How to make posts on Instagram: steps and tips

Instagram is the social network where we can see the most beautiful, exciting or fun scenes of our circle of friends and our favorite brands. Beyond , Did you stop to think that there are other elements almost as important as the image itself?

How to post on Instagram

To create Instagram posts you have to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ➕ symbol.
  2. Select the photo or video you want to upload.
  3. Apply filters (this is optional) and, in the case of videos, define the cover image.
  4. Write the footer of the publication (optional). You can include the mention of other accounts, add hashtags and add the location.
  5. Click on “Share” and that’s it!

Now that you know how to post on Instagram, let’s explore a little bit of each of the best practices for complement and reinforce the proposal of your business in the social network. Let us begin!

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1) Watch your language

The copywriting is a concept that is treading more and more strongly in the minds of communicators and consists of create commercial texts but aimed at making a brand’s products more attractive and that the potential clients go directly to the action. Its objective is to coordinate the verbal language of the brand to achieve the desired psychological effects.

What is the style of your photos on Instagram? Do they suggest a more informal and relaxed lifestyle or do they seek to convey a certain formality? It is important that you have this clear answer because it will be the essence of each caption (the text of the post that accompanies the photo) that you publish on your profile.

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The truth is that there is no model caption right or wrong: It all depends on the general positioning of your business. What should never fail is the grammar you use in your language which has to be impeccable: spelling and punctuation errors can make you lose credibility with your audience.

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2) Value the hashtags

Years go by and users of social networks still have doubts about how to use celebrities hashtags (originated in Twitter) Contrary to what it may seem, the function of the expressions preceded by the # is not simply to add information to the publication, but contextualize it for topic searches. Almost like Instagram SEO!

So it’s worth taking some time to choose the hashtags strategically; the ideal is to use a maximum of only three of them. One can be specific to the photo, for example, and the other two associated with your brand or the topic of the moment.

3) Locate your posts

One of the main current trends in marketing is the geolocation. In the era of globalization and electronic commerce, the concept of regionalizing your business may seem somewhat paradoxical, but the idea is just the opposite: if you position your brand on the map correctly, you will increase the chances of attracting not only consumers who live nearby, but to those who identify with the culture of the place where your company is located.

When you add a location to your posts, you allow other users who are in the same region or who are about to visit it, to take a look at those publications, arousing more interest.

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When to use it? In all the photos related to relevant moments for your business: a social event, a congress to which you were invited, a work trip, whenever possible!

4) Use the tags

Collaborations in the world of social networks can be the gateway to a new range of potential consumers. In our note on we detail how to create actions with influencers and take advantage of those accounts’ tags on your own profile.

When you tag another account in your own post, the effect is immediate and permanent! From there, when other users enter to see the publications in which the influencerthey will find your original post.

Remember that the additional elements to the image may seem like simple details, but they make a difference!

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