5 support programs for young entrepreneurs in Mexico

In recent years, young entrepreneurs in Mexico they have multiplied. The need for a job or to be their own bosses and succeed has led them to open their own businesses.

Startups have exploded over the past decade. In an era in which the Internet, innovation and technology are great allies to make money and reach more potential customers more easily; young people have more confidence to try to sell their ideas and succeed in a market where there is more competition than ever.

For the first time in history, only basic skills are needed, from knowing how to create a website or online store, to marketing different products and services online so that anyone can make themselves known and show their talent.

If you want to become one of the young entrepreneurs in your country, this article will give you several ideas, information and to make your trip more enjoyable.

What are young entrepreneurs like?

Being an entrepreneur at this time is very common, but that is not necessarily because it is easier. Young entrepreneurs of our time must understand that being your own boss comes with a price. There are different, as well as many variants of ventures for each type of entrepreneur.

Being successful in a business is about learning, being open to new ideas, and investing time, energy, and probably a lot of money into your project.

Other characteristics of the entrepreneurs and young people who are building the future of Mexico are:

  1. Determination and will.
  2. Ability to be constant and persevering.
  3. Don’t be afraid of failure.
  4. High self-confidence and good self-esteem.
  5. Openness to constantly work on your personal and professional development.
  6. Constantly improve your connection skills.
  7. Be innovative.

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Most famous young entrepreneurs

Young Mexican entrepreneurs

  1. Imanol Daran
  2. Francisco Pérez, Cristina Clocchiatti and Alejandro de la Brena
  3. Julian Rios
  4. Javier Larragoiti
  5. Paulina Arreola
  6. Marco Mascorro

Imanol Daran. He is the founder and CEO of Neuron, a company that develops artificial intelligence and virtual reality software and apps.

Francisco Pérez, Cristina Clocchiatti and Alejandro de la Brena. They created Griyum, a company dedicated to making healthy flour from edible crickets to end nutritional poverty.

Julian Rios. She designed a bra that detects breast cancer through sensors. Inspired by his mother, who almost died from the disease, he created this ingenious garment that can save many lives.

Javier Larragoiti. Inspired by his father’s diabetes, he created Xilinat, a natural sweetener made from xylitol that has the look and taste of sugar, but without the adverse health effects.

Pauline Arreola. She is the head behind El Lavadero, a logistics startup that offers a service to collect dirty clothes and deliver them clean and folded within 24 hours.

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Marco Mascorro. He is the creator of Fellow Robots, a marketer of machines that carry retail business inventory in real time.

  1. mark zuckerberg
  2. Victoria Alonsoperez
  3. Bonnie Chiu
  4. jeremy lamri
  5. Sabine Sipunova

Mark Zuckerberg. He is the founder of Facebook, the world’s largest social network. He worked and launched the idea since he was a young student at Harvard, managing to have a fortune of 13.5 billion dollars at the age of 26.

Victoria Alonsoperez. Originally from Uruguay, she founded IEETech, a company that developed the Chipsafer program, a startup that remotely and autonomously tracks and detects early health anomalies in different types of livestock. She is 28 years old.

Bonnie Chiu. Originally from Hong Kong, Chiu, just 23 years old, launched a non-profit social enterprise that aims to empower marginalized women, equipping them with cameras and photography training.

Jeremy Lamri. At the age of 32, he devised the first job board focused on the personality of the candidate and the corporate culture of the employer called Monkey Tie. The French company has supported hundreds of thousands of young people to find work.

Sabine Sipunova. From Latvia, she founded Sorry As A Service as a software company that helps companies apologize and surprise their customers in a variety of ways.

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Outlook for young entrepreneurs in Mexico

According to , in the country 53.6% of the population between 18 and 64 years perceives good opportunities to start a business; 58.5% consider that they have the skills to carry it out, but 31.6% indicate that the fear of failure prevents them from doing it.

Although young entrepreneurs in Mexico feel that there is a good ground to take off, there are also several problems that they must overcome.

For example, the difficulty of studying and working, as there are few well-paid job opportunities for candidates who have not yet graduated or who lack work experience. This limits their opportunities to start a business from a young age, in addition to obtaining savings or enough money to launch their own project.

