Streamtools Course #9. Timers and countdown – .com

In the ninth class of the Streamtools course we are going to see how to incorporate stopwatches and countdowns in our live stream.

And it is that sometimes we may be interested in timing our streaming, either because we want to overcome a challenge, because we do a speedrun, or simply to see how long we have been broadcasting.

So let’s see how we can place both these stopwatches and a countdown, in which we see how much time we have left on the broadcast. To the mess!

We already have it! We can now place that counter (both forward and backward) in our live, to limit the time, overcome challenges, or simply time ourselves.

In this case I propose the following exercises:

  • Set a stopwatch from scratch
  • Set a 60 second countdown
  • Set a 60 minute countdown
  • Set a two hour countdown
  • Change the font to “Comfortaa”
  • Change the size to 35px and the color to blue.

There are many ideas that can be carried out incorporating timers in the live, either to limit it or to keep track of the time that we have been. In addition, we can have them ready before the live, and activate them with the “start” button at the moment we need it.

And if at any time we have a technical problem (the typical live things) nothing happens, because we can restore our clock to the moment we were.

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

See also  Advanced WordPress plugin development course #9. Create a plugin with another plugin - .com

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