7 tips to take advantage of Instagram stories

The are the perfect place to generate interaction with your followers taking advantage of several of the features that this section has. That’s why, I share 7 tips for you to take advantage of them!

1- Show your products with video

In electronic commerce it is key that your potential client can clearly perceive the characteristics of the product.

The quality of today’s mobile phone video cameras is very good and perfectly acceptable for use in Instagram stories (or even the feed, for those with greater command of the camera).

Take the opportunity to show the details of the product, make the dimensions noticeable by touching them or place them next to other reference elements, and described how they are made. The more detail, the better!

2- Present your workspace

One of the key strategies for any business is to be able to stand out from competitors.

Through stories, you can show off your workspace (and yourself!) and share a little more about your life and business with your followers. This is branding and generates a special bond.

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3- Tell something funny or useful related to your business

It is very important not to be selling continuously: you have to nurture the bond with your potential clients through non-promotional content.

For example, Carolina shares food recipes adding value to her followers and, incidentally, making her dishes known!

4- Promote a sale action

On special sales occasions like , Black Friday or , it is advisable to do a complete coverage of the action.

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Share all the benefits you are offering at these events using Instagram stories: free shipping over a certain amount, discounts for transfer payments, interest-free installments, etc.

Start generating expectation a few days before, do the development of the action and close it by notifying that the promotion is ending.

5- I directed people to your store using the link in the stories

If you have more than 10,000 followers in your account, take the opportunity to insert links on instagram stories to your online store. You can not only direct to specific products but also to the pages with your history, means of delivery, press, etc.

If you don’t have the link, don’t despair! You have two alternatives until you reach the blessed number:

  1. You can tag your account and tell them to click on the link in the bio (you can put a screenshot!).
  2. If you have configured , you can tag your products. It is done from the section of stickers! If you still do not promote your products online, here we tell you.

6- Ask questions and surveys

These two stickers they are great! They allow you to better understand the interests of your potential customers and thus be able to improve your advertising message, plan commercial actions or even get ideas for new product developments.

In the case of surveys, you can use them to make people choose between two products. or that you choose what type of delivery you prefer (home address or post office). With this tool you can get to know your customers and followers a lot!

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As for the questions, you can make some more open or more focused on specific issues. Then you can go sharing funny answers and, finally, close by answering yourself if the question so required.

For example, we conducted a survey on online stores that allowed us to understand the doubts and the level of knowledge that entrepreneurs had on the subject. The responses and feedback were shared on a live stream.

7- Use the stories to make a promo type flash comes out

One of the strongest triggers to get people to buy is to use the sense of urgency or scarcity.

Urgency is that people know what remains little time to take advantage of an offer or commercial action. Scarcity is that I can perceive that there is little stock available (IThe prospect of someone else taking the last unit out of your hand can be very powerful!).

Stories are the perfect place to get both messages across by running limited-time promotions that showcase available products.

Marianela de has an Instagram account sooooo fun and makes perfect use of this resource.


The creative possibilities offered by stories are almost endless! Take advantage of them as much as possible to publicize your product, your business and generate interaction with your followers and customers.

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