45 questions for an entrepreneur who wants to grow

No matter what stage of your business you are at right now, if your motivation is to keep improving, you have to read these 45 questions for an entrepreneur who wants to grow.

We have prepared this article for you to find inspiration to move forward or start your own business. We know that it is not always easy to work on your own, make a good business plan or find investors who are committed to your idea, however if you stop for a moment to think about these questions, you may find great answers.

Questions for an entrepreneur before starting a business

If you are in this first stage where you are defining your venture, take into account the following questions that will serve as a route to understand how ready you are and how defined your idea is to start a business.

  1. What problem does my business solve? Always look for what is the benefit of your product or service and do not focus on its characteristics.
  2. How viable is my business idea? For an idea to be powerful you must be able to scale it to a business plan. In this article we talk about how to generate a good .
  3. Who would be my target audience? It is not admissible for an entrepreneur to say that his product is aimed “at the general public”. You must find your market segment or niche in order to generate a good strategy.
  4. Who else is competing in the market with this idea and what are they doing? Doing an adequate one will allow you to better understand the activities that you should plan and do before starting, so you can validate what a good time it is to go out with your project to the market.
  5. What resources do I need? This point is also super important to be clear about before starting the business and talking about resources not only refers to the economic but to everything that your business demands, from the material to the human. Making a list is always helpful.
  6. What steps should I follow to start the business? At this point, generating a is very useful to outline the activities that you will have to carry out, before and during the launch of your project.
  7. Am I willing or willing to take the long road? This is a reflective question because although it is attractive to think about the advantages of having your own business, you have to be aware that it will not always be easy and the entrepreneurial path is one of perseverance.
  8. Am I ready or ready to direct my project? Here it is worth reflecting on the skills you already have as a leader or entrepreneur and which ones you don’t, simply to work on what you need to reinforce.
  9. What is the purpose of my business? To start an entrepreneurial project well, you must fall in love with it. Find a purpose to follow and align your business to it. Only then can you stay motivated on the path of entrepreneurship. It is not only about generating income, surely you have a stronger purpose that you seek to achieve. Put it in your business.
  10. What will my value proposition be? This part is important because it is what will make you different from your competitors but it is also why your customers will buy from you. Think carefully about what value your business brings.
  11. What type of entrepreneur am I? Identify your profile as an entrepreneur or businessman and use it to your advantage. We leave you this article about .
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Questions for entrepreneurs who are starting

When your venture is already underway, it is always good to measure results to find points for improvement, readjust if necessary and grow with solid foundations. These questions may be helpful:

  1. Do I have a strategic plan in my business? It is always important to define strategic plans for short periods to monitor the results of our business and in the early stages it is a highly recommended practice.
  2. What are my short, medium and long term goals? Within the strategic plan, the goals you want to achieve are mapped to set your objectives as a business.
  3. How will I reach those goals? You must be as specific as possible in planning your strategy so that the activities and indicators of success for the goals set are clear.
  4. Do I know the market right now? Market studies are not only done at the beginning of a project. It is important that you continue to constantly monitor changes, the tastes of your customers, new trends and your competition.
  5. What is working best in my business? A self-assessment on what you are doing well in terms of sales, customer service, financial management, etc. it allows you to understand what to continue doing and in what way.
  6. What is not working well? It is also important to know what does not work as expected, not to find people responsible or dwell on failures, but to correct and learn.
  7. Is my current equipment enough for me? It is important to understand when you should delegate functions and when you should grow your team or outsource projects. When you start, you usually do the work alone, but it is good to stop and think about growth.
  8. How could it grow more? Maintaining a growth mindset is what will keep your business afloat no matter the circumstances. Thinking about strategies that allow you to expand your business is important, in addition to the fact that it is good that your goals are aimed at achieving growth in different areas.
  9. How long can I survive with the current capital? Having healthy finances in your business implies having a financial plan where you know exactly the amount of your investment, your income, debts and liquidity. This allows you to make projections and make better decisions.
  10. How to get more sales? The best thing to do after knowing the status of your company is to create one that allows you to project all possible entry points. Within that strategy you can also develop a .
  11. What kind of clients do I need right now? This question is aimed at understanding how sales are being generated in your business and what market or customer profile you should focus on to achieve your goals.
  12. How do I make my offer more attractive? Always look for innovation, not only in your products, but also in your service and the experience of your customers. Also learn to and surely you will find ideas to improve what you offer.
  13. How to take advantage of the online world? It doesn’t matter if your business is physical or online, you can take advantage of different digital tools. Find what best suits your business and experiment.
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10 basic questions for entrepreneurs

These questions are basic for all entrepreneurs no matter where they are in their project and we recommend answering them often to always stay motivated.

  1. I love what I do? Seek that your life is aligned to your purpose and see your entrepreneurship as an opportunity for growth and contribution to others.
  2. Am I consistent with my offer? This is very important at all times of a project, the business can change but the congruence between what you say, do and sell are the main mark of your enterprise.
  3. Do I have resilience? Resilience is the ability to adapt and overcome adversity in an optimal way. An entrepreneur needs that characteristic to maintain his business.
  4. Am I seeing from the correct perspective? When a problem seems to have no way out, sometimes it is necessary to change the perspective from where it is seen. In business this is extremely valuable.
  5. What beliefs limit me? What limits people to achieve great things is partly the beliefs they have about themselves, money, business or people, and understanding this will allow us to learn to choose and develop new ways of seeing the world.
  6. What will I do to change my mindset, if necessary? If you detect limiting beliefs, there are always ways to reprogram and relearn. That is a characteristic of every good entrepreneur.
  7. Who or who can I support if something goes wrong? Having a support network when you are going to undertake is necessary and useful. Identify those people. They can be family, friends, minor investors or whatever you need.
  8. How much time am I willing to invest? For a startup to become a business, it must be a full-time job. Think about how much you want to grow to define how much time you are going to invest.
  9. How to keep growing? Keep an eye on your personal growth, learn new things, do scary things, and think about what else you can do to grow.
  10. What methods will I use to undertake? There are ways of working like those that help you create frameworks in different stages.
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Questions for women entrepreneurs

In addition to the above, we leave you with some questions that you can ask yourself if you are an enterprising woman.

  1. What is the percentage of women entrepreneurs? Look up data and see how competitive the market you want to enter is and who is dominating the game.
  2. Is there any support for women entrepreneurs? Take a look at those that exist in Mexico.
  3. How to overcome gender inequality in business? It is not new that there is still inequity and prejudice towards women in business. Think about how to deal with this if it exists in your sector.
  4. Am I willing to break paradigms? You will need it if you are an enterprising woman. You can find many challenges, but the important thing will be to prepare.
  5. What do I have to learn? Find the inspiration you need in other women entrepreneurs, learn about their stories and continue learning about business, mentality and everything you need to achieve success.

Questions for an entrepreneur in an interview with investors

When you move to the next stage with your venture and want to acquire capital with investors, you will probably have to answer questions like these:

  1. What is the business model? Make sure you have a well-defined your and a pitch that can briefly explain it.
  2. How long does it take to recover the investment in this business? You must prepare your projections based on the market and financial study.
  3. What is the profit percentage per product? This question is important for you to understand the viability of your products.
  4. How long does it take to break even? You must consider the time it will take for the business to recover its investment and generate profits.
  5. What is the company’s financial roadmap? It captures the financial goals of the company and how they are going to be achieved.
  6. What are the business risks? That is, the chances of loss in the market.


We hope that these questions will help you to reflect on the possibilities you have in business and in your entrepreneurial project. We know that the road is not always easy but you will always find someone to support you.

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