Discord Course #9. Webhooks and integrations – .com

In the ninth class of the Discord Course we are going to go to another level in terms of extending the features of with webhooks, to integrate with other applications.

It’s a very extensive topic, but in this class we will learn about webhooks and learn how to use them to integrate other applications that we use.

We will also learn about other applications that will help us facilitate this task, such as IFTTT or Zapier. That will not only help us integrate applications with Discord, but they have many possibilities. Go for it!

In this class we have learned about the potential of webhooks, how we can even connect our blog or website so that it automatically publishes all the news on our Discord.

They are all small steps to make Discord the epicenter of our community, or the virtual office of our business, where everything is centralized.

The possibilities are endless! For example, if our team uses Asana for project management, or Trello, for task management. It is possible, through webhooks, to integrate it with Discord. So that we can receive notifications and changes made in external applications on our own server.

As homework I encourage you to experiment with webhooks. If you already have a blog, I am going to leave you here the link to the WordPress plugin that we have talked about. We can also play with IFTTT or with the trial version of Zapier. Which of the two is more comfortable and effective for our needs?

Remember that, through the support tab on this platform, you can send your questions. I will be happy to help you.

See also  Facebook Ads Course #2. The Facebook pixel - .com

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