LinkedIn buttons and business cards to your WordPress site.

Just drag and drop the LinkedIn Atom widget into the sidebar, then configure what you want to see. With this plugin you will be able to show the profile of the company, who are part of it and publications of new job positions.

9.LinkedIn Login

What you will be able to do with this plugin, as the name says, is to add the possibility of logging into your WordPress site with your LinkedIn profile.

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Very similar to when you enter a site and you can log in with your Google, Facebook and Twitter profiles.

This plugin is very simple and basic but very useful if you want to have the ability to log in with LinkedIn on your WordPress site.

10. LinkedIn Company Updates

This plugin allows you to display the latest updates to your LinkedIn profile on your WordPress site.

This is handled with a shortcode where you can set some options. Also if you are an advanced user you can display your updates using the theme’s PHP code.

That’s all, I hope some of these plugins can help you integrate your WordPress site with LinkedIn, it’s just a matter of seeing what best suits your business and putting it to the test.

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