Course to publish a book on Amazon – .com

In this course on publishing a book on Amazon we will learn how to self-publish our books, the different motivations for self-publishing, the main advantages and the best practices.

How does Amazon KDP work? In what formats can we publish? What kind of books can we publish? How many pages does our book have to have? How does it benefit us to publish a book?

As we have seen, the publication of a book can go from the romantic vision of being one of the milestones that we want to reach in life, to becoming a fundamental element on which to build or reinforce our personal brand. With this second idea, it is with which in this course we will learn to align our entrepreneurship with our book.

It is important that we understand that publishing our book is an extension of our business. It is advisable to focus on creating books that solve our customers’ problems or answer their questions. Putting ourselves in their place and creating a profile of our future reader as if they were a client, will be the keys to the success of our book as one more part of our sales funnel or inbound marketing.

I suggest you think about the different motivations for publishing our book. Once we have the objective for which to publish it and have resolved the first doubts, we will go into details of how to get the book that we want to write and that our client-readers will want to read.

Remember that if you have any questions about the content of this class, we will be happy to answer you through the intranet support. Until the next class, in which we will begin to investigate our future book.

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