13 best apps to sell clothes in Mexico: used or new

Looking for apps to sell clothes? Whether you decide to take advantage of clothes that you no longer wear and make more space in your closet or you want to diversify the way you sell these products, these apps will make it easier for you to earn a little money online selling second-hand clothes or brand new with everything and tag.

Next I will show you the various types of applications to sell clothes in Mexico, its main advantages and some tips that you should keep in mind when selling clothes online. Let’s start the tour! 🙌

Types of apps to sell clothes

Not all applications to sell clothes are the same, there are different applications that you can find to market fashion online, here I show you the three types of apps that we can currently find in our country in which you can sell clothes.

  • fashion marketplaces
  • Various product marketplaces
  • your own app

Now I explain each of them.

fashion marketplace đź‘—

Fashion marketplaces are those spaces dedicated to the exclusive sale of clothing, accessories and clothing accessories. Imagine them as a great bazaar where everyone sells her clothes and has the opportunity to sell as many products as they want. On these platforms you can register as a user or brand and sell your items assigning them the price that best suits you. Some are limited to the sale of new items and others allow the sale of second-hand clothing and accessories. It is important that before registering you know the guidelines to avoid any mishaps. GoTrendier, Privalia and Troquer are some examples of this type of app.

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Various product marketplaces đź‘’

Although they are similar to the previous ones, this type of marketplace is not limited to the exclusive sale of fashion, but you can find many more categories and diverse products. They usually have more users and therefore more visits and traffic, but not for that reason more interest in the fashion category. Some examples of this type are Amazon, Mercado Libre or Second Hand.

Your own app ✨

Are you not convinced? If you don’t love the idea of ​​selling through a marketplace and want your own space, maybe you can consider creating your own app to sell clothes. Developing your app can be expensive. However, if you feel that this is the way to go, you can create your own app to sell fashion, accessories and clothing accessories.

Applications to sell new clothes in Mexico

If you are dedicated to selling new clothes in Mexico, these are the applications to sell used clothes that you should know, because they will not only help you find new customers, but they can be important additional channels for your business that serve to position it.


Have you ever been to an Outlet Plaza? Well, similar to this concept is how Privalia works. It is an online store with a large number of brands on offer where you can find clothing, accessories, shoes, jewelry and even home accessories. It is part of Vente Privee and you can sell through this platform by filling out its brand form. Distribution is throughout Mexico. The app is available for iOS and Android.

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It is one of the most important marketplaces not only in Mexico, but in the world and you can start selling clothes on this platform quite easily. You just need to register and pay the fee of $600 MXN per month plus sales commissions. Remember to have at hand photos of your garments as well as the specifications of your products. Its app is available for iOS and Android.

What is the best app to sell new clothes in Mexico?

If you ask me, the best option is Privalia, because although it does not have the traffic that Amazon has, buyers are focused on this sector and you can have a better one than the one you can have in a general marketplace. đź‘–

Apps to sell used clothes

More and more entrepreneurs are turning to used clothing due to the enormous market potential that this sector has, which in addition to being eco friendly, allows textiles to be given a second life, generating profits from what many might consider “waste”. This boom has allowed there to be more and more applications to sell clothes in Mexico and here we list the best ones that you can download to your smartphone.

Go Trendier

This app, available for iOS and Android, works like a marketplace that allows you to sell used clothes quickly and easily. There is no subscription cost, you just need to open your account and start uploading your clothes to the app. Although be careful, GoTrendier does have a cost per transaction, which will be deducted from the total of your sale when the payment has been made. Although most of the clothes found in the application are used, you can also find new clothes, in a smaller percentage.


Are you dedicated to selling luxury brand clothing and accessories? Troquer is the app you need. This marketplace is dedicated to selling exclusive, haute couture and some fast fashion brands. They take great care of the quality of the garments, so they have a good filter of those clothes that are acceptable and those that are not acceptable for the platform, however the promise is that you can keep up to 83% of the sale price of your clothes.

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Among the differentiators that this app has is that you can see the items that are sold near your location in an easy and fast way. This marketplace is enabled to be able to sell what you want, from bicycles, records, books, to clothing and footwear, which is what concerns us here. Available for iOS and Android, to use Wallapop you do not need to make a subscription payment to upload your articles, only photos of your products and a good description.

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Similar to the previous apps, Shoppiland works as a marketplace that allows you to sell used clothes, shoes and accessories just by creating your account. When you upload your articles, they will go through a review and approval process before being published. When you sell it, the platform will assign you a tracking number to send your item to the final buyer. Sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? You could even sell makeup and cosmetics through this app.

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Second hand

As its name implies, on this page and application you can sell used clothes, shoes and accessories. This marketplace is not only dedicated to selling clothes, but you can find many categories in its inventory, from real estate to cars. With just a subscription to the platform you can start publishing your products. The payment and shipping method of most publications is to be agreed. If you wish to use the online payment service, you must use the Segunda Mano Express service.

wear it

This platform created in 2015 by two friends from Monterrey is ideal if the garments you want to sell are haute couture. Each of the garments goes through a verification process, so as to give the buyer the guarantee that they are purchasing an authentic product. Yes, a percentage of commission is charged which may vary depending on the sale price of the product. Take a look at the clothing inventory in Portèlo so you can see the price ranges. It is available on iOS and Android.

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The Vopero sales model is a little different from the previous applications, because after creating your account on this platform, you must request your Vopero Kit, where you will have to place 20 to 40 garments that you want to sell. These garments will be sent to the Vopero offices, where they will go through a verification and approval process. After the process, the Vopero team will take care of the rest. You just have to wait to receive the money from your sales. Available for iOS and Android, I recommend that you take a look at what you can find in its online catalog.

What is the best app to sell used clothing in Mexico?

Due to its positioning, ease of use and variety of garments, I recommend GoTrendier to sell used clothing in Mexico. Although you have to pay a commission per sale, it is a fairly complete marketplace, where you can find clothes from luxury brands, as well as new, fast fashion or even unknown brands. Therefore, you can find a wide variety of prices and options. đź‘š

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Apps to sell used and new clothes

If among your products you have new and used clothes and you need an app that allows you to sell both items, here we leave you app options to sell clothes in both conditions throughout Mexico. Look at them!


This is an app that is different from the others, since through it you can manage your sales and upload products to your own online store at . Although to create your own web page with a shopping cart you need to start the process from a desktop or tablet web browser, this free application allows you to take greater control of your sales, products and customers in an easy and convenient way. fast. The advantage? You can sell used clothes, new clothes or any other item you can imagine from your own space in the cloud. More personalized and unique, impossible.

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Do you want to sell through one of the most popular fashion apps in the world? ASOS is one of the largest platforms with millions of buyers globally that allows you to market new or used clothes, whether they are independent designers, new brands or vintage clothing startups. To start selling in this app, you must fill out a form requesting your incorporation to the platform and follow the rules and recommendations. The app is available for iOS and Android.

Facebook Marketplace

Although this app does not have a single version and is located within the Facebook app that many of us have on our phones, the Facebook marketplace is one of the most used for the sale of used and new clothing in Mexico. The publication is very simple, in addition to being free, although you must take care of the shipping and payment method on your own, in addition to having a relatively limited range by showing the user the articles close to him, not necessarily all the existing ones on this platform.

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Free market

This is one of the best positioned marketplaces in Mexico and Latin America. Whether from its app or its website, you can sell used or new clothes by paying a percentage for the use of the platform. Its easy and intuitive design helps you to start selling without being an expert in the use of this tool. Be careful, Mercado Libre does not charge a commission on the sale of used items, but it does for new items. In the case of clothing, the percentage is 15% and 18%…

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