1961. Questions and Instagram Shopping – .com

Today we launch Instagram Shopping course and answer questions about multilingual websites, creating a membership site, acquisitions, organizing and much more.

But first, announce that today we are launching , in which we see how to sell through this peculiar social network. This morning we will see the introduction and basic data of Instagram, and this afternoon the fundamentals.

Also remember that next Thursday, November 25 at 11:11 AM we have a meeting to talk about challenges. How to organize one for our community, how to focus it, how to turn it into a paid service, how to capture attention, and much more.

And now yes, let’s go for the questions, the protagonists of the day, here they go:

1. Let’s see if this week I ask you a question for the podcast… to see if it is possible to position the same website in two languages, position it in English and position it in Spanish. A hug. (Eric)

2. Hello John. First of all, thank you for everything you contribute. We have been in the “Create” and “Grow” phase (with content on the blog) and “Monetize” (with affiliation) for 5 years. We want to set up an MSS, not from scratch, but starting from a very niche community, road travelers or roadtrippers We do not want to lose the operation of the current website and the user experience since we also work with destinations, companies, etc. We considered two possible options to create the MSS: Option 1: An MSS under the same brand, including a section new on the current “Private Club” website within a domain or subdomain folder Option 2: An MSS with a new brand, with a domain related to the current but new blog and thus be able to create a complete website optimized to be an MSS from the home where it is accessed. Which one would fit you better by strategy? The second question is how to balance free-freemium content. Our idea is to offer less intensive and extensive content for free, and to be able to offer those guides for which now we are known ce as a payment option in the MSS, adding the advice service on that route or route customization. What do you think? Can you think of any idea to be able to prevent all those people accustomed to free and quality content from running away (in addition to communicating it with absolute transparency and explaining the reasons in the newsletter)? Any idea that occurs to you that we do not see? Thanks a million because without you, you know, this just wouldn’t be. A hug, (Rober)

3. Hello Joan! This is a bit of an urgent question that we need to resolve before January. I thank you in advance for your help. As usual. A fabric brand that has made a small name for itself in Spain has contacted me but the accounts are not coming out and it has decided to close if it cannot transfer the business. She says that we are her priority target to transfer the business to us. I do not rule out buying the brand because that way we could have another line of business and we could start manufacturing our own fabrics and even later offer new brands even if they are owned by the same owner. Create “new leads”, in short. It’s an idea that I’ve always had since we started, but I had never imagined that it could come to us, let alone so soon. Right now we do not have financing to undertake a large purchase. That is why I even wondered if some type of collaboration was possible so that the company does not close and would allow us to make some type of progressive acquisition. I honestly have no idea where to start. What steps should we follow? Thank you very much (Jesus)

4. Hello Joan! Somewhere I once read a description about you, which amused me and with which many of us will agree. He said you’re “the ultimate one man band.” As much as you say “time blocking”, for many of us it remains a mystery how you do it. And there goes my question. Well, there are several but basically it is the same. You’ll notice that I’m just trying to explain myself. I’ve seen your productivity courses, and your podcast episodes too. Repeatedly. But there is something that I miss, and that I can’t find on the internet either, although I don’t know how to look for it. How do you go about keeping an overview of all your open fronts? In what state is everything? Does one thing overlap with another? I know you have at least a couple of chapters where you talk about long-term goals, and how you organize them into tasks on the calendar. But I don’t talk about that. I’m talking about a kind of vital map. Like a control panel of everything. Not only at the company level, but of everything. How do you organize it in your Drive to know where you are in all facets in general? And for someone who does so many things like you, how do you make the maintenance of that kind of control panel not be tedious and exhausting? I hope I have been understood. Would I give for you to take a course? There I throw it! Thanks and regards. (Josan)

And here are the questions of the day! I hope the responses have been of interest and helpful to both those who have asked and those who have listened. I recommend you expand what was commented with the episode, as well as the , both related to Josán’s question, as well as the .

See also  Recurring payments with PayPal in Gravity Forms - .com

As always, thank you all so much for your five-star ratings on , on , and , subscribing to and for being there, on the other side. Without you this would not be what it is, without you this simply… It would not be!

We’ll hear each other tomorrow Tuesday with a business idea, which perhaps, perhaps, will be… Your business idea! As always, at 07:07. Until then… Very good Monday, and a better week.

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