Fortunately, there is support for young entrepreneurs, from platforms, scholarships or programs. If this article has motivated you to try to open your own business, I will tell you about the main programs that you can support.

Main support programs for young entrepreneurs

There are several agencies that are responsible for facilitating this aid in Mexico, including different ones and training from institutions such as the Ministry of Economy, the National Youth Institute and the National Entrepreneur Institute, which was created for the same purpose since 2013.

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These are the main support programs that you could support:

  • SME Financial Advice: the Ministry of Economy developed this program to promote financing. Here you will receive advice from a specialist who will help you choose the necessary financing for your business.
  • Centros México Emprende: These are spaces that provide comprehensive advice to entrepreneurs, regardless of whether they are in the planning stage of their business or it is already underway. In addition, they teach different programs aimed at entrepreneurs.
  • National Program for Entrepreneurs: Its objective is to increase entrepreneurship in the country. It offers workshops, events and courses that allow young people to learn about the advantages of opening their own business.
  • Youth Program Building the Future: it is a program for people between 18 and 29 years of age, who without studying and working, seek to increase their possibilities of professional development to find a good job in the future.

What is Youth Building the Future?

According to its official website, this is a program that links people between 18 and 29 years of age, who do not study and do not work, with companies, workshops, institutions or businesses where they develop or strengthen work habits and technical skills to increase their chances of future employability. So far there are 413, 526 apprentices linked.

How does Youth Building the Future work?

The program works with two modalities: apprentice and tutor.


As an apprentice, you register online, the STPS validates your data, selects you and applies you to one of the available vacancies.


As a tutor, you need to offer openings where apprentices can learn and practice their skills and trades.

The tutor can be a company, institution or organization. You must register online so that the STPS can later validate the data and make the respective application.

Once the requirements are met, an initial interview takes place between the tutor and the apprentice, the latter of which aims to help the tutor grow their business through the social engagement program.

How much do they pay in Youth Building the Future?

The apprentices will receive a monthly support of $5258.13 MXN and medical insurance against illness, maternity and work risks.

Who is the Youth Building the Future program aimed at?

To people between 18 and 29 years of age, who do not study and do not work, but who seek to receive training in socio-emotional skills to improve their job profiles, with the aim of finding vacancies according to their interests and knowledge after the year of participation in the program.

How to register in the Youth Building the Future program?

  1. Complete the pre-registration form.
  2. Complete your registration.
  3. Choose your training.
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Step 1: Complete the pre-registration form.

Enter your general information on the platform. At the end, you will get a folio number and a pre-registration card. Likewise, the system will provide you with a username and password so that you can complete your registration.

Step 2: Complete your registration.

Once you have your username and password, you must enter the platform to review the terms and conditions of the program.

This is what you have to do:

  • Confirm your general data.
  • Upload the required documentation (official identification, proof of address, photograph with the QR code provided by the platform).
  • Locate the location of your home on the Digital Platform.
  • Download commitment letter and registration form.

When you finish with the registration, the STPS will validate the data and notify you when you are ready to start your participation.

Step 3: Choose your training.

Now you can choose the Work Center where you want to carry out your training. There you will be able to see the activities that you will develop in your process, if they catch your attention, you will be able to apply and the representative of the Work Center will be notified.

Some tips:

  • Make sure all your documents are clear when you take photos.
  • Use a good photo that looks professional and represents your personality.
  • Choose a Work Center with tasks that you know you can carry out, want to learn or catch your attention.

Call for Youth Building the Future 2022

The Youth Building the Future 2022-2023 scholarship program has published its call and has received applications since January 11. This is why the registration platform is ALREADY active for anyone who wishes to participate.


If after reading this article we have awakened the worm of entrepreneurship, great! So that you have all the fresh information in your memory, we make a small summary of everything we have reviewed so far.

What are young entrepreneurs like?

These are the characteristics of modern entrepreneurs:

  • Determination and will.
  • Ability to be constant and persevering.
  • Don’t be afraid of failure.
  • High self-confidence and good self-esteem.
  • Openness to constantly work on your personal and professional development.
  • Constantly improve your connection and networking skills.
  • Be innovative.
  • Who are some of the most famous young entrepreneurs?


  • Imanol Daran – Neuron
  • Francisco…
